Letters to the Editor: Matt Dolan endorsement, wind farm

Matt Dolan for U.S. Senate

The U.S. Senate primary taking place on May 3 is a critically important election for our region, state and nation. It’s likely that whoever emerges from the large field of contenders is likely to become our next U.S. senator. We have but two seats in the Senate so we must get this right. Matt Dolan has a strong conservative record and substantive vision for what he wants to accomplish for Ohio.

Matt has worked incredibly hard to earn the nomination. He has offered plans for reducing inflation, spurring job creation, securing the Southern Border and strengthening agriculture and manufacturing.

Matt has the experience and conservative record to get results for Bucyrus and our entire state. I’m proud to support Matt Dolan for U.S. Senate and encourage local Republicans to do the same on or before May 3.

Jeff Reser, Bucyrus mayor

Wind farms aren't good stewardship of farm land

My Dad was an Air Force fighter pilot, and he served in Korea and Vietnam. While others were buying luxuries with their combat pay, Dad was buying a farm in Crawford County, Ohio, with his pay. That farm has been in the family for nearly five generations, and it is his legacy to us.

It was Dad’s greatest desire to be a good steward to the land, and he was recognized as such. Good land stewardship means ensuring that the basic elements for a healthy ecosystem are nurtured. This means healthy soil, clean water and air, as well as biological diversity. It is well established that turbines cause problems that are not limited to relentless noise, death of wildlife, flicker within homes near them, slashed property values, ruined water tables and wells, damage to roadways and crops. Wind turbines pose serious health risks to humans, wildlife and livestock. Enormous amounts of copper, steel and other rare elements are required to build these monstrous turbines.

These complex ecological consequences, caused by industrial turbines, breech every element of good stewardship of the land, and the legacy I wish to leave behind. I do not want to see our family farm reduced to an industrial wasteland.

Pamela Vann, Bucyrus

Stop Big Wind now

My name is Beth Swalley and I have lived nearly all my 63 years in Holmes Township, Crawford County. I had prepared my three-minute speech, which remains attached below, in hopes of the opportunity to speak at the public hearing regarding the industrial wind turbine project on April 21.

But just before going to bed the night before, I viewed a video presentation on YouTube titled “Get Out While You Can — Big Wind is Coming.” It made me sick and resulted in the revision of my original speech.

The Revision …

This video, just one of many comparable videos, depicts the destruction of Arkwright, New York, when Big Wind arrived. The horrific decimation of their farmlands, woodlands, roadways; the resulting mental and physical health-related issues that arose; and the ultimate division of their community. All at the hands of Big Wind — companies with no plan but to sell the project once completed and move on; company employees and subcontractors with no personal stake, who did not nor will ever live in the aftermath.

I beg of you all — educate yourself, your family, your friends and your neighbors on the truth of Big Wind. And instead of “getting out while we can,” let us band together to stop Big Wind from coming and destroying our rural countryside, our livelihood and our relationships with our neighbors.

This is Big Wind's goal — divide and conquer. Let us protect and preserve Crawford County for future generations.

I ask the Crawford County commissioners to resolve to designate Crawford County a restricted area for the current and any future industrial wind turbine projects. And I ask our county commissioners … How do you want your time in service to this community to be remembered?

Beth M. Swalley, Bucyrus

Property rights have limits

A company is attempting to construct industrial wind turbines in our county, which will negatively alter our community environment. My husband and I respect the right of people to do what they wish on their own property, but in this situation their choices have a direct negative impact on us. Our natural wildlife, physical health and property values are all being threatened. Even so, we were willing to learn about the project and keep an open mind. We listened to representatives in our home and did research.

Through our research, we learned of many negative impacts from these “wind farms.” The noise alone is documented to cause health problems such as headaches, nausea, tinnitus and sleep deprivation. Researchers at Washington University School of Medicine concluded that infrasound can result in swelling of the inner-ear. That condition can result in "dizziness and loss of equilibrium.” (Center of the American Experiment) In 2019, due to health concerns, the Board of Public Health in Madison County, Iowa, recommended that turbines should be 1.5 miles from residences and turbine height no greater than 500 feet. In Ohio, turbines are permitted to be as close as 1,125 feet!

We also found documentation on wildlife endangerment, harm to livestock, disrupting water tables and damage to land and roads during construction. Imagine the noise, congestion and inconvenience construction would create.

Residents say their property rights allow them to put these turbines up if they desire. They have property rights as do we, but there are limits. For example, a ditch passes through our property. We must keep it clear so the water is able to drain off of the properties upstream from us. We are required to protect their drainage. If we fail to fulfill this obligation, the county can have the ditch cleaned and send us the bill. Our rights are not allowed to do harm to others. These turbines threaten our health, our environment, and the value of our property. Our neighbors do not have the right to willingly harm us.

Linda Schulze, Bloomville

Wind farms don't pay for themselves

Windmills and global climate change are myths. And taking our (food and O2 source) farm land for solar panels is ignorant beyond belief.

They are based on the same and similar lies. A lot of money and a lot of misleading are based on these lies. If windmills were properly made, placed, used and priced, they could possibly be an asset. But they are not.

But they are well promoted with lies and very little truth and free government money for the makers, promoters, sellers and lessors and the lessees of the efficient energy lies, who are going to get their share of your tax money. (Your tax money — but they did ask you first … right?)

Yeah, that’s right — the lessees are getting your tax money (that’s not earned money till you get past all the subsidies, promotions, handouts, profits, cost, etc., which doesn’t seem to happen).

These, like most windmills, will only produce, at their best, less than 20% of the time. Promoters talk as though the windmills produce 100% efficiency 24/7/365 days a year. This makes their lies even worse. In 20 years (I’ve heard 20, 25, 30) the cost of repair is so high that they abandon the windmills. Is this a solution? There is supposed to be money to tear them down. There are abandoned wind farms still standing across the nation.

Windmills do not pay for themselves coming or going. I understand the noise can be nerve-racking for some; I can’t speak to that. Some say they are eyesores; you’ll have to decide that yourself. I don’t know about the killing of birds. I just saw that 150 eagles have been killed over 10 years. Check that out. But there are many articles that prove “windmill pushers are windy” and lie to get the money. In our greedy, liberal, Marxist-lying world it is hard to get the truth.

The big guys get your money, but that does not help us get renewable power.

Go online to read "Stop These Things, Subsidy Farming: Wind Power Could Never Make a Profit Without Massive Subsidies" and many more articles.

Coal, nuclear and hydro are safe and pay for themselves, reasonably.

Jim Erwin, Galion

This article originally appeared on Bucyrus Telegraph-Forum: Letters to the Editor: Matt Dolan endorsement, anti-wind farm