Letters to the Editor: Homelessness, suicide prevention, and local elections

Missing the mark on homelessness

I appreciate all the effort being put forward to get our homeless off the streets.

I do wonder though if we are missing the mark on this challenge. Perhaps we should be making more of an effort to get all of the American infrastructure rebuilding legislation passed in Congress? Putting millions of people back to work would most certainly pull a lot of people out from under bridges.

Of course, we'll have to override those who don't give a whit about America's citizens and its best interests.

Fred Brown, Dallas


May is Mental Health Awareness Month. As a volunteer and advocate with the American Foundation for Suicide Prevention, this month I am asking everyone to join us and demand #MoreForMentalHealth.I lost my son to suicide in 2014. I am calling on my legislators at the federal and state levels to support legislation that will fund suicide and mental health crisis systems across our nation, particularly for those in underserved communities.Currently, the National Suicide Prevention Lifeline is available at 1-800-273-8255 and de-escalates the crises of tens of thousands of callers each day. On July 16, those in distress and those that support them will be able to reach the Lifeline through a simple 3-digit number: 988. By making the Lifeline more accessible through this shorter number, calls, texts, and chats to the Lifeline's network of crisis call centers are expected to increase.

It is vital that the federal government work with states to ensure callers in distress will have: 1) someone to call, 2) someone to come help, and 3) somewhere safe to go. We must act now to secure funding to equip call centers and community crisis response services throughout the country with the staff and resources to respond to everyone in crisis.Join me in urging our federal and state public officials to do #MoreForMentalHealth. Together, we can help #StopSuicide.Christie McKee, McMinnville

A hometown hero

I’ve known Chane Griggs for many years. She and I worked for the continued success of the Children’s Educational Theater and she was an important leader. When I served as the Legislative Fiscal Officer and State Auditor, I know how properly funding and setting priorities for important budgets can be for implementing public programs.

As chair of Salem’s Budget Committee, Chane has shown an intelligent use of Salem’s tax dollars. Salem is the home of Oregon’s state government and Chane clearly knows how important the state agencies' employees and programs are to the city’s success.

She will be a strong leader for everyone in our hometown.

John Lattimer, Salem

Hoy 'lives and looks like us'

Salem has a stark choice: Keep moving forward or return to the dark days of developer handouts and good ol' boy networking.

When Chris Hoy was first elected to city council in 2017 the city had just handed out $675,000 of redevelopment funds for a third floor to one building. No jobs came with this handout. Chris and other new council members put an end to this. Downtown is more vibrant under his leadership. Now’s not the time to turn back.

As council president since 2019, Chris forged relationships with local, county, and state leaders. Chris leads “housing first” efforts, from micro-shelters for our homeless to affordable housing for all. His opponent recently stated, “We can’t build our way out of this.” Actually, we must! There is not enough housing. Every year more people lose their homes while developers cater to high-income earners. We are a community of state workers, small businesses and retail workers with medium incomes; not a wealthy enclave.

Chris’s agenda: Climate action, smart development, housing first, vibrant community.

Support Chris Hoy for mayor. He lives and looks like us; he’s not the wealthy developer-friendly candidate seeking a return to the dark days of developer handouts.

Mary Nikas, Salem

Griggs more than qualified

When I first heard that Chane Griggs was running for mayor, I asked friends who had worked for the city, why do people who have not served on city council think they are ready to be mayor?

I quickly learned that the city’s strong committee and board structure relays on community members to volunteer their time to do the nuts and bolts work on issues, sending recommendations to the council.

Because Chane Griggs has served for years on many of the city’s committees (parks, arts, climate action, planning commission, budget, historic landmarks, and Our Salem), she is more than qualified to step into the role of mayor.

She is smart and does her homework. She will be a leader who can bring a divided community together to move forward. Cast your ballot for Chane Griggs for Salem’s next mayor.

Nancy MacMorris-Adix, Salem

Hoy is the 'everyman' we need

The two candidates for Salem’s mayor provide a very clear choice.

