Letters to the editor for Nov. 6

St. Cloud Times letters to the editor for Nov. 6:

Community support goes a long way for youth experiencing homelessness

The COVID-19 pandemic has made life more difficult for many of us, including youth who don’t have a safe place to stay.

An estimated 13,300 Minnesota youth on their own experience homelessness over the course of a year, according to Wilder Research. That includes an estimated 5,800 minors ages 17 and younger on their own, and 7,500 young adults ages 18 to 24.

Most youth experiencing homelessness in our area are sleeping on the couches of friends. However, youth are struggling to even find a couch to sleep on as people are nervous about others coming into their homes during the pandemic. Availability of affordable housing has also made it more difficult for youth to find a place to live. When there are few options, youth often turn to their cars, tents or camping for shelter.

During National Runaway and Homeless Youth Awareness Month in November, we want to thank the community for working with us to support these youth. Over the past year, Pathways 4 Youth in St. Cloud, a service of Lutheran Social Service of Minnesota, has had over 650 visits from youth experiencing homelessness.

Pathways 4 Youth provides young people with a meal, shower, laundry, one-to-one support to determine next steps and help with basic needs – food, clothing, hygiene items, bus passes, gas and food cards. This is where the community has played a significant role in supporting youth. If you can help, here are current needs:

  • New socks, underwear, blankets, scarves, winter hats and earmuffs, gloves and hygiene products

  • New clothing such as sweatpants, t-shirts, leggings and sweatshirts

  • Towels and wash cloths

  • Food/grocery/gas gift card donations and financial contributions

  • Meal baskets or treats for youth over the holidays, and

  • Shelf-stable food, such as canned goods, cereal, rice and pasta

Please also share this information with others who want to make a difference. Community support goes a long way in providing stability and care for youth who are working toward independence and self-sufficiency. Neighbors reaching out to assist means the world to these youth. To drop-off supplies or donate, please call 320-257-4889 or email ashley.e.miller@lssmn.org.

Lastly, if you or someone you know is experiencing homelessness and is 24 years old or younger, please call 320-316-1640 or visit our website pathways4youthmn.org to find support.

— Ashley Miller, program manager at Pathways 4 Youth, a service of Lutheran Social Service of Minnesota

American Promise For Our Freedom Amendment

Thank you for publishing the letter to the editor on Sunday requesting that constituents contact Rep. Emmer to support the American Promise For Our Freedom Amendment. I am a member of American Promise, a non-partisan organization that is working toward getting big money out of elections. Our group has been trying to schedule an in-person meeting with Rep. Emmer for the last five years to discuss this subject. Our goal is to enable Congress and the states to again set limits on spending in campaigns, elections and ballot initiatives. This was how it once was more than 50 years ago, prior to Supreme Court rulings that allowed unlimited spending. Now, our voices cannot be heard above the big-moneyed special interests that influence election outcomes.

The For Our Freedom Amendment will lift the voices of all Americans and break the two-party, incumbent-favoring, big money system that locks out competition and choice for our nation. It will stop unfair competition from large global corporations able to spend millions to buy political influence, destroying the level-playing field. But most of all, it will enable us, the people entrusted with governing, to create the system we need. We cannot have a strong Republic without a strong democratic process. I add my voice to Kay’s in saying please contact Rep. Emmer at 202-225-2331 and request that he meet with us to discuss this amendment as a permanent solution to the problem of election/campaign spending in our country.

— Kathryn Tasto, Becker

'There's no place for violence, period, in our society'

I couldn’t agree more with Rep. Emmer: “There's no place for violence, period, in our society” (From "Face the Nation" on Oct. 30).

Margaret Brennan invited the representative to urge Republicans to stop intimidating voters at polling sites. He ignored her question, saying people should get more involved. She was speaking about “violence,” he interrupted with “involvement.” His interjection makes one wonder if he still denies the results of the 2020 election.

It’s a shame that our former president’s words, a pattern of violent rhetoric, inciting violence; directed at the media, women, immigrants and congress continues. In fact, it’s becoming the norm since the former president said it was OK for his staff to rough people up, and telling police they didn’t have to be too nice. What came across as humorous sparked physical and property violence. Therefore, Rep. Emmer’s Twitter, shooting a gun with the hashtag “Fire Pelosi;” is that all the assailant needed to think it was OK to break in and enter, then physically attack with a hammer?

