Letters to the Editor: Rep. Mike Garcia's disgusting Nazi analogy

PALMDALE CA July 7, 2021: Rep. Mike Garcia during a press conference on illegal marijuana grows in the Antelope Valley outside the Los Angeles County Farm Bureau in Palmdale. (Wally Skalij / Los Angeles Times)
Rep. Mike Garcia speaks at a news conference in Palmdale about illegal marijuana grows in the area on July 7, 2021. (Wally Skalij / Los Angeles Times)

To the editor: Rep. Mike Garcia (R-Santa Clarita) said the FBI search for classified documents at former President Trump's Florida residence resembled "Third Reich" tactics.

There is no reasonable comparison between Nazi Germany and our federal government's attempt to enforce established laws and protect our constitutional rights. There was no fascist leader leading the FBI by shouting about the superior white race, while calling for the imprisonment and annihilation of people with different sexual orientations, backgrounds, religions and mental and physical capacities.

That was what the Nazi regime did. The FBI proceeded in a careful, legal process, authorized by the Department of Justice pursuant to a search warrant signed by a federal judge.

Until Garcia learns what happened to innocent people under the Nazi regime, he should keep his mouth shut. Meanwhile, somebody loan him a history textbook.

Esther Youtan, Tarzana


To the editor: Repeated reference to Democrats as Nazis may reveal Republicans as parroting Russian claims about Ukraine. In either case, here and abroad, such claims are nonsense and designed as propaganda.

Politicians are treating us like lab rats with brainwashing instead of facts and policies. Emotion-loaded name-calling assumes that voters won't think about issues. Let's hope we all vote on the issues if we can find them.

Russian President Vladimir Putin's Nazi accusations have little to do with Jews. It was the Nazis who invaded Russia in World War II with intention to enslave the largely Orthodox Christian country. While they are clearly anti-Nazi, both Russia and Ukraine still come equipped with their own brand of rabid antisemitism.

On the other hand, the Republican Party's Nazi accusations against Democrats are propaganda meant to draw Jewish-sympathetic votes. Period.

Michael Gross, Woodland Hills


To the editor: Thanks to Garcia for his keen insight to describe the Biden administration as using Nazi tactics against the former president.

I have been ambivalent as to contributing to the campaign for his Democratic opponent, former state Assemblywoman Christy Smith. He has now made that decision overwhelmingly easy.

Larry Harmell, Granada Hills

This story originally appeared in Los Angeles Times.