Letters to the editor for Saturday, August 19, 2023

Editorial cartoon
Editorial cartoon

Letters to the editor should be 250 words or less. Include your name and city or community of residence. Guest opinions should be 600 words or less and include a brief summary of the author’s credentials relevant to the topic. Guest opinions may include a head shot of the author. For the Fort Myers News-Press, email submissions to mailbag@news-press.com and for the Naples Daily News to letters@naplesnews.com

Conservation fight unbalanced

We’ve all seen the endless construction going on in Lee County. We’ve experienced the unreasonable commute times, crowded shopping centers and water shortages. I learned that in east Lee County this is going to get worse. Lennar is trying to develop conservation lands – lands specifically designated wetlands and set aside for Density Reduction/Groundwater Restoration. The huge piece of land they are adding to their empire is at Daniels and State Road 82 – you know, the strip of land marked by a few panther crossing signs?

I live next to this proposed development and have been fighting against the absurdity of allowing a corporation to destroy more conservation land in Lee County. If this wasn’t such a frustrating process, it would be laughable how stacked against We the People this process has become. Lennar has every law in their favor and all the money needed to fight for more development. We the people, however, are always the underdog. We have full time jobs and families who need our time and attention. We don’t have the financial means to hire experts to fight our battle for us. We don’t even have the right to address our elected officials for more than three minutes. Do you know how much time Lennar has? All the time they need to persuade the commissioners to vote in their favor. When will this process change? When will the commissioners advocate for their constituents and the environment they are morally bound to protect?

Kayla Guenther, Fort Myers

Human trafficking

The movie, "The Sound of Freedom," has taken our Naples box offices by storm. Human trafficking is occurring frequently right here in Naples. I have been a resident of Naples for the past nine years and am a practicing obstetrician and gynecologic surgeon who founded the nonprofit organization, Canopy Global Foundation (CanopyGlobal.org) to help stop human trafficking. After treating hundreds of victims of sex trafficking throughout my career, I knew there was a great need to educate health care professionals, school students and government officials on the risks of human trafficking, how to recognize and rescue victims, and how to prevent trafficking.

Sadly, Florida ranks third in the USA in reported human trafficking cases, and there are an estimated 40.3 million victims of trafficking worldwide. Did you know that 88% of victims of human trafficking were seen by health care providers while under the control of their traffickers, but less than 1% of victims are ever recognized in the health care setting? It is my personal mission and the mission of Canopy Global Foundation to stop human trafficking locally in Naples, nationally and internationally. For example, we have collaborated with Collier County Public Schools to create a public service announcement for middle and high school students on exploitation avoidance, which is now being shown to all of our public school students. Educating our children about the various forms of human trafficking is a powerful step in stopping human trafficking. Also, I give the annual Florida Medical Association lecture for statewide health care providers on how to recognize, treat and prevent human trafficking.

The truth is, we all can make a difference in ending human trafficking here in Naples. If you see any concerning behavior by an individual, at a hotel, or in a neighborhood, call the National Human Trafficking Hotline: 1-888-373-7888. Also, please partner with us at Canopy Global Foundation to effectively end human trafficking in our community and abroad. Thank you, Naples residents, for your incredible hearts and concern for the vulnerable.

Karysse Trandem, Naples

Jaycee Park feedback

Want to comment about Jaycee Park to the Cape Coral City Council? Drop in from 2:00 to 6:00 on August 31 at Mercola Market, 125 SW 3rd Place to talk to the experts and give feedback on the proposed plans. If they tell you the consultants recommended boat docks at the park, tell them the consultants they hired in 2022 recommended large regional parks and teen centers. They said to look for water access north of Veterans Memorial Bridge, and find additional spaces on the water all the while praising Jaycee Park as it exists. If they tell you the Australian pines must come down, tell them they can be left by applying for a permit from the state of Florida or by changing the local ordinance. It makes no sense to spend thousands of dollars to cut down shade trees, and then replace them with non shade trees for thousands more dollars. Food trucks in Jaycee Park? The Cape Coral mayor is quoted from The News-Press that outside businesses should not be in city parks. Cape Coral's 10 year Park Plan calls Jaycee Park a Neighborhood Park. Thousands of us want to keep it that way. Speak up on August 31.

