Letters to the editor for Oct. 30

Hein the right choice for Missouri 136th

It is people like Stephanie Hein who remind me of what our country is about, what freedom and democracy means, and the value of working hard to maintain what our forefathers/mothers passed along.

Stephanie Hein is the candidate for the 136th State House Seat of Missouri. When she asked if I would be her campaign treasurer, I didn’t have any reservations or doubts about her capabilities or her character. I knew she would put her heart and dynamic energy into this effort to represent her constituents and the people of Springfield.

Stephanie has decades of working with budgets and appropriations and I knew she would have an efficient way to set up record keeping/spreadsheets to make my job easier. Voters need her expertise and deserve to know what their taxes support. Education. Healthcare. Family values for all.

Stephanie Hein will work hard for you, will research solutions and work across the isle to the best of her ability. She will show up. She will be a positive influence. I guarantee she will be ready to start working for you on Day 1. I’m so proud of what she has accomplished in these last 2 years. I am honored to serve as treasurer for HEIN for 136th.

Thank you Stephanie!

Laura Jane FordTreasurer/Citizens to Elect Stephanie Hein

Voters should let developer move forward with Galloway project

As the much anticipated vote of whether to allow a local developer to build an apartment complex across the street for Sequiota Park draws closer, I for one, will be happy this fight will be over. As a neighbor of the park and long time Springfieldian, I have a long memory of the park and Galloway area. I used to ride my bicycle down a nearly deserted Lone Pine to the abandoned state fish hatchery.

For a young boy, there is an attraction to caves, water, and abandoned buildings. Even then, I was struck by the soap suds on the surface of the water coming form the cave though I did not understand that the Karst topography was allowing septic systems on the hill above the cave to leak into ground water. Thank goodness the city forced citizens of Springfield to abandon their septic systems and pay for the city sewer system we now all enjoy.

The abandoned hatchery was deeded to the city from the state and the old buildings were torn down and a park created that we all enjoy. The city of Springfield did that. The same city government that reviewed the application for the apartment development above mentioned. The same city that vetted the sewer requirements, water retention requirements, and traffic volume effects on Lone Pine.

The infrastructure was deemed adequate to support the development. But those living near the development didn’t want the land developed so they availed themselves the right to force a City council vote on the project. The City council reviewed and approved the development. The neighbors still were opposed so they are asking us to vote on the issue at our next election.

While I have significantly more trust in the good will of our City officials than the most vocal members of the group opposing this development, I do not oppose their exercising their options in opposition. What I do oppose is the concept that they can keep the land undeveloped. The land will either be developed by this developer or another, or it will be purchased and donated to the City to expand and improve the present park.

Those are the only options that are possible in the long run. Worse, the present developer owns the land and is being prevented from using it as they see fit within the approved use as granted by city planning and zoning and the city council. If I were the developer, I would be very tempted to create a spite event if I win (build the originally approved higher density buildings, not the compromises the developer tried to make with the locals) or if I lost the election, I would be tempted to clear cut the land for lumber and put up temporary housing for indigents while I was seeking approval for a “different project" on the same land. Vote your conscience but be realistic, you can’t prevent the land form being developed.

Stephen Christiansen, Springfield

Busch Valentine the better choice for Missouri Senate

As Attorney General for Missouri, Eric Schmitt has filed lawsuits at the drop of a hat. Many of these suits have gone nowhere.

How can he be "hard on China" simply because he filed suit against that country? That lawsuit has been thrown out by a federal judge saying "The court has no choice but to dismiss this novel complaint for lack of subject matter jurisdiction."

He has filed multiple lawsuits against Springfield Public Schools - putting taxpayers' money in double jeopardy, once to pay for his lawsuit and again for the district to defend it. And, what did his filing a suit against mask mandates accomplish? Nothing! The suit was dropped when the district stopped the mandate when health professionals deemed it was medically safe to do so!

He has asked for records from Missouri State University and the MU Journalism School. Why? What does he think he will gain by attacking educational institutions on all levels?

Then, Schmitt joined the Texas AG in a brief backing Former President Trump in his legal battle with the US Department of Justice over classified documents seized by the FBI at his Mar-a-Lago estate. Most lawyers understand the national security implications of a former president's defying the Presidential Records Act. The Supreme Court has since rejected Trump's case in a one-sentence ruling!

He claims he is hard on criminals, but Springfield is asking for relief from soaring gun violence.

Now Eric Schmitt is embroiled in a controversy about his promoting Ye, the rapper formerly known as Kanye West. When is Schmitt going to apologize for his supportive tweet and condemn Ye for calling for "death con 3" on Jewish people?

Schmitt touts his having put a restrictive abortion ban in place. But, when asked for help by a Missouri woman in need of a medical procedure, he never contacted her! (N-L, 10-16-22, "There was no chance for me.") It seems he just throws this woman as well as victims of rape or incest under the proverbial bus.

Voters in Missouri are left to wonder on whose side he is. Where do his loyalties really lie?

Trudy Bush Valentine would be a much better choice for the MO Senate! She has pledged to listen to voters and will encourage laws that respond to all Missourians' needs.

MJ Grinstead, Springfield

Ashcroft misguided on library proposal

The Library Administrative Rule change proposed by Secretary of State Jay Ashcroft claims to support parents while ultimately intended to defund libraries and to deny our communities access to information and technology. Rather than allowing Missouri parents to decide what is best for our children, Ashcroft wants to make decisions for us. We do not need or want Secretary Ashcroft to make decisions for our families.

We live in a state where teacher pay and school funding are among the lowest in the nation. We have great libraries in Missouri. Secretary Ashcroft’s misguided and unwanted proposal will result in decreased federal funding for library materials for students to access. His proposal will lead to reduced services and staff in libraries, exactly when our students need these services the most.

Missouri libraries provide services and information resources to serve all Missouri communities. We value our responsibility as parents to decide what is appropriate information for our children. We don’t need Ashcroft’s help.

Erin Gray, Springfield

This article originally appeared on Springfield News-Leader: Letters to the editor for Oct. 30