Letters to the editor for Saturday, August 5, 2023

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Letters to the editor should be 250 words or less. Include your name and city or community of residence. Guest opinions should be 600 words or less and include a brief summary of the author’s credentials relevant to the topic. Guest opinions may include a head shot of the author. For the Fort Myers News-Press, email submissions to mailbag@news-press.com and for the Naples Daily News to letters@naplesnews.com

50-year anniversary

Fifty years ago Golden Gate Elementary School opened it’s doors in August 1973 as one of three brand new schools: Poinciana Elementary, Naples Park Elementary and Golden Gate Elementary.One little problem -- no chairs for over 200 students from Kindergarten to Fifth Grade! Problem solved within a few hours when all our chairs were delivered.We still had to wait awhile for walls separating each classroom but everything was NEW! carpeting, books, supplies, tables, desks, chairs, and even some new teachers.Golden Gate has grown and changed so much since 1973 but the beautiful school has expanded and new schools have been built around it.It was a beautiful school to begin my teaching career and to have the opportunity to work with some wonderful people.Mr. Aaron Luz was the first principal for Golden Gate Elementary and one of the best! Many have followed his lead and kept Golden Gate Elementary one of the finest schools in Collier County!

Congratulations on 50 years!

Kay Smuczynski, retired Collier County teacher, Hiawassee, GA

Important course eliminated

Ron “Adolf” DeSantis, continues his wave of censorship and limiting the education of students in Florida. Recently, the state of Florida banned the AP psychology course in Florida high schools. This course is one of the most popular in the state for high school students but now will be unavailable due to its content regarding sexuality and gender identity, which is now “illegal” to teach to high school students. Never mind the fact that this course has been taught for 30 years and is a key foundation for high school and future college students, many of whom would forge a path to a career in psychology. Or the fact that we have a worsening mental health crisis in this country and lack of access to mental health professionals, which will only worsen in the state of Florida due to this ban (Florida currently ranked 49/50 in U.S. states for mental health care). In addition, we will continue to make Florida students less competitive as they apply to colleges because now they have one less AP course to take to enhance their college resumes, which will disproportionally impact those of lower socioeconomic backgrounds. As someone who regretfully voted for the governor, I can confirm that no such vote will be placed in the future. Maybe rather than focusing on book bans, censorship, and shipping immigrants across the country, Governor Adolf should become more “woke” with regards to his floundering presidential campaign. Although now that he just turned millions of future Florida high school voters against him, he can put that to sleep as well.

Dr. Michael Cudnik, M.D., Cape Coral

Escape from toxic politics

A recent op-ed by a Naples Realtor suggested that people who were relocating from Collier County were merely moving to other parts of Florida, and occasionally to popular spots in other Southeastern states. She cited profit-taking and downsizing as a primary driver of relocation, and perhaps family or "roots" or weather. There is another reason people are leaving Florida, and it has all to do with our governor's "war on woke" and the toxic right-wing politics that dominate now from Tallahassee all the way down to the county. I left Florida in late June after 50-plus years in Naples. Moving closer to family was part of the decision, but I could not wait to get out of both the state and Collier. The Alfie Oakes-led takeover of the School Board, the vote by our commissioners to send back a large federal grant to improve the health of people in our poorer communities because a tiny portion of it would teach about COVID vaccines, the willingness to revisit the ridiculous First Amendment sanctuary resolution — it all disgusts me. I’m not the only one leaving. There will be a brain drain from schools and universities with the restrictions on teaching about racism/slavery and gender/sexual preference. Affordable housing for middle- and lower-income folks is getting impossible to find, and both rental and homeowner insurance rates are skyrocketing. Meanwhile the governor jets around the country and wages war on Mickey Mouse. If that’s what you all want, you can have it. I’m gone.

Sarah Ridgway, Westwood, MA

Trump and U.S. credit rating

Fitch Ratings informed the White House that the Trump-incited insurrection of January 6, 2021, was a factor in its decision to downgrade the U.S. government credit rating because it indicated an unstable government (see article page 12A 8-3-23).

Most of the lies uttered from Trump’s mouth are intended by him to destabilize our government and direct violence against every hardworking government employee who is just doing their job to make all people who violate the law pay for their crimes -- even Trump. He is not a victim. Not all words spoken are protected by our First Amendment and his clearly crossed the line.He should pay any added interest attributable to the lowered credit rating caused by his misconduct.