Sally Flash, Cape Coral

One-party rule

If there is any question about having all three branches of the government being held by one party, look no further than Florida. The governor is a Republican, the House and Senate are majority Republicans and the judiciary has majority members of The Federalist Society. Having one party controlling all three branches of the government removes the guardrails and checks and balances on the abuse of power.Don't like those pesky voters amending the Florida Constitution? Up the percentage needed to pass an amendment from 60% to 66.7%. Rather than trying to convince constituents of the soundness of ideas or points of view just change the rules. Don't want people to access how a presidential campaign is being run, just use privacy of donors and security as justification. Not sure the presidential run will be successful, change the rule of having to resign to run. Use gerrymandering to maintain power and keep secret the process for selection of judges. Appoint only those who share your point of view, get rid of the others and select people who will defend you faithfully. Reward fealty with appointment to powerful positions and excellent financial rewards, no professional qualification necessary.

Finally, use your power to control, manipulate, silence and punish those who protest the constraints on freedom, equality and ideology. This is what you get when you control the three branches of government; executive, legislative and judicial. The only way this can be changed is by everyone who is eligible to vote to vote in every election. People who have no party affiliation (NPA) can support a candidate they think may have potential by changing to a party affiliation and voting in primary elections.

Patricia Howard, Naples

Make Ian 'qualified' disaster

As SWFL moves closer to the one year anniversary of Hurricane Ian, residents living in areas hard hit by Ian are still suffering.  Why aren’t Congressman Donalds, Senators Scott and Rubio moving forward in the House and Senate the House bill which would certify Hurricane Ian as a “qualified” disaster?  This would enable residents who are suffering losses not covered by insurance to submit those losses to the IRS.  SWFL residents are still suffering and deserve elected representatives to make recovery their top priority.

JoAnn Stehr, Sanibel

Stand up to MAGA group

Nature fascinates and teaches. Science observes that there are actions in some small species that mirror the actions of larger creatures. This phenomenon is referred to as microcosms reflecting macrocosms.

A well documented microcosm concerns the many species of wasps that parasitize other invertebrates. While their larvae devour the host internally, they also take control of their nervous systems, forcing them into behaviors that are good for the invader but bad for the host.

Similar microcosms and macrocosms occur in human society. A serious example concerns what has happened to the Republican Party nationally and locally. The invading entity, the MAGA group, has taken over the body and the nervous system of the county, state and national Republican Party. This has resulted in the presentation of candidates for all levels of elections who put forth egregious proposals and comments that the traditional Republican Party would never do.

In Collier County, the MAGA microcosm has pushed candidates for the School Board and the County Board of Commissioners who are promoting actions that are not good for entities they serve.

Among the worst proposals by one of the newly elected school board members has tried to ban books that might have witches in them because he believes that witches really exist in the world and are the cause of many social issues.

Similarly, the Board of County Commissioners has passed resolutions that deny science and public health in the name of what they consider “freedom.” The latest attempt is to declare the county to be a Sanctuary for the Bill of Rights, with the sheriff deciding which laws are constitutional. This proposal is profoundly divorced from the realities of the U.S. and Florida constitutions. Both documents already protect our rights, and delegate to the courts the task of determining if laws and ordinances are compatible with the constitutions.

The creature parasitized by a wasp in nature is doomed and eventually consumed. A similar microcosmic event does not have to happen to the Collier County Republican Party. If non-MAGA Republicans dare to stand up to the MAGA group, the efforts of their elected officials would return to governing and improving the lives of all Collier County citizens regardless of party affiliation.

Michael F. Finkel M..D, Naples

Seniors will miss arcades

It’s such a shame the neighborhood arcades in Fort Myers are being shut down. As retired senior citizens this was a fun afternoon entertainment for us. It was close by, we didn’t have to drive a long, dangerous trip to Immokolee. The local arcades served food, soft drinks, coffee and a great place to socialize.  A super place for entertainment for senior citizens. Why take this away from us?  Who made the decision to take this away from us?  Jim Nebel, North Fort Myers 

Biden deserves impeachment

Since Biden took office:America was energy independent with the world’s largest energy resources, now purchasing oil from adversaries and depleted our national petroleum reserves. Gasoline was $2.14 per gal. and now $3.79.The dollar is worth 16% less and in danger of losing world reserve currency status, due mainly to unprecedented spending. Just the interest owed on the national debt is threatening to exceed national revenue.World dictators viewing weakness, making unprecedented incursions and threats like spy balloons, another spy base in Cuba and a joint Russian-Chinese naval task force operating near the Aleutian Islands.Military readiness severely weakened, recruiting is short 40,000 troops, significant arms shortage due to $83 billion worth left in Afghanistan, billions more to Ukraine, lack of domestic production capability, and under-funded defense budgets.

