Letters to the editor: Kim Reynolds seems to support un-Christian border policy

No justice for Jack Trice

I see that the ISU exhibit at the State Fair will feature a Jack Trice memorial. This is probably the right thing to do. But it does feel a bit like building a monument to the prophet that our ancestors killed. A better honoring of Jack Trice would have been to indict the folks who beat him to his death. But it is easier to wait until they are past the possibility of being held accountable, and then heap praise on him.

The same thing could be said about the Emmett Till memorials popping up. Easier to wait 100 years and then honor the martyr than to do the hard work of bringing his murderers to account in a timely manner. Real progress would be to be honest about these young men, and be honest about the folks who murdered them, and the system that allowed the murderers to walk free. Sorry to be so blunt, but the truth must be faced, later if not sooner.

Thomas Niehof, Ames

Reynolds seems to support un-Christian border policy

I get confused trying to follow the machinations of politicians at times. I think this is what I heard recently on the news: Governor all-life-is-sacred Kim Reynolds, is sending National Guard soldiers to help another all-life-is-sacred governor whose policy is to put razor wire in rivers that has maimed innocent people in brutal and defenseless situations. They are ordered not to provide water in extreme temperatures to people in need and even take it away.

I've read the Bible. Deuteronomy 27:19 reads, “'Cursed be anyone who deprives an alien, an orphan, or a widow of justice. ' All the people shall say, 'Amen!'” It also says you cannot serve two masters. They are not following the Bible, so what are they using to make up policy? Love, empathy? "Do unto others…" Not karma I would want.

Mark Clipsham, Ames

This article originally appeared on Des Moines Register: Letters: Kim Reynolds seems to support un-Christian border policy