Words have consequences. The First Amendment supports free speech, but it doesn’t allow people to ignore right and wrong. Poll watching is acceptable. Patrolling poll sites with tactical gear and weapons is unlawful and wrong.

Rep. Emmer expressed hope for a full recovery for Mr. Pelosi. He also stated he wanted more information. What more is there to know? Inciting violence in society against people is wrong, and enough of this “model” started by the former president.

— Leona Wieland, Sartell

Veterans Day is Nov. 11

All veterans have stories.

Significant, maybe life-changing memories from their experiences. Many of those — especially the emotionally intense variety — you may never have heard your veteran share.

We may have suppressed those special memories so deeply that we have not confronted them since we left the Service.

These memories may be sad, frightening — or even joyful. Here is one of mine which only emerged 50 years after my return from Saigon.

The final leg of my flights back to America.

Flying seated sideways on an Air Force cargo jet from Yakota Air Force Base near Tokyo to California.

With nine shiny aluminum coffins on our passenger list.

Stacked in pyramids of three and strapped down in the center of our plane, directly in our sight for 5,300 miles.

A visual aid prompting our sadness and more gratitude than most of us will ever feel.

There were no conversations, only our solitary, solemn thoughts.

After 10 silent hours, we began our descent into Travis Air Force Base near San Francisco.

Our pilot asked the few of us aboard to come into the cockpit, one at a time, to view the most beautiful sight I have ever seen: The sun rising on the other side of the Golden Gate Bridge as the fog was lifting from that white city with its gleaming, golden bridge.

"Welcome home," it whispered, "You are safe."

Please remember your family and friends who are veterans on Veterans and Memorial Days. Most everyone will have tales of their experiences. Please listen because their memories may help bring them understanding and peace.

Perhaps you can see why “Thank you for your service” is welcome but not enough for veterans dear to you. It does not honor our memories and stories, nor recognize our sacrifices.

— Lawrence J. Litterst, Jr., St Cloud

St. Cloud needs public officials who show up

I was shocked to see a letter to the editor by Tama Theis on Sunday. It hasn’t seemed that she wanted to reach out to constituents in Senate District 14. As many know, she did not show up for the League of Women Voters forum a few weeks back. Some might give her a pass on that due to a busy fall.

When she did not show up for the second public forum at SCSU (this past Thursday), it became a pattern similar to the past few election cycles. With no public town halls either, she seems to put little effort into hearing from her constituents. To my knowledge there have only been two public forums this election cycle and she missed both. Her Republican House candidates for district 14A and 14B didn’t show to both either, so perhaps she was just acting as a loyal party member.

St. Cloud needs public officials who show up, initiate connections to constituents, and work with the community. Aric Putnam attended both forums this fall, and has held monthly town hall meetings for the past two years on many important issues (like economic development, support for law enforcement and commitment to quality education). He has my vote on Election Day.

— Rob Galler, St. Cloud

Support for Jeanne Hendricks, 6th Congressional District

The 6th Congressional District (MN-CD6) could use some attention. After four terms (eight years), the current representative is not paying much attention to the district and it shows.

There are seven counties in MN-CD6. We are a diverse district with many farms, jobs and multiple small and national businesses. We have hospitals and clinics. There are colleges and universities and many schools. A thriving environment with many recreational pursuits.

We need a U.S. Representative who will put the district above the party and personal power. We need Jeanne Hendricks.

Jeanne is a mom, a community activist and a nurse anesthetist. To become an anesthetist, Jeanne had to first be a four-year registered nurse with a few years of experience in an emergency room; talk about tough duty. Then she had to complete a multi-year Master's of Science in nursing. She then needed to perform in a clinical environment and finally, she had to pass a National Certification Examination. Jeanne clearly has the experience and know-how to lead MN-CD6.

Jeanne is a common sense person. She doesn’t listen to conspiracy theories — as the current person does. Nor does she support people who do. She makes decisions every day based on facts and science. She spent the last 28 years raising a family and providing health care as a nurse anesthetist to Minnesotans from all walks of life and age. She is ready to be our full-time Congressional Representative.

Vote for Jeanne Hendricks U.S. Congressional Representative MN-CD6

— Gary Markfort, St. Cloud

This article originally appeared on St. Cloud Times: Letters to the editor for Nov. 6