Letters to the editor: On legislative priorities

A man walks on the second floor of the New Mexico State Capitol building while emergency medical technicians wait to administer COVID-19 tests on Monday, Feb. 8, 2021, in Santa Fe, New Mexico.

These letters published in the Dec. 25, 2022 print edition of the Las Cruces Sun-News.

Pay rural library directors a fair salary

Magdalena library director Ivy Stover teaches a computer coding class for ages 5-14, sponsors an adult book club and does story time and arts and crafts for school children. She develops their book collection, manages their history museum, writes grants, does facility management and more.

Ivy has a Masters of Library Science (MLS) degree. She is paid $12 per hour. Half her monthly salary doesn't cover her student loan payment. She lives with her parents. She loves her job and community, but her situation is not sustainable. The average salary for an MLS library director nationwide is about $70,000 per year. It is not the village's fault they can't pay her more. Their commercial sector is too small to provide a sufficient tax base.

Many rural library directors make between $12 to $15 per hour. From Clayton to Lordsburg, Fort Sumner to Tularosa, and Questa to Gila, directors educate and help solve problems for their communities.Rural libraries usually provide their villages' only free internet and community gathering space. They help with disaster relief, economic development, all ages education, child well-being, and cultural preservation. We should support organizations that work.

The goal is a $1 million endowment for each of 50 libraries. With a fully funded endowment, each library would receive about $45,000 per year. It currently holds $13 million.

Governor Michelle Lujan-Grisham requested $15 million but $37 million is needed. This small investment in communities throughout the state would have a huge impact.

Please contact the governor's office and your legislative representatives to request full funding for the endowment.

Shel Neymark, Embudo

Redemption for children behind bars

In January, New Mexico will have the opportunity to join 26 other states and jurisdictions in affirming that no child should ever be told that they have no hope but to die in prison. As we enter the Christmas season, Lutheran Advocacy Ministry New Mexico and the New Mexico Conference of Churches are asking our state lawmakers to support legislation that will end the practice of sentencing children to die in prison and provide meaningful opportunities for redemption.

As leaders of faith in New Mexico, Lutheran Advocacy Ministry and the Conference of Churches respect the dignity of every human being and strive for justice for all people as image-bearers of God. During this sacred Christmas season, we remember that God chose to come into this world as a child. Children are especially deserving of our compassion and concern, as they simultaneously represent the most vulnerable members of our community and our most valuable resource as we work for a more just future. When children cause harm, it is important to hold them accountable in age-appropriate ways that leave room for the profound potential that they have to experience dramatic positive transformation. A belief in redemption and second chances lies at the heart of our faith traditions, and we must put in place youth sentencing policies that are in harmony with the fundamental truth that people change, that God changes people.

Our scriptures and even our songs affirm that every child is loved by God. They are precious in God’s sight. Therefore, every child matters. Every child is worthy of our love. As faith leaders, we encourage our leaders in Santa Fe to support legislation that reflects this sacred truth.

Lutheran Advocacy Ministry – NM and New Mexico Conference of Churches

Create paid leave insurance program for small businesses

A recent article “Paid family and medical leave proposal returning to NM Legislature” highlighted the importance of passing a robust state paid leave policy, a critical proposal for New Mexican small businesses and their employees that will be considered once again by the New Mexico Legislature.

Small businesses often want to offer benefits such as paid leave, but they struggle to afford paid leave on their own as they operate on thin margins and are still recovering from the economic downturn. However, small business owners are still looking for ways to care for their workforce and improve employee retention, and having access to a paid leave insurance program backed by our state can address these two concerns. A recent Small Business Majority survey found that small business owners are supportive of policies that provide access to medical leave (73% support) and parental leave (67% support), which would help employees stay healthier and take care of their families while incentivizing them to stay longer at any given business.

This is why it’s imperative that New Mexico legislators pass legislation to create a paid leave insurance program for small businesses. This would remove the burden on small employers, provide a real paid leave program in the state and an opportunity for small businesses to offer additional benefits to their workforce.

Awesta Sarkash, Rio Rancho

End youth homelessness

Feb. 28, 2019 was a huge day for teens seeking emergency shelter. It was the reopening of “My Friend’s Place” for homeless and runaway youth to be housed here in our own city limits of Las Cruces. Brian Cavanaugh is the CEO of Families and Youth Incorporated (FYI) and stated that it is the goal to get teens off the street, housed and fed. Although, there is no certain way for teen homelessness to be accurately tracked due to some unwilling to report.

The shame and guilt that comes from having no one to turn to and no place to rest can lead to unwanted outcomes. Within 48 hours of running away, one-third of these children are kidnapped and exploited sexually.

Although what Las Cruces is doing for homeless teens is amazing I believe it is not enough. “My Friends Place” houses a limited amount of youth. It houses 16 youths in total. 8 boys and 8 girls. With the statistics of one-third of our children and being taken and exploited, our future does not look bright. Housing through these programs houses a youth up to 90 days then the teen must find a safe alternative place to live if not back with family.

What resources are needed to ramp up the funding and allow our voices to be heard? Is it possible to build a second facility to house another 16 youth members? Marci Dickerson, Wanda Bowman and James Evans have contributed financially and as a community we are grateful and beyond thankful! We need more business owners to step in, more volunteers to stand up and more educational gatherings to begin so that we can end homelessness in youth. We should come together as a community and assist in this matter as it does affect our future.

Brittany Huerta, Las Cruces

Two decades for passenger air service?

I remember when Mesa Airlines provided service for LCIA (Las Cruces International Airport) and if I remember correctly so did Frontier Air Lines at one time.

Was airline service discontinued for 20 years because of costs associated with a service provider?

It is hard for me to understand with all the money spent by the state on tourism development, at least for the last two decades, it has taken this long to secure air transportation service.

Ivan White, Las Cruces

More letters to the editor:

This article originally appeared on Las Cruces Sun-News: Letters to the editor: On legislative priorities