Letters to the Editor: May 24, 2022

Traffic lights at intersections need to be synchronized consistently

I need an educated, logical explanation as to why traffic signals at four-way intersections are synchronized in a certain manner.

All four-way intersections should be structured so that the green light for left-turn lanes are on, followed by the green light for parallel lanes. Drivers need to know what to expect when they pull up to an intersection.

Indian Street and U.S. 1 in Stuart is one example. Many times, it's the parallel lanes that get the green light first, then the left-turn lanes. Drivers have to guess whether the light will turn green for them.

At Pomeroy Street and U.S. 1, the traffic signal is set up so that southbound lanes are turning left onto Pomeroy Street to go into Walmart, and southbound U.S. 1 traffic proceeds at the same time. If there are one or two cars in the left-turn lane waiting to head west onto Pomeroy, they then have to wait until after the northbound U.S. 1 traffic gets a green signal. This is not right.

Traffic flow appears to be better at properly synchronized four-way intersections. Elsewhere, drivers might decide to race to make the green light at the next intersection in view.

The only four-way intersection of which I am aware that is consistently out-of-sequence is Salerno Road and U.S. 1. Westbound Salerno Road and left-turn traffic onto southbound U.S. 1 get a green signal at the same time. Then, eastbound Salerno Road and left-turn traffic onto northbound U.S. 1 get the green signal simultaneously. Why? This is still not right.

This is not solely a Martin County issue. I've seen similar occurrences at intersections in St. Lucie and Palm Beach counties. So it must be statewide.

Jeff Alexander, Stuart

Equity First Development of Cleveland, Tennessee, responded to a request for information from the city of Vero Beach with its own plan for the three corners the city owns at 17th Street and Indian River Boulevard.
Equity First Development of Cleveland, Tennessee, responded to a request for information from the city of Vero Beach with its own plan for the three corners the city owns at 17th Street and Indian River Boulevard.

What do residents of Vero Beach really want for Three Corners?

Well, well … here we go again.

“Developers offer ideas for Three Corners property.” Why do we not take the first and the most important step in these matters and find out what the residents of Vero Beach really want and need? Do we need more commercial development in our city? Really? Do we need a hotel-anchored development to be incorporated into a potentially environmentally problematic and defunct power plant, or does turning that site into a community driven location make more sense, especially to serve the needs of our youth?

Do we need a larger marina, so we can attract more live-aboards, with the potential for even more lagoon deterioration and further stress on our  infrastructure? Our marina is distant from the two ocean outlets and the result will be that the larger boats attracted here will be most inclined to house permanent marina “residents." And we have even toyed with the idea of building a multi-level parking complex on the Ocean Grill property. Are we kidding? Maybe the thinking of our so-called "visionaries" just does not match up with what our residents believe.

We need to put together a presentation of the alternatives, for and against outside input from developers and our own residents and present this to the voters. It should be up to the voters to decide our future direction, and not allow this decision up to a few elected officials. Let us take step one before we  take the wrong road to our future growth. Let us ask the voters to be our guide.

Ray Grochowski, Vero Beach

Boating safety is essential, and boaters need safety training

I am the administrative officer of the St Lucie River Power Squadron. Your May 15 editorial on boating safety was exceptional.

Our organization is a not-for-profit, non-governmental, recreational boating organization. Our primary civic service is offering boating skills courses and seminars to the public. Why have the media never mentioned the availability of our educational offerings?

Your article clearly points out the necessity for such courses. In fact, a current Florida law states that all persons born after 1988 must have a Florida Boating Safety Education ID card to operate a vessel.

We provide the course and this card. Clearly all boaters need this education.

Ruth Frederick is the administrative officer of the St. Lucie River Power Squadron, based in Stuart.


Doesn’t Florida have enough gun problems already?

Gov. Ron DeSantis is unbelievable, making one bad decision after another. To add to this, he commented recently that before he’s done as governor (which can’t be too soon!), he will sign a bill to allow concealed gun carry in Florida without the need for a permit.

Really? There aren’t enough gun problems in this country and state already? Let’s have everyone bring a gun to the supermarket or hardware store. I guess he’s not tired of simply offering his thoughts and prayers after all the gun-related tragedies. Please remember this when you vote.

Denis Thibodeau, Port St. Lucie

This article originally appeared on Treasure Coast Newspapers: Letters to the Editor: May 24, 2022