Letters to the Editor: March 18, 2022

In trying times of past two years, improvements to parks appreciated

I appreciate the continued efforts to “Keep St. Lucie Beautiful,” especially the improvements to our local parks. I have noticed the new signs for the entrances to several local parks, and the major improvements to Sportsman Park.

I have only lived in Port St. Lucie for two years and all of this has been done since I moved here from California. This is an incredible feat to accomplish while working through COVID-19, lockdowns and differences of opinion.

It is good to see that our community is able to work through it all, come together and continue to make efforts to making Port St. Lucie a great place to live.

Jess Bennett, Port St. Lucie


K-3 is not an age-appropriate time for sex education in schools

I don’t understand the opposition to the Parental Rights in Education bill, also misleadingly called the “Don’t Say Gay” bill by opponents. I don’t think that sex education is an appropriate school topic for students from kindergarten through third grade.

There is an age-appropriate or developmentally appropriate time for that. K-3 is not the time.

Jim Weix, Palm City

Fossil fuels — good riddance

Darn those pre-historic monsters, littering the earth with millions, billions or perhaps a trillion dead carcasses. What a mess they left so we could keep warm, fire up factories, illuminate homes, install public roadways, permit individuals to travel independently. Really, animal remains; not geothermal gases?

Following current science, just plug in everything, all the time.

Definitely need to stop dangerous CO2 emissions to counteract deforestation, increased global population, littering, and those who don’t give a damn, being preoccupied with famine, pestilence and basic survival.

So how to get started?

Establish clean renewable energy. Build wind turbines, restore old windmills to manufacture food products, install solar panels on building structures, transport vehicles, even clothing apparel. Construct more hydroelectric plants. Clean energy sources already becoming available, all designed to produce electricity.

Oh, did I fail to mention nuclear energy? Sorry, radioactive waste hard to neutralize or dispose of, with radioactive half-life of 30,000-50,000 years. But that reminds me, where will all the lithium batteries end up?

Is oil (petroleum) really evil and outdated? A breakdown of the various petroleum product volumes attained from one barrel of crude, 45 gallons total, would be: gasoline, 20 gallons; jet fuel, 4; liquid hydrocarbons, 2; ultra-low sulfur distillates, 12; other miscellaneous, 6; and residual, 1.

According to the U.S. Energy Information Administration, a total of 6,000 items are byproducts and include such items as oil-based products in fuels, asphalts, feedstocks, medicaments, refrigerants, roofing materials, glues, fencing, plumbing pipes and connectors, trash bags, liquid containers, soft contact lenses, kitchen appliances, fabrics, rubber goods, soaps and detergents, medical items, etc.

These products, so unnecessary. Perhaps living a simpler cavemen/women lifestyle would be the real deal. Oops — sorry, have to leave; phone needs recharging.

Gary S. Weiner, Port St. Lucie

A flare burns natural gas at an oil well on Aug. 26, 2021, in Watford City, N.D. A federal report released Oct. 29, 2021, says fossil fuel extraction from federal lands produced more than 1 billion tons (918 million metric tons) of greenhouse gases the previous year.
A flare burns natural gas at an oil well on Aug. 26, 2021, in Watford City, N.D. A federal report released Oct. 29, 2021, says fossil fuel extraction from federal lands produced more than 1 billion tons (918 million metric tons) of greenhouse gases the previous year.

Even with rising food costs, you can eat well and still spend less

The cost of food has become a major problem in the United States. Anyone wanting to cut their food budget should think about animal products as more of a condiment or flavoring instead of the main course. Beans, lentils and legumes are an inexpensive and healthier way to get protein in our diet. Pasta, rice and potatoes can provide a delicious, healthy and filling meal. Many places in the world have relied on bread as a staple of their diets for thousands of years.

The same foods the U.S. Department of Agriculture recommends for Women, Infants and Children (WIC) because they are nutrient dense and inexpensive are ones we should look for in the supermarket. Look for the WIC symbol on the price display.

Beans are high in protein, fiber and low in cost. Beans can be used in soups, salads, tacos and dips. Pasta or some form of it is a wildly popular dish of course in Italy but also Germany, China, and Japan. Most countries have some sort of dumpling or noodle made from rice or wheat flour.

Potatoes come in many colors and are loaded with nutrients and fiber. We need fiber in our diets; it keeps us healthy. In America we have championed the loaded potato, turning the lowly baked potato into a colorful, healthy and filling hot meal. Adding potatoes to soups and stews goes a long way in stretching more expensive ingredients. Rice comes in hundreds of varieties and colors.

Processed foods are sometimes inexpensive but are also a poor choice for healthy eating. They are usually high in salt, fat, sugar and empty calories. Think whole grains, whole fruits, vegetables and minimally processed foods. Not only will this style of eating save money, it provides a healthier diet.

Rosemary Westling, Jensen Beach

This article originally appeared on Treasure Coast Newspapers: Letters to the Editor: March 18, 2022