Letters to the Editor: GOP reaction to Issues 1 and 2, and 2 messages of thanks

GOP trying to change the will of the voters

Here we go again. The dust at the polls hasn't even had a chance to settle and we have Republicans trying to steal the vote.

Issues 1 and 2 passed resoundingly, yet we have two major Republicans trying to figure out how they can take away the will of the majority of Ohio voters. House Speaker Jason Stephens and Senate President Matt Huffman have already announced that they are going to undermine both new laws to the best of their ability.

Things like this are the first signs of Communism trying to take over. They take away the will of the people.

I say let's get rid of them. Vote them out of their offices before we're ruled by Nazis. It's time to clean house.

Sheryl Nelson, Mansfield

Catholic Charities and a message of thanks

Thank you to businesses and residents of Richland County for blessing Catholic Charities HOPE Pantry Food Pantry through the 20th Annual Make a Difference Food Drive.

Close to 2,000 items and many generous checks were given to HOPE Food Pantry on Oct. 22. We are very grateful for the contributions and all of the volunteers who gave of their time.

A special thank you to Doc Stumbo who made this drive successful again for the 20th year!

Susan Dyson, Catholic Charities, Mansfield

Appreciation for Shelby Middle School's Veterans Day program

Friday, Nov. 10, was special as the Shelby Middle School’s staff and students poured their hearts out to honor the local veterans for Veterans Day. There is such a heartwarming feeling in the air when you walk into the school to see that the patriotism is very much alive.

The veterans from all the branches of the services were invited to this special occasion as they have been for several years to hear the choir sing and the band playing the different patriotic songs. This year the younger elementary students were brought in a grade level at a time to sing to those veterans in attendance as well as having a couple of veterans doing a speech.

I was disappointed to read about the Benjamin Rush Elementary School in the Lake Washington School District in Redmond, Washington, which decided not to celebrate Veterans Day but chose to recognize the United Nations-sponsored International Day of Tolerance instead. We should be thankful that we live in a community that understands what our veterans did for our country in the past and present including the many who gave their lives and were never able to return home. It is due to the enthusiasm of the Shelby Middle School staff and students to show their dedication to the veterans and for that I am grateful.

In closing, I say thank you staff and students as I truly appreciate you and what you have done. I’m looking forward to your program next year and as Lee Greewood’s song says "God Bless the USA."

John Q. Kinton, Ontario

This article originally appeared on Mansfield News Journal: GOP trying to take away will of the people and a message of thanks