Letters to the Editor: Getz or DeBoer for 86th District

Vote for Seth Getz for state representative

I am proud to cast my vote for Seth Getz for state representative. Seth is, first and foremost, a man of integrity.

In the years I’ve known and worked with Seth, I’ve always seen him live out the values he espouses. Additionally, Seth is a thoughtful listener … he asks questions and really works to understand others’ perspectives, whether or not they match his own. This is important to me in a representative. I want to know that I will be heard when I have concerns or ideas.

Seth is also an innovator. He will work hard to find new solutions to problems facing our state and our region. Seth’s commitment to strong families, love of neighbor, and opportunity for all will guide the way he approaches his work as our state representative.

If you want to be represented by a person of integrity who will listen and innovate, I encourage you to vote for Seth Getz.

Brenda Vander Meulen


Vote 'yes' on fiber initiative in Holland

On Aug. 2, Holland residents can positively impact our community by voting "yes" for the Holland Fiber initiative.

This expansion of the existing fiber infrastructure will allow every home and business in the City of Holland to have fast, reliable and cost-effective internet service. As a technologist and current Holland Board of Public Works broadband customer, this is the best option.

Holland is one of hundreds of municipalities around the country providing broadband access. HBPW has been supporting fiber services for 30 years, including business and residential internet connectivity in the downtown corridor. They know what they are doing and they have a proven business model for the service. This network is being built with the future in mind, with the ability to expand to support a growing customer base and ever-increasing bandwidth demand.

It is also good that this is an open network, meaning that any internet service provider can connect and use it to reach new customers. Competition is a good thing - if you don’t want to use the BPW internet service, you have choices.

This is a collective investment in our community, so using a property-tax and fee-for-service model is appropriate. This ensures that internet connectivity is available to all people and business in Holland, like our roads and other public services, but allows individual homes and businesses the choice to connect and select their provider.

It is exactly these kinds of forward-thinking community initiatives that makes Holland a great place to live and attracts new business and jobs to our area. We have a proud history of entrepreneurism in Holland, and voting "yes" on Holland Fiber on Aug. 2 furthers that legacy.

Andy Bass


Vote for Nancy DeBoer for state representative

Nancy DeBoer is clearly the superior Republican candidate to represent the greater Holland area in Lansing. From city council member to mayor, Nancy has worked to make Holland a better place to live and work for all its residents.

This fact is recognized by the many endorsements she has received from organizations and individuals both locally and across the state. The following list is a sample of those endorsements.

Because of her strong commitment to public safety: Police Officers Association of Michigan; Holland Police Officers Association; Ottawa County Sheriff; Allegan County Sheriff.

Because of her strong commitment to agriculture: Michigan Farm Bureau; Friends of Corn.

Because of her strong commitment to stability and growth of business: Michigan Chamber of Commerce; Michigan Manufacturers Association; Association of Builders & Contractors; Michigan Health Choice Alliance; Jay Wortley, recent chief economist for Michigan Treasury Department.

Because of her strong commitment to traditional values: Right to Life of Michigan; Citizens for Traditional Values; Bernadette Ellis Smith, MIGOP Ethnic Vice Chair.

Because of her proven track record of accomplishment in Holland: Current and former legislators: U.S. Congressman Bill Huizenga; State Sens. Aric Nesbitt and Roger Victory; State Rep. Brad Slagh and Mary Whiteford; Ottawa County Treasurer and former Park Township supervisor and State Rep. Amanda Price; former Holland Mayors Kurt Dykstra and Al McGeehan; Holland Mayor Pro-temp Scott Corbin; Holland City Council Member Quincy Byrd; former ambassador and U.S. Congressman Pete Hoekstra; former State Rep. Jessie Dalman.

Conclusion: This impressive group of endorsers clearly recognize that, as a representative of the new District 86, Nancy DeBoer would be able to utilize her knowledge, political experience and skills at the state level to promote legislation for the good for all residents in the greater Holland area.

Fred Floberg


The fight over Roe isn't over

Regarding the overturning of Roe, the idea that our daughters/granddaughters will have fewer rights than I once had is terrifying.

This rollback will jeopardize women’s health, as well as the ability to shape their futures. Women don’t need the government "taking a seat" in our doctor’s offices. It’s an outrageous intrusion into our private health matters and life decisions. Choosing to have a child is the biggest economic decision a woman can make. And pregnancy/childbirth can cause a host of medical problems, or do irreversible harm. This is crucial to discuss when talking about abortion rights, since forcing a woman to give birth might cause life-altering bodily damage. Add to that no universal healthcare, and dismal maternal/childcare policies …

This fight isn’t over, and will be fought at the polls. We desperately need elected officials who will fight tirelessly for women. Gov. Gretchen Whitmer is one of those leaders!

Although many conservatives believe that banning abortions will make them disappear, it doesn’t, hasn’t, and won’t. Women will simply seek out unsafe alternatives. And it is maddening to hear "just choose adoption" — because pregnancy/delivery is not "easy"! The health consequences can be dire. Extreme stretching of the pelvic floor can cause Pelvic Organ Prolapse, a condition where muscles/ligaments supporting the pelvic floor weaken, resulting in a bulging down of the bladder, bowel, uterus, intestines — either immediately or later on. These organs can also literally exit the body. Up to 50 percent of women will develop some degree of POP, 10 percent undergoing surgery (childbirth being the No. 1 cause)! These are staggering statistics. Women deserve a say in whether or not to risk being pregnant.

Forcing women into pregnancy/birth is an assault on their human rights, compromising both health and finances (hospital bills, lost wages). And most women (like me) don’t know that lingering birth injuries can cause problems down the road. My prolapse occurred 10 years after childbirth, causing chronic discomfort/pain, affecting my mobility and employment. I was fortunate to have a working spouse, but many women who are sole-providers aren’t so lucky. I’ve already had one surgery, likely needing another. Prolapse can cause other lifelong complications — urinary/fecal incontinence, nerve damage, sexual dysfunction, severe pressure/pain and overall diminished well-being. Men would never tolerate being legislated into a situation that could cause bodily harm, affecting their quality-of-life or livelihoods.

Women are not second-class citizens, and we deserve better. Vote blue!

Amy Fodrocy-Crago


This article originally appeared on The Holland Sentinel: Letters to the Editor: Getz or DeBoer for 86th District