Letters to the editor: The problem that is Weyerhaueser

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Weyerhaeuser owes its employees health care

Weyerhaeuser employees in Eugene and Springfield have been on strike for three weeks because the company is trying to cut health insurance for them and their families.

Weyerhaeuser boasted to shareholders that it raked in record profits – of almost $3 billion – last year. Those profits were made from Oregon trees and on the backs of Oregon woodworkers. When the economy was bad, employees made sacrifices to help Weyerhaeuser through the recession. But now that business is booming, instead of sharing the wealth with the people who produce their products, the company wants to make their lives harder.

As a school board member, I know that in all our classes from kindergarten to high school, we teach students about the fundamental principles of fairness and mutual respect. If, as parents and educators, we then treat the disgraceful behavior of companies like Weyerhaeuser as something acceptable, we give all our kids an education in hypocrisy, saying that fairness is only for inside the classroom.

As a company that has benefited for so long from the work of people in our community, the least Weyerhaeuser owes its employees is to maintain affordable health care for their families at a time of record profits.

Gordon Lafer, Eugene (Opinions are his own and don’t reflect the school district)

Weyerhaeuser the problem, not the solution

More than 1,000 union workers are on strike and now are losing their access to health care because Weyerhaeuser wants the employees to pay more to the health insurance company. Some may say the union members are selfish for wanting more wages, but can they be condemned for wanting access to health care for themselves and their families?

Weyerhaeuser and other companies have weaponized health care. It holds a double-edged sword: wages and health care. The company is making the employees pay for the rising cost of health care, which is not the fault of the employees. Meanwhile the health insurance companies are laughing all the way to the bank while everyone else suffers.

The real enemy here is the health insurance companies. Why doesn’t Weyerhaeuser attack the health insurance companies instead of its own employees? At least it could join with the union to demand that we have a universal health care system so no matter where you work or how much you make, you get health care.

Or is Weyerhaeuser simply doing this for control of the workers? If it is doing that it, shame on Weyerhaeuser for being the problem instead of the solution.

Lou Sinniger, Elmira

Goodbye to a lake

Today I swam in a small, clear lake surrounded by forest, huge trees of different species and an understory of wildflowers and huckleberries. I’d like to return every summer and bring my grandchildren when they are a bit older. But I was there to say goodbye.

If Forest Service plans go ahead, the lake will be next to miles of clear-cut forest: the Flat Country timber sale. More than 3,115 acres out of the 4,400-acre sale is mature and old-growth forest. This year President Biden ordered his administration to save older forests for their crucial carbon storage. The importance of these forests in protecting wildlife and water is also widely acknowledged, along with their resistance to wildfire. And Flat Country’s watershed, the McKenzie, is only beginning to recover from the 230,000-acre Holiday Farm fire two years ago. So why is this Trump-era sale going ahead? More loss and devastation, damage that will last for generations, just to make money for timber companies.

There is some hope. Rep. Peter DeFazio has spoken out against the Flat Country timber sale. Ask Sens. Jeff Merkley and Ron Wyden to be courageous and join him; ask the Biden administration to withdraw the sale.

Kate Gessert, Eugene

Can we turn America around?

When we don’t know history, we are doomed to repeat it. Carle Zimmerman researched the similarities of ancient civilizations and what caused their downfall. The United States is following in their footsteps.

In his book, “Family and Civilizations,” he compiles his research. Here is a brief overview from Amazon:

“In this unjustly forgotten work Zimmerman demonstrates the close and causal connections between the rise and fall of different types of families and the rise and fall of civilizations, particularly ancient Greece and Rome, medieval and modern Europe, and the United States ...

"Originally published in 1947, this compelling analysis predicted many of today’s cultural and social controversies and trends, including youth violence and depression, abortion and homosexuality, the demographic collapse of Europe and of the West more generally, and the displacement of peoples.”

Can we turn America around? If we don’t, our country, and our freedoms, will disappear.

Janetta Overholser, Cottage Grove

Kotek is for reproductive and bodily autonomy, not the others

No one is free unless they control their health, lives and futures. Now that the U.S. Supreme Court has taken away our constitutional right to abortion, the midterm elections are more important than ever to determine whether Oregon will remain a safe haven for abortion access.

In the governor’s race, the choice is clear: Tina Kotek trusts us to make our own decisions about our bodies. She is a proven progressive who has never wavered from her commitment to reproductive freedom.

In fact, when Donald Trump was elected, Kotek championed the nation’s most progressive reproductive health policy and passed it into law. Thanks to the Reproductive Health Equity Act, abortion rights are safeguarded in Oregon.