The open border insanity of allowing 7 million illegal aliens, most unvetted from all over the world, entering the country at staggering expense to taxpayers, where a large percentage of citizens are already on welfare.Race relations deliberately worsened by inane suggestions like reparations for slavery 250 years ago. Perhaps more cartel slaves in America today due to failed border security. More deaths per year from fentanyl crossing the border than from gun murders and vehicles accidents combined.Serious decline in law and order, freedom of speech and equality under the law due to Democrat politicization of courts and government agencies not fulfilling their sworn duties.This madness threatens every citizen’s personal and financial security. He really deserves to be impeached.

Robert Strohaver, Naples

Agree to disagree amiably

Currently, Democrats are thumping their chests and relishing Donald Trump's legal hassle, but instead of blaming Trump for everything but the original sin they should assume some responsibility for what they have wrought over the past decade or so.

First, Barack Obama's mixed ethnicity, eloquent baritone voice and suave manner won the hearts of many, allowing him to accumulate millions and procure a 20-acre estate on Martha's Vineyard. Simultaneously, he turned his back on our military and NASA, allowing Russia and China to outpace the U.S. in developing nuclear weapons and hypersonic missiles. Today our Army is dwarfed by China's and our Navy will soon follow suit. After Biden essentially equipped the Taliban with his flawed withdrawal from Afghanistan and is depleting our weapon stockpiles supporting the Ukraine. As a result America's  military might is suspect.

Joe Biden himself is a pathetic figurehead with  both mental and physical limitations. Fact check and you will find he has plagiarized and lied his entire political life and used Blacks to win elections. His Bidenomics has left the average family $700 poorer per month while the Biden family has been enriched through nepotism. Kamala Harris in reserve is a scary reality. Granted Fox News may exaggerate, but the mainstream media ignores or manipulates the news including the magnitude and ramifications of illegal immigration and rampant crime.

How's 'bout a comparison? GOP has miscreants such as Marjorie Taylor Greene while the Dems have Cortez, Omar and several other radicals. House leader conduct? What about Nancy Pelosi ripping up Trump's State of Union speech on national TV while hiding her personal misdeeds and was conveniently absent on Jan. 6th after refusing National Guard deployment. Principal contributor? Hungarian emigree George Soros who is persona non grata in Great Britain after dubious stock transactions. Famous party luminaries? Harvey Weinstein ( now in prison ) and Jeffrey Epstein (death by suicide )  Conclusions? All in all, neither party can brag.

Bottom line: The Left will not be able to rule America by mandate or using "Racist" tag. Minority agendas cannot be forced down throats of the majority. Proof? Check with Budweiser and Target. If America is to survive and thrive it must agree to disagree amiably and cease the social and partisan warfare.  Amen!

Gerald Ponder, Cape Coral

Floridians For Democracy

Do you envision a state of Florida where all elected leaders proactively enact and diligently enforce laws ensuring all residents have equal opportunity, regardless of race, gender, religion, or sexual orientation as granted by the democratic freedoms set forth in the our federal and state constitutions?

I do, and that is why I am so excited about Floridians For Democracy, a grassroots effort by people of all faiths and backgrounds just like you and me who encourage our fellow Floridians to “Run for Something,” “Stand for Something,” “Push Back Against Hate” and “Vote.”

Their goals:

  • Increase voter participation across all demographics

  • Create laws that enhance democratic freedoms and reverse laws that erode democratic freedoms

  • Engage with civility and inherent dignity for all

  • Uphold a bipartisan approach in the pursuit of protecting and preserving democracy

  • Use non-violent and legal means to achieve our goals

  • Strengthen, amplify and accelerate but not compete with partners

Why a new group? Because Florida is fast becoming the state where democracy is in peril!

Under its current leadership in Tallahassee, Florida is fast becoming a state

  • Where voting and the right to speak freely are suppressed

  • Where schoolbooks are banned on whim and not reason

  • Where academic freedom and critical thinking among students and faculty in public education and universities is thwarted

  • Where cultural freedom is blocked

  • Where women’s reproductive rights are controlled by the state

  • Where LGBTQ and transgender people are under attack (not only in education, but also in health care and fundamental rights)

  • Where businesses and elected officials that disagree with the governor’s agenda are punished

  • Where the rights of local governments to make local decisions based on their needs are blocked

Does this interest you?  If so, visit floridiansfordemocracy.org

Robert Geltner, North Fort Myers

This article originally appeared on Fort Myers News-Press: Letters to the editor for Saturday, August 19, 2023