Letters to the editor for Saturday, December 30, 2023

Presidential Campaign 2024 Expresident Donald J Trump President Joe R Biden Rfk Jr Candidatesto Named Later Gop Vs Dnc Democrats Vs Republicans Independent Party Green Party Electoral College
Presidential Campaign 2024 Expresident Donald J Trump President Joe R Biden Rfk Jr Candidatesto Named Later Gop Vs Dnc Democrats Vs Republicans Independent Party Green Party Electoral College
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Airport outgrows location

I thought Naples Airport was looking to relocate!

Why would the airport be remodeling their hangars? And building an Observation Tower? Why is the usage increasing if they are moving?

Last year the piston operated aircraft using leaded fuel dumped 472 lbs. of lead on Naples. 6,000 children go to school within a 5-mile radius from Naples Airport. No amount of lead in your body is healthy.

Yet here we are starting another season bombarded with aircraft. Noise studies, meetings, discussions, letters, emails and still the noise persists. Our quality of life matters!

We need Naples City Council and the Naples Airport Authority to find a way to protect us. The health and welfare of residents/tourists must come before money!

Naples Airport has increased its usage by 70% and no, we do not live near the airport, we live 6 miles away. The “Uber “jets and flight schools have been the biggest increase with Net Jets being the largest contributor to the crowded skies.

Try eating at Riverwalk, try going for a walk on 5th Avenue or try lying on the beach, the air and noise pollution has destroyed the peace and quiet. Where is the “Paradise” that Naples is known for?

Naples Airport was established in 1942 but Naples has grown and so has the usage at Naples Airport. The airport has clearly outgrown its location. Private Sky: A private airstrip in Fort Myers could be utilized, move the flight schools, other options have been suggested, yet nothing! Paradise lost!

Mary Tatigian, Naples

Presidential ballot

First Colorado, now Maine firing shots at Fort Sumpter number two. How many more states will fire shots at Fort Sumter number two to unilaterally, politically, and  unconstitutionally keep someone off the presidential ballot before the next civil war starts?

David Liebenguth, Fort Myers

Future of energy

International climate talks fall short, an opinion piece by Rafe Pomerance lamented the failure of the recent COP 28 climate conference to commit to reducing fossil fuel use faster. Seventy-eight percent of all power generation comes from fossil fuels, a metric that has hardly changed in 40 years. Think about the plastics used in a hospital, all are derivatives of oil. Heat produced by burning fossil fuels makes the production of cement, asphalt, steel, alloys, chemicals, and home heating possible. Even wind turbines, solar panels, and batteries would not exist without fossil fuels. The consequence of a speedy transition away from fossil fuels would be economic suicide. Without China and India making commitments to scaling back their emissions of CO2, nothing western nations do will lower global CO2 emissions.The author failed to mention that 22 countries at COP 28, including the United States, set a goal of tripling their nuclear energy production by 2050. That is a nod to its fuel density, ability to produce enormous amounts of CO2 free power, and its excellent safety record. The so-called nuclear waste is a political, not a technical problem. And costs? South Korea, China, UAE, and Russia are building nuclear reactors on time and on budget. We can too, again. Fission and eventually fusion will be our grandchildren’s primary source of energy. Between now and then an energy abundant and prosperous world can master a slightly warmer planet.

Shawn Connors, Naples

President or not?

Since the President of the United States is the “boss” of all governmental employees, how can Trump claim that “other” governmental employees are responsible for doing, or not doing “his” (Trump’s) job on Jan. 6th? Was he the president in charge, or not?

Kathrine Drayton, Estero

Don't need this

The article Subscription Binge was noteworthy, not for the concern expressed that people were spending too much money on apps and subscriptions, but that they were victims of their own needs and desires and maybe crafty sellers.So along comes the National Consumer League and the Federal Trade Commission. The NCL is a so-called non-profit and is in league with the Federal Trade Commission through the Bureau of Consumer Protection. They both have solutions for people who cannot control their subscription appetites.First, a little about "non-profits." There are 2 million not for profits and of those 1.5 million are tax exempt organizations. Some are needed and many are not. NCL is not. The non-profit moniker is misleading. We may not have to pay taxes on our contributions and they on their "profits" but like any business, they have to produce a surplus or net income so they can pay their expenses, salaries and in some cases exorbitant salaries to their "leaders" who are mostly former government employees and from academia.On the other hand, the FTC spends $430 million of taxpayer money and every year petitions the Congress for more so they can protect us from ourselves. I'm reminded of the saying "I am from the government and I'm here to help."If people were well educated and received a decent education in our government schools they might be able to read their bank and credit card statements and make decisions as to whether they need or want such subscriptions.Just look at the makeup of some of these nonprofits and government organizations populated with people who never had a real job in their life, but are more than willing to dedicate themselves to telling us what to do. NCL is at the head of the list and a perfect example of such organizations.Consumers do not need protection, they need common sense and discipline, and that has to be self generated.

Joe Kiernan, Naples

Worthless Biden

So just announced, terrorist assassins Hamas has now murdered a second American hostage. And where is worthless Biden in all this?  On the beach in St. Croix.  He has done nothing to get our hostages released.  He should be ashamed of himself.  He should tell Hamas to release all hostages immediately or we are flattening Tehran, and then do it.

