Letters to the Editor: May 5, 2022

The marina development is unsuitable for Vero’s Central Beach neighborhood

The end game for development of the city marina is based upon city zoning documents, Article V, Section 62.63 & 62.4. "This district is intended to accommodate a limited number of hotel units or one hotel unit for every two watercraft slips" provided at the marina. The plan calls for 258 wet slips, equalling 124 hotel units. It is little wonder why developers are pushing for the maximum number of wet slips. Development of the marina is about land development.

If the marina area is designated as a Special Purpose District in accordance with the Comprehensive Land Use 2035 Policy Plan, “All new construction must be mixed-use with construction of ground floor as retail, commercial, restaurants, recreational and entertainment use on the ground floor with residential above.”

This high-density population marina development is an unsuitable fit for the Central Beach residential and parkland neighborhood. There will be negative impacts to the lagoon and the natural environment. With the planned roadway and parking lots through the dog park, leaving 25,800 square feet of asphalt instead of green space, the influx of traffic will affect the residential streets of Central Beach.

Commercialization will change the character of the low-density, once quiet residential area. Homeowners stand to lose the legal right to quiet enjoyment, quality of life and property values. Yet homeowners provide a large tax base for the city. They open businesses and invest in the community. Local boaters comprise less than 1% of the city's population. Transient boaters and developers win. We locals lose.

Politicians who would not approve of the commercialization of their own neighborhoods do not care about destroying the neighborhoods of others.

As the late Alma Lee Loy said, "The highest and best use of land is what a developer can put in his pocket."

Phyllis Frey, Vero Beach


This plan for a marina expansion doesn’t make sense

So much about the planned marina expansion just doesn't make sense.

Why plan a significant marina expansion within a tiny, vulnerable estuary of the Indian River Lagoon, on the edge of a quiet residential community, near a local school, and alongside one of Vero's most bucolic parks, when the perfect alternative location for a state-of-the-art marina already exists within the Three Corners project?

Why is the Three Corners a better idea?

Planning a marina near a sailing center makes good sense.

Locating a marina near a complex of shops, restaurants and recreational activities to attract boaters makes good sense.

Supporting local merchants who can profit from the guaranteed boating customers makes good sense.

Planning a marina at a location along the lagoon with adequate access and water flow to support a significant number of boats and boaters makes good sense.

Everyone supports the creation of a state-of-the-art marina in Vero. Let's not destroy the fragile lagoon environment and a local neighborhood to do so.

Build a marina where it makes good sense.

Marisha Taylor, Vero Beach

'Write-in’ loophole in primary elections disenfranchises half the voters

As we approach the filing period for candidates, it seems appropriate to ask legislators who employ the euphemism “election integrity” in lieu of “voter suppression” to explain how they missed closing the write-in loophole that disenfranchises half of Florida’s voters in every election year in their latest rewrite of our election laws.

Primaries matter because most state and local offices are decided in primaries. So Florida law provides that if members of only one party file to run for a given partisan office, that becomes a “universal primary,” and all voters can participate.

But there are always devious actors who subvert the process, usually by seducing a friend into filing as a write-in candidate, and Martin County has its share. Unlike legitimate candidates, write-ins don’t have to pay filing fees or submit signatures by petition. They almost never campaign, and they never win. Ever.

We can look forward to that kind of cheesy chicanery fairly soon, since qualifying for various offices starts on June 13.

Remember that without primary write-ins, we would all get to vote. And when write-ins file to run in Martin County, it usually means that only GOP voters can vote in the primary. So the rest of us are shut out, and all we can do is vote for “the other guy” in the general election.

No sinister election police force, voter-roll purge, elimination of polling places, or reduction of voting hours could do what this cheap and easy voter-suppression tactic does.

Donna Dupuy, Stuart

Veterinarian Dr. Lynnly Miller, of the Animal Medical Hospital, holds one of several feral cats trapped by Daria Weber, as they are being spay or neutered, on Dec. 1, 2021, at her office in Stuart.
Veterinarian Dr. Lynnly Miller, of the Animal Medical Hospital, holds one of several feral cats trapped by Daria Weber, as they are being spay or neutered, on Dec. 1, 2021, at her office in Stuart.

Column on feral cats misstated rate of new cases of toxoplasmosis annually

The recent column by Richard Baker regarding control of feral cats contains a significant misstatement.

The submission stated that the incidence of toxoplasmosis in the United States is 11% annually. According to information from an article from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, the yearly incidence is 1.1 million cases. If the current population is 330 million that comes to 0.33%.

There is an Internet citation referring to 11% but that is the total of the population that has been exposed over their lifetimes, not the annual rate.

Patricia Page, Vero Beach

This article originally appeared on Treasure Coast Newspapers: Letters to the Editor: May 5, 2022