Letters to the Editor: What Mr. Gibbs’ report reveals about him

What Mr. Gibbs’ report reveals

After listening to Mr. Gibbs’ request for an upgraded assistant at the March 14 Ottawa County commission meeting, I was eager to hear his report at the March 28 meeting. I expected to hear how he was handling “drinking from a firehose,” as he had described his experience thus far.

Instead, he treated us to a two-minute disquisition on brown bag lunches and “meeting with directors and elected officials,” as he had in previous reports. But it was devoid of specifics. No numbers on the people who attended the brown bags or what they asked or what he might have learned from them. No departments, no elected officials named. The only detail provided was that he was on the board of the Kent-Ottawa-Muskegon Foreign Trade Zone. Sounded more like sipping through a straw.

He then turned for another two minutes to what he called “a theme that’s come up” — that funding a high-level assistant for him is unnecessary, unwise and a waste of taxpayer dollars. His defense was that he is “maybe a little bit more hands-on” than previous administrators and of course that takes more time, more man — and woman! — power, and more “CPU processor bandwidth.” Being “hands on” either means actually DOING something — and we’ve seen little evidence of that — or it’s a euphemism for micromanaging. Now that IS a possibility.

One thing his report did reveal is how thin-skinned Mr. Gibbs is, and how quick to caricature and dismiss criticism. “Very interesting,” he concluded, “the comments out there about me bringing on, replacing a staff member for not even a new person. First time they’ve ever been concerned about government spending. You know, most of these folks are quite fascinating ...”

James Dana

Grand Haven

Huizenga is showing his typical Trump minion colors

Multiple local media outlets report that Congressman Bill Huizenga believes the indictment of the former president over hush money payments to Stormy Daniels is more motivated by politics than it is policy. He further believes the prosecutor who led the effort is engaging in political drama.

No, it isn’t. No, he isn’t.

The indictment is "over" falsified business records. And it’s "motivated" by a judicial process that’s been millennia in the making. "Motivated" in the same way indictments have been for dozens, if not hundreds, of like prosecutions.

Mr. Huizenga, clearly motivated by politics, has chosen to parrot Republican talking points. He typically keeps his head down, trying to stay out of any given fray, but his party has gone to DefCon 12 and so …

He. Must. Follow.

The disgraced and discarded and now indicted former president (DADANIFP) is in deep trouble. Not surprisingly, he’s flailed his way into full ‘Gru’ mode. Bill Huizenga is simply another hapless Minion among throngs of hapless Minions, all of whom slavishly do the DADANIFP’s bidding.

But here’s the bottom line. As developments occur, no one can:

Unindict the DADANIFP. Like his two impeachments, it’s in the books. It’s history.

Unconvict him, if a jury of his peers finds him to be guilty of any crime.

Unsentence him, in whatever manner required by a conviction for the relevant offense(s).

Or unincarcerate him, if the sentence dictates that losing his freedom is appropriate and warranted.

Not in New York, or Fulton County, or Washington, D.C.

But the Minions are all in now, and there’s no turning back. They’ll spew whatever drivel is provided to them wherever the DADANIFP might be held to account.

And then reap the consequences, and the shame.

Richard Wolfe

Park Township

This article originally appeared on The Holland Sentinel: Letters to the Editor: What Mr. Gibbs’ report reveals about him