Letters to the editor: Question about the Linc and more endorsements

Can we look at Linc financials first?

I have a suggestion for city manager Steve Schainker on the Linc, that $150 million high­rise development proposed for downtown Ames between Kellogg and Clark avenues along Lincoln Way. The development would include a hotel, a conference center, restaurants, apartment buildings, considerable retail space, an office building, a plaza and a parking ramp crammed into the area south of the railroad tracks. And another parking ramp north of the tracks. Steve, just say the developers want to pay no property tax for 20 years on any improvements except that for debt service as required by law. That’s more understandable than saying a $42 million tax subsidy is being sought through tax increment financing.

As such, it appears the agreement proposed at the Oct. 11 council meeting would cost the Ames school district roughly $24 million, the city $17 million, and Story County $11 million in property tax revenue. And this at a time when legislation passed in 2022 by the Iowa Legislature surely means less money coming back from the state.

The council is expected to decide whether to OK the agreement for final drafting Oct. 25. (Up to $10 million in state sales taxes from the Linc can be rebated to Ames under Iowa’s reinvestment district program. Emphasis on “up to.”) The council has been willing to accept the rosy financial projections presented by Chuck Winkleblack of Hunziker and Cos. at face value over the past two years. Ames has until 2025 to submit a final plan. So why the hurry before the public has a decent chance to “absorb the details,” as Schainker said at the meeting?

If Schainker and the council really want the public to understand this complicated project, the council should have a workshop in November. Decide thereafter whether to proceed. That way we might also know if the Iowa Board of Regents gives a preliminary thumbs-up to CYTown. After all, the two developments are at least somewhat similar.

Merlin Pfannkuch, Ames

Many reasons to support Warme

We are choosing to vote for Kara Warme because she has a contagious energy and a unique ability to capitalize resources, time, and talents toward the service of others and enrichment of our community. She has done this through being a mentor at local elementary schools, collecting prairie seeds for Story County Conservation, taking kids to local nursing homes, and inspiring young girls (including our daughters) in our community through American Heritage Girls.

Our oldest daughter has had the opportunity to have Kara as one of her leaders in American Heritage for seven years. Kara has encouraged her to step out of her comfort zone by camping out, teaching younger girls at AHG, speaking in front of groups, serving, and having character even when it is hard. Kara has personally invited our family over the years to join her to serve at Food at First, Raising Readers, Stash the Trash, writing letters to active-duty military, and so many other ways!

All of these are great reasons to vote for Kara, but one reason that stands out most is Kara's desire to always listen and hear from all points of view. Over the past few years when there were so many difficult topics in the news, Kara would talk about conversations she was having and books she was reading to help her understand more. She encouraged me to read and watch documentaries I would never have watched, but I am so thankful I did. I gained empathy and compassion, and that is what separates Kara from others. She truly wants to serve, help, listen, and create a community that is diverse yet strong.

Scott & Laura Kincaid, Ames

Warme is driven in all she takes on

Kara Warme and I met years ago at a kid’s play group and we instantly became good friends. The amount of hours we have walked, talked, and prayed together over the years has done nothing but made me admire her all the more.

Kara is running for the Story County Board of Supervisors and would be absolutely amazing in this position. Kara is the most driven person I have ever met. Kara has already done so much for the Story County community, and her desire is to improve it even more. Kara is so loving, smart, and well-educated. She gets things done, she is a problem solver, and is a great listener.

Julia Brosamle, Gilbert

Warme is a can-do problem solver

I am writing in support of Kara Warme who I have known since she moved to Story County 10 years ago. Kara is running for the Story County Board of Supervisors because she genuinely wants to improve our community. She is one of those talented people who could do most anything she set her mind to, and we’re just fortunate that she has set her mind to serving on our board which controls a $50 million-plus budget of community services.

While working in the telecom industry over the past 20 years and raising two daughters with her husband Bryan, Kara has also made time to be a tireless volunteer and mentor. Service is just in her DNA! I’ve had the privilege of tutoring with Kara at Fellows Elementary where she also started a food backpack program.

To me, her most impressive volunteer commitment has been starting an American Heritage Girls troop for Story County six years ago, reaching dozens of girls a year. AHG’s mission is to build women of integrity through service, and her troop completed over 900 community service hours last year. When I fostered a girl in AHG, I saw firsthand how the girls learn valuable skills and strong values and celebrate diversity, with scholarships for at-risk girls. AHG carries forward Kara’s service mentality.

Kara is smart and well-educated. She is a good listener, a problem solver, and “can-do” by nature. Far from a city-girl, she and Bryan own farmland and live on a rural gravel road. She will represent Story County’s different constituencies well because no one will outwork or outthink her! I strongly encourage you to vote for Kara Warme on Nov. 8!