Accomplished, experienced and modest, Chris Hoy, president of the city council, would be a fine mayor for all in Salem. Elected to council, he has a record of accountability to voters. His opponent, Chane Griggs has never served in elected office, never been accountable to the voters. The contrast is very real.

Chris Hoy is an "everyman."

Chane's campaign is loaded with donations of $1,000 or above, from the Big Wigs. Chris's campaign is funded primarily by small donations from everyday people.

Chris has been helping the homeless in partnership with state, local, and federal agencies, non-profits and churches; and low-income seniors as chair of the Salem Housing Authority.

In the 2022 Legislature, Chris Hoy co-sponsored 21 bi-partisan bills, Republicans and Democrats working together. He builds coalitions and brings people together. He works on real problems of the overlooked. He is inclusive.

Being mayor is more than cutting ribbons and more than rubbing shoulders with the well-to-do. Chris Hoy is a much-needed new generation of leadership. I recommend Mr. Hoy for Mayor.

Ellen Stevens, Salem

Candidates can't change anything

I am amazed by the rhetoric of the candidates. We have to suffer every 20 minutes or so, every day and night through their ads. If they told the truth, it would be different, but everything they spout is a bend of the truth or fabrication of imagination.

Not one person is going to change one iota of the mess that reality has become. The monster of government and free enterprise is beyond help ... unless every human looks in the mirror and speaks out loud saying, "I am the problem, what am I going to do about this?"

Human ego is the problem; I can never have enough money, I can never get enough power, I never get enough "handout" (welfare) yada, yada, yada. Rationalize and justify is the human direction. Every problem on Planet Earth is human-caused and it will take a unified human process to fix this monster.

Unless humans can start to imagine the solution (first humans have to wake from our collective unconsciousness), there will be no solution and as such it will be a finite amount of generations left for humanity on Planet Earth.

.Joe David Hendricks, Salem

Varn deserves your vote

The residents of Ward 8 have an outstanding councilor in Micki Varn.

A biologist with over 30 years of public service, Varney’s work for Oregon’s Department of Fish and Wildlife and experience as an elected official, a leader of her union and leader of the West Salem Neighborhood Association equip her well to help Salem effectively manage its most pressing challenges such as homelessness, climate change, public safety and traffic congestion.

While her opponent has little constructive to say on the issues, Varney’s support for Salem’s efforts to provide shelter for the homeless, to create and implement the new climate action plan, and her opposition to efforts to build a third bridge that would destroy hundreds of Salem homes makes clear where she stands. Varney will work to ensure that Salem remains a vibrant, flourishing community. She deserves your vote.

William Smaldone, Salem

Qualifying for free money

For many people, the bottom line on the Dallas School District bond comes down to how much money it costs them. Passing this school bond will result in no tax increase for anyone. Your tax rate stays the same as it is now.

In addition, passing the bond now allows the school district to qualify for a $4 million grant to go toward the same improvement projects. Grants aren’t always available, but right now we can take advantage of this “free” money to complete necessary repairs and upgrades.

For more info, please visit www.dallas.k12.or.us/bondmeasure2022.

Chris Ellingson, Dallas

Billionaires need to pay up

Billionaires should pay their taxes but they have accountants find loopholes to skip paying taxes on their own business and personal assets.

I pay taxes with every one of my paychecks; my taxes' go to the essentials for the services. But these billionaires don't pay their own taxes and get wealthier and richer while hard-working people work and pay taxes

Tax the wealthy and their Fortune 500 companies. It's time for them to give back to the community that has given them the opportunity to be successful and prosperous. It.t's time for them to pay it forward and pay taxes.

Instead of going into space, they need to put their wealth to good purpose for everyone in America and make a difference in American society.

George Fitz, Keizer

This article originally appeared on Salem Statesman Journal: Letters to the Editor: Homelessness, suicide prevention, and local elections