But rights are meaningless if you can’t afford to access them. The act also expands coverage for reproductive health care to thousands of Oregonians, regardless of their citizenship status, type of insurance or gender identity.

The Reproductive Health Equity Act has made a huge difference in my life. I am able to get birth control pills and Plan B for free. Last year I got the Nexplanon implant — also for free. I know my reproductive health is taken care of, thanks to Tina Kotek.

Molly Newhard, Springfield

Ignoring harm and damage

As I listened to charities decrying a ban on fireworks in Eugene, I was struck by what seemed like hypocrisy. On one hand, they were upset that their cash flow for helping others would be diminished, yet they ignored the harm and damage done to people, buildings, our pets and forests from these fireworks. If you’re going to try to help people, shouldn’t you be also keeping them safe? I donate monthly to help feed those in need, but would never buy fireworks that could make someone homeless. These charities need to find other sources of revenue. In addition, more policing needs to be done to stop illegal fireworks, which we see going flying in the air around us every July 4.

Jan Hobbs, Eugene

Are we surprised decriminalizing drugs was a disaster?

A now-retired psychologist, I developed and evaluated substance abuse prevention and early intervention programs for school districts, offender diversion programs and alcohol harm reduction programs in seven states, several under NIH research grants.

So, I wonder why anyone in the field expected decriminalization to reduce addiction or overdoses. Decriminalization simply eliminates long-term criminal records stigma – most importantly, obstacles to future employment. And people dependent on anxiolytic and antidepressant agents rarely want “treatment” for what provides them transient relief.

In scientific investigation, comparability of the control and “treatment” conditions independent of the intervention is elemental. Oregon’s confessed failure compared variables pre-2020 with 2020-22. Did any other societal-level, mental health-relevant changes occur simultaneously? Like continuously amplified COVID-19 anxiety? Shutdowns? Masked faces? Muffled voices? Six-foot “distancing”? Empty streets? Massive Main Street to Wall Street wealth transfer?

Thousands of small businesses and associated livelihoods were destroyed including establishments providing public sociability – Oldenburg’s “third place” between work and family found across all human societies, a daily source of psychologically essential interpersonal “strokes” so named by Dr. Eric Berne.

We have near-universal, monumental losses: employment-based self-esteem, friends and family who disagree, student achievement, trust in government institutions, media, medicine, optimism.

And very bad science.

Jack Dresser, Springfield

Lesley for west Lane County

Lane County is home to some of Oregon's most treasured landscapes — especially on public lands we can all enjoy. From the coastal dunes, through the Siuslaw National Forest, to streamside forests and valley farms, the lands and waters of western Lane County supply our drinking water, clean our air, shelter wildlife and salmon and offer some of our favorite places to fish, hunt, camp and hike.

They draw new residents and businesses, bring in tourist dollars and provide our livelihoods. We need elected officials who value our forests, farms and streams for all they provide and who listen to the people who live on the land and use science and facts to inform their decisions.

On this November's ballot, Dawn Lesley is the clear choice for West Lane County commissioner who will consider these values and voices to ensure that the forests and streams that help our communities thrive are protected, restored, and valued. Please vote!

Chandra LeGue, Eugene

How does Skarlatos know what’s best for women’s health care?

One of Alek Skarlatos’ campaign TV ads states that he will “protect women’s access to health care.” Since Skarlatos is on record stating that he supports the repeal of Roe v. Wade by the Supreme Court and believes that Planned Parenthood should not receive federal funds, I’m not clear on how he is protecting a woman’s access to health care. In reality, he is in favor of limiting a woman’s access to health care.

Apparently Skarlatos believes that he knows what is best for a woman’s health. It seems that he will protect access to health care for women who he deems appropriate. Does he think that he has the right to dictate what and where a woman should be allowed to access her health care? So, what’s his plan to protect women’s access to health care? Is he offering transportation to our appointments at clinics that he thinks we should be allowed to use and that offer procedures that he thinks are good for us?

Skarlatos, I don’t need your “protection.” In fact, women’s health care needs to be protected from politicians like you! Teresa Dobles, Eugene

Letters should be 200 words or fewer and sent with the writer’s name, address, and daytime phone number via e-mail to rgletters@registerguard.com. Letters may be edited for length and clarity, and maybe published in any medium. We regret that owing to the volume of correspondence we cannot reply to every letter.

This article originally appeared on Register-Guard: Letters to the editor: The problem that is Weyerhaueser