Letters to the Editor: May 10, 2022

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Rep. Mast must think it’s time to look interested in U.S. issues again

Must be election time coming soon. Rep. Brian Mast has appeared like Punxsutawney Phil and has seen the writing. Time to appear interested in issues affecting the United States again. This time he chooses the environment. It is amazing. In the two years I have lived here, nada — except photo ops to support Donald Trump and to emphasize his injuries.

Wouldn't it be nice if he had something of substance and concern to offer his constituents? Strikes me he is another politician elected for appearance, not what they will do for us. There are many other empty suits. Can't we vote for the one who will actually do something instead of basing our vote on party, race, religion, sexuality, handicap, etc.?

Please, now is the time to start evaluating candidates. And not just by party. Look into their records, etc. It is all easily available. Try to think for yourself and be informed. That is every politician's worst nightmare.

Jeff Hamilton, Sebastian

U.S. Rep. Brian Mast works behind the counter during a National Association of Convenience Stores in-store event on Wednesday, May 4, 2022, at a RaceTrac in Port St. Lucie. "It's always good to know what's going on with various businesses and how the business operates, because everything going on at the federal level, it effects how they do business," said Mast. The congressman received store associate training, worked behind the counter and spoke with employees and customers about issues important to the community.

Bravo to all who made the Air Show a rousing success

I was a volunteer at the Vero Beach Air Show, both on Saturday and Sunday, and witnessed thousands of people loving every second of it, noise and all. This extravaganza of patriotism and All-American family fun only happens to our small community every other year. Not only does it bring thousands together to show their American pride, but it also helps our local economy.

I say, bravo Vero Beach, bravo Blue Angels, bravo Air Show participants and bravo to the hundreds of local residents who unselfishly volunteered countless hours to help make this Air Show a rousing success.

Geoffrey Profeta, Vero Beach

DeSantis made it clear he is punishing Disney for speech he dislikes

Are our freedoms for sale, and available only to those who agree with those in power?

In 2021, a special provision was inserted into a new Florida law restricting most social media platforms. The legislature, with the urging of Gov. Ron DeSantis, exempted Disney. The inserted language said the law "does not include any ... provider operated by a company that owns and operates a theme park or entertainment complex.”

Coincidentally Disney contributed $50,000 to DeSantis in 2019, and another $50,000 in 2021.

Now, less than a year later, DeSantis has pushed through legislation reversing the exemption he championed. Why the about-face? DeSantis has made it clear that he is punishing Disney for using freedom of speech in a way that he dislikes. Disney “tried to attack me to advance their woke agenda. If Disney wants to pick a fight, they chose the wrong guy," DeSantis said.

Disney's "fight" was a simple statement, “Florida’s HB 1557, also known as the ‘Don’t Say Gay’ bill, should never have passed and should never have been signed into law. Our goal as a company is for this law to be repealed by the legislature or struck down in the courts.” There was no call for a violent action. DeSantis just didn't like what was said.

HB 1557 was passed because DeSantis felt the speech of those he agreed with was being limited, and he wanted private media companies to be required to carry speech even if they felt it was dangerous. However, if you oppose the party in power, then the government can punish exercising freedom of speech.

It is not American to punish advocating working within the system for change. You should not have to espouse the "right" ideas or pay in order to exercise free speech.

Steven Schlitt, Vero Beach


It’s good that Pelosi went to Ukraine, but what about our southern border?

I was pleased to see that Speaker of the House Nancy Pelosi recently met President Volodymyr Zelenskyy in Ukraine. Ukraine is in the fight for its life and its freedom. America was slow to send the needed aid but better late than never. May God help and bless them through these deadly and trying times. It is absolutely heartbreaking.

I have some questions: Why has Nancy Pelosi not visited our Southern border so she could witness our own invasion? There have been well over 2 million illegal migrants who have crossed into America. Who are these un-vetted people and is America being set up for more 9/11s?

How about the vast amount of deadly, illegal drugs also coming though our southern border, drugs which are killing tens of thousands of Americans. If you don't have a border you don't have a safe country. Doesn't Pelosi live in a gated mansion? Don't the little people deserve some kind of insurance about those who are invading our country by the millions and how it is going to affect them and their families?

We have a housing and affordable apartment shortage all over America. The poor and working poor do not need more competition for affordable housing and jobs.

What are all these migrants going to do to our school systems with the influx of non-English-speaking students? This is going to put a huge burden on school systems all across the country.

America needs politicians who look out for Americans and our welfare, especially during these extraordinary inflationary times. God help and bless America.

Arthur Lemire, Sebastian

This article originally appeared on Treasure Coast Newspapers: Letters to the Editor: May 10, 2022