Allison Greenwald, Ames

Wright would be fresh eyes for Story County

In 2020 I ran for Story County supervisor with the hope to help all communities in our county. I visited every town, multiple times, with the hope to engage people and I did. So many people stopped and talked, even with the fear of COVID. These people were looking for real answers to their problems that were not and are not being addressed by our supervisors. Story County needs to be progressive by helping all our communities. The number one complaint voiced during my campaign was “the smaller towns outside of Ames and the rural communities are not receiving equal representation.”

James Wright, candidate for Story County supervisor, was recently invited to participate at a forum of the League of Women Voters. He presented the concept of redistricting Story County to create a five-person supervisor board to guarantee equal representation for all of Story County. James has been a strong public servant working as a member, president, and/or trustee on multiple boards in Story County. He has financial experience of working with large budgets and meeting them. As a farmer, James understands the needs of rural Story County. His fresh eyes will bring forward issues that have been overlooked.

It is important to acknowledge in the 2020 election that as a candidate for supervisor I won 22 of 23 precincts outside of Ames and 2 of 20 precincts in Ames. How do you win 24 of 43 precincts and still lose? These results are exactly what James is talking about.

I live in Ames, and I love Ames, but it is time to look beyond Ames and give equal representation to all the communities in Story County.

Vote for James Wright for Story County supervisor.

Steve O'Rourke, Ames

Ryan Melton best choice for 4th District

I can understand why Randy Feenstra is the only congressional candidate who refused to debate on “Iowa Press,” because Ryan Melton would have blown him out of the water! Feenstra does photo ops in controlled spaces and posts those pictures on his social media afterward so he does not have to defend his record. Meanwhile, Melton advertises where he is going to be and when before the events so that people from all political affiliations can come and join in the conversation.

The top three concerns that voters in District 4 have expressed to Melton include Gov. Kim Reynolds’ assault on public education, reproductive rights, and carbon capture pipelines. Ryan wants to keep public money in public schools, support teachers, and reform college funding to protect young people and our economy.

The current congressman of District 4 celebrated the downfall of Roe. Voters are concerned it appears that Feenstra is pushing for a federal abortion ban because when KITV asked him if he would have any exceptions, he didn’t answer the question, he just said he wanted the voters to know how pro-life he is. Ryan Melton supports providing federal protections for abortion care and contraception, providing family leave, and funding accessible child care.

Melton listens carefully to voters’ concerns and will be a powerful advocate for farmers. He opposes eminent domain-driven carbon capture pipelines because it is not a climate change solution. Ryan says instead we should have a diversified portfolio that includes many options such as wind and solar energy and ethanol. Ryan Melton says the government should be leveraging anti-trust legislation to combat corporate consolidation. He says we need to get corporate power that is disproportionately impacting the writing of our farm bill out of that space, and we need to get back to being more mindful about what the farmers on the ground need in order to be sustainable economically and ecologically.

Ryan refuses corporate PAC money. After people speak with Mr. Melton they walk away saying, “I am going to vote for you because I can trust you.”

Charli Hanway, Ames

Murken and Heddens deserve to continue

I intend to vote for Linda Murken and Lisa Heddens for Story County supervisors. I think they have done a very credible job during the last terms as supervisors. They are always supportive of environmental issues in the county and beyond. Thank you for your vote for these two stalwart civil servants.

Erv Klaas, Ames

Meals deserving of re-election

I am a Republican, but I will be voting on Nov. 8 to re-elect Story County Attorney Timothy Meals. I am very happy to share why I endorse him.

First, history. I have known Tim since he began as an assistant county attorney in 2000. I had an active criminal defense practice at the time. He quickly established himself as someone who was fair, honest, and good to deal with but if a resolution could not be reached, he was ready and able to take the case to trial. In over twenty years, this has not changed. After he took on the role of county attorney in 2020, he continues to try the hard cases -- the murder cases and other serious matters where you want your senior attorney to lead. There is a lot of rhetoric in the country about being tough on crime. Tim has been and continues to be on the front lines of very demanding cases. I trust his judgment and am very proud that he is our chief law enforcement officer in Story County.

Second, leadership. Tim leads an office of assistant county attorneys and support staff. His team thinks very highly of him and there is strong morale in the office. This is a key reason why the office has a very high retention rate.

Third, knowledge of Story County. Tim has lived in Story County for 50 years. This gives him a significant advantage in knowing the temperament of the people. He knows Story County.

I wish that the county supervisors and all the county offices were nonpartisan. There is nothing partisan about the county attorney’s office. I vote for the person, not the party. I give my highest endorsement for Tim Meals as the incumbent candidate for Story County attorney.

Timothy L. Gartin, Ames

This article originally appeared on Des Moines Register: Letters to the editor: Question about the Linc and more endorsements