Robert Geltner, North Fort Myers

What will Trump defense be?

How will Team Trump defend the deceitful defendant who conspired to overturn the 2020 election? Anyone who reads the indictment, and anyone interested in our American democracy should read it, will appreciate the extent to which Trump and his co-conspirators would go to steal the election.There is no excuse for their lying unless you can convince the court that is okay to lie to get what you want. For instance, if you want to steal the presidency, there’s nothing wrong with using your free speech to deceive state legislators and bamboozle secretaries of State, and to enlist unwitting dupes to act as fake electors. Tell people lies, it’s your right, and depend on them to ignore the truth and help you obstruct justice. Trump couldn’t care less if his foolishly devoted co-conspirators get in legal trouble or end up in jail. They are just expendable pawns. As for his own liability, he figures he’s immune, he’s special, he’s entitled, and he’s above the law.

Another avenue of defense Trump is likely to use is that he was poorly advised. No one told him the facts about legitimate election returns. He wasn’t told that all the ridiculous allegations about election fraud were bogus. Rudy Giuliani and Sidney Powell perversely used their free speech to make up outlandish stories of election chicanery. Trump willingly bought into these lies, even reiterating them after they’d been proven false.Trump can claim stupidity. He might say he was simply too gullible. He can say that the noted constitutional lawyer John Eastman convinced him it was acceptable, even advisable, to lie to get what you want. Trump never needed any encouragement to lie. Of course he had dozens of advisors telling him the truth, but his ego couldn’t accept the fact that he had lost the electionHowever this snake tries to slither free, he’s in trouble. We hope it’s true that nobody is above the law.

Kevin McNally, Bonita Springs

Sheriff's propaganda

Recently I received a direct mailing, as I believe all Collier County residents did, from Sheriff Rambosk patting himself and his department on their backs for their superior crime-fighting accomplishments. I hope he didn't knock himself down in the attempt!Maybe he and his department's time (as well as taxpayers' monies), would be better utilized committing themselves to solving the 20-plus year old disappearances of Collier County residents Terrance Williams and Felipe Santos. Both cases were recently well-documented in an exhaustive podcast ("The Last Ride").Every Collier County resident should take the time to view this evidence, unless they wish to live in willful ignorance and give the CCSO carte blanche to do whatever they have to do to protect them. The CCSO has had a long-history of excessive force and suppression of crime events occurring in this county, because nothing bad ever happens in "paradise" resort/retirement communities like Naples.Oh, and I would like to personally thank Sheriff Rambosk for using my hard-earned tax dollars to compile, print and mail this propaganda.

John Smith, Naples

Move on from Trump

As an Independent who would feel exactly the same about any Democratic leader who consciously attempted to undermine the principle that makes our country great -- our democracy.

The latest of three indictments, and most likely not the last, is the most damning. Our country witnessed the January 6, 2021 outrageous attack on our Capitol, which resulted in five deaths and scores injured, clearly the result of Donald Trump's knowingly and willfully using his lies about a "stolen election" to encourage the demonstrators to go down to the Capitol and "fight like hell." Then sat back and watched the mayhem as his supporters stormed our Capitol for hours before mildly calling for an end.

Facts are truths and can often be uncomfortable for some, but never the less remain the facts. It's more than time to put political partisan behavior aside, step up as patriots and call for an end to Trump's attack on our democracy.

GOP voters need to select a candidate who will support our institutions and protect our democracy, then move on and truly govern.

James Keough, Cape Coral

Read the indictment

Mr. Trump has been indicted by the Justice Department’s special counsel for the illegal actions he engaged in to remain in power after losing a free and fair democratic election in 2020.  I would encourage all citizens to read the 45-page indictment. For every charge in the indictment against Mr. Trump, the special counsel lays out the supporting evidence in the form of direct testimony, contemporaneous notes, records or documents. After more than two years, and especially for me as a veteran, it is still jarring to see evidence laid out of the brazenly, anti-democratic and autocratic actions of a commander-in-chief sworn to preserve, protect and defend the Constitution of the United States. Significantly, all of the testimony in the indictment is provided by Republicans. Given that, it would seem to me that no one is out to get Mr. Trump except Mr. Trump. Thankfully, the country is now at a stage in the pursuit of justice for Mr. Trump where, as the actor Jack Webb would remind all of us of a certain age, that we want ‘just the facts ma’am.”  Mr. Trump may continue lying to the public, at his peril. His acolytes may continue to prostitute their principles in defending him with projections and whataboutisms. The court will only listen to facts, evidence and the law and render a long overdue judgment on Mr. Trump. God bless America.

Thomas Minor, Bonita Springs

No to Trump, no to Biden

The Republicans and Democrats both have messes on their hands with respect to presidential candidates. Trump’s latest indictment will be defended against by arguing his First Amendment rights to free speech. Key to that is did he believe what he was saying about the election being stolen? I don’t think the man “believes” anything. He floats trial balloons with his speeches. If they appear to fly, he keeps using them. If not, he floats something else. Truth is not relevant. The only thing relevant is does the balloon fly.

Biden is just as bad. He revels in Trump’s legal problems as they produce the smoke that hides the selling of the Biden brand by Hunter. Hunter is a 53-year-old man fully responsible for his actions in using that brand for gain for the Biden family. Joe apparently knew what was going on and now we have the testimony from Biden’s partner to confirm that influence peddling by Hunter was, indeed, going on.Now for the folks that are diehard supporters of both men, let’s assume they are both outstanding citizens. Do we want to wallow in this mess day after day up to and after the 2024 election? I don’t think so. America is better than this. If Trump and Joe are great Americans as their partisans believe, then, for the sake of the country, they should not put the electorate through this. It is time for both to exit the stage and for the election to be reset by candidates that can argue the real issues confronting American families as they sit around the dinner table discussing their futures.

Chris Corrie, Bonita Springs

Schools and vouchers

I recently read a letter that took exception with another writer who didn’t want rich people to get school vouchers (currently $8,000 per child) for private schools. This letter writer made the point that he/she was entitled to a voucher to get back the money he/she paid in taxes for schools and rich people were just as entitled.

According to the recent census less than 30% of households in Florida have children which means 70% of households are paying for these vouchers that they are not entitled to. Why? My parents sent their children to private schools, my siblings and I did the same with our children, and now our children send their children, all on our own funding, no vouchers.

I constantly hear about the terrible socialists and communists infesting this country, and I always hear about the overweight Black guy in Chicago watching TV and collecting a welfare check but nothing about school vouchers, farm subsidies, energy company subsidies, on and on.

The Heritage Foundation refers to vouchers as “microgrants” stating these microgrants equal micro-socialism causing additional taxes. Proponents of microgrants portray them as a form of “school choice” but legislators who truly want to empower families with educational choices should focus on advancing education savings accounts (ESAs).

If American parents sincerely want control of the children’s education, end public schools and stop taxing.

Robert Martin, Naples

Ignore lesson at our peril

I'm not the first, and hopefully will not be the last, to refer to a political event in our past that has led us to the situation we find ourselves in today. Gerald Ford may have had the best of intentions when he pardoned Nixon, but by not holding him accountable for his crimes, he sent this message: the POTUS is, in fact, the one citizen who is above the law.

No one imagined that a person with criminal intentions would figure that out and set his sights on the highest office in the land. That we actually put a known sociopathic criminal in charge of our country (with predictable results) will be seen historically as an ugly blot on our uneven march to create a nation that finally lives up to the ideals set forth in its Constitution. 2024 will be a watershed moment: Would we save our democracy or would we descend into an autocracy?  How did this happen? The Former Guy showed the people in New York who he was so they didn't vote for him in 2016. For four years he showed (and told) the rest of us who he was so we didn't vote for him in 2020 and he told us he would not leave office peacefully. Of the tens of thousands of significant verifiable lies he told while in the Oval Office, continuing through today, he never lied about his intentions or his philosophy of personal relationships (loyalty to me is paramount, loyalty to thee is transactional). And sadly, 20% of our citizenry is in favor of the criminal returning to office. 

While no one should be happy knowing we're about to put a former president in prison, we should be gratified that our system of justice has so far functioned as the Constitution intended.  A conviction will hopefully send a message to future dictator wannabees. However, if The Former Guy is not convicted and imprisoned, all bets are off. He or the next miscreant will better know how to manipulate people and laws and bend them to their nefarious purposes.

We ignore the lesson of Nixon at our peril.

Wilburn P. Reed, Fort Myers

This article originally appeared on Fort Myers News-Press: Letters to the editor for Saturday, August 5, 2023