Michael Adler, Miromar Lakes

Risks of pregnancy

The annual Florida Legislative Session will begin in early January 2024. We can anticipate that several bills will focus on pregnancy and medical abortions. As we have seen lately many bills are purposefully vague about how restrictions built into the bills are to be interpreted and by whom. The best treatment options for pregnant women should be guided by the best standards of practice from the medical community and not on ideology or a personal belief system. A pregnancy is not without risks and they should be considered when drafting legislation. Consider some of the following risks for pregnant women:Pre-existing conditions - diabetes, cancer, HBP (high blood pressure), STD (sexually transmitted disease, a risk in cases of rape), kidney function problems and obesity.

Complications for pregnant teenagers - premature birth, anemia, toxemia and cephalic pelvic disproportion (small birth canal).Medical complications during pregnancy - cardiovascular problems, sepsis, excessive bleeding and pulmonary embolisms.Complications that pose a grave threat to mother and child - ectopic pregnancy, congenital disorders, pre-eclampsia, with impaired kidney function, severe bleeding (placenta previa), low amniotic fluid and newly diagnosed lethal fetal abnormalities.Delay in seeking pregnancy care - lack of awareness of a pregnancy, shame, incest, no access to comprehensive medical care because of lack of insurance, transportation and fear of financial consequences.It is no secret that many doctors, nurses and physician assistants have expressed frustration and fear of retaliation over vaguely written guidelines that are more punitive than helpful. Causing some to move their practice elsewhere.In deciding treatment options for pregnancy complications that threaten the life and/or the health of the mother and child, do you believe non-medical legislators are more qualified to make a determination for providing or denying medical care than a doctor trained in medical science of pregnancy, childbirth and postpartum care?

Patricia Howard, Naples

Hypocrisy of the Left

I thought it was the Left who were constantly beating the drum about the right to vote, election interference and collusion. Now it appears that when it comes to Trump, they really do not care about any of that. Democratic officials in multiple states are not only trying to eliminate the people's right to vote for the candidate of their choice, they are even trying to eliminate the right to vote for someone by write-in ballot. That means that even if you vote totally legally, they will not count it. Can anything violate the right to vote and the act of committing election interference more than those actions? Just confirms the total hypocrisy of the Left.

Ron Wobbeking, Naples

Biden has to go

Isn't war grand? I was asked this question and thought to myself, what a stupid question. Who in their right mind would think war is a good idea. But there are people out there, most in the federal government, who believe war is good, it is good economically, it is good, geographically, and it is good emotionally. Who in their right mind would agree to any of those statements?

But we have in leadership, a war monger, Joe Biden. You see Joe has a different slant on this question. His question is how can we not get involved? We have granted more than $100 billion dollars of aid to Ukraine. We have troops staged in NATO countries on alert. We patrol the seas in warships, we fly missions into enemy territory, we supply guns, ammo, advanced weaponry, aircraft, and intelligence. We support a leader who has terminated free elections, a country so corrupt that even Joe Biden and his family are held captive by Zelensky and intimate knowledge of cash payoffs and a media blackout of dirty handed dealings.

Congress is weighing a new aid package for Ukraine. $60 billion dollars in war materials. This is in the form of $30 billion for weapons and another $30 billion for salaries, benefits, and pensions for the Ukrainian people. I suspect some $10 billion will end up in the pockets of crooked Ukrainians, crooked arms dealers and the president's family.

I would advise our leaders in Congress to slow this process down. War is ugly and when the money runs out, we will see what the appetite for war really is. It's brutal, people die, civilians suffer, destruction is devastating, and the good people of the U.S. will continue to suffer as a result of greed, power, and influence. Joe has got to go.

Jack Holt, Cape Coral

Why U.S. needs immigrants

America benefits more from immigrants than immigrants benefit from America.  In 1986, Ronald Reagan signed a sweeping immigration reform bill into law.  Under it, employers face strict criminal penalties for hiring undocumented workers.  It was called the Immigration Reform and Control Act (IRCA).  IRCA has been the law of the land since Reagan implemented the legislation.  It is better called  the “unenforced" law of the land.  Democrats and Republicans alike receive so much in campaign contributions from employers of undocumented immigrants that both parties have put a stop to its enforcement.  If it were enforced, serious immigration would collapse because no jobs would be available for undocumented labor. Employers hiring the undocumented would go to prison.

Between 2005 and 2018 (both of Obama’s terms in office and the first two years of Trump’s term in office), as many Mexicans returned to Mexico as entered the United States in any given year. Trump fabricated the immigration issues.

The recent surge in the Mexican border convergence is Venezuelan.  Millions of migrants have left Venezuela in recent years to escape authoritarian rule and the country's worst economic crisis.  The U.S. Senate has recognized the adverse impact of this convergence and is currently working on a resolution.  Granted we don’t need 7 million Venezuelans (that’s how many have left Venezuela since 2021) but greedy corporate farms and production plants need cheap labor for profitability which is shared with politicians.

Sally Lam, Naples

Biden not the answer

The time is here for Americans who care about America and not left wing socialist, communist vile spouters, to realize that Joe Biden does not deserve a second term and maybe not even a second run.

Biden is not answer for us. I don't know who is but certainly not him. The crises at the southern, and even to a lesser extent, at the northern border illustrate the inability of this man to protect not just Texas and Arizona but also New York, Chicago, Boston, etc. Biden has put our entire country in harms way. The drug cartels of Mexico will take over the cities, the towns and the entire country if the government does not put a halt to this insanity.

And now there is talk of giving the illegal migrants amnesty. That is 10 million more votes for the Democrats. What has happened to America?

Biden is on another vacation paid for by another billionaire gifter to his campaign, putting Trump's time on the golf course to shame.

I for one cannot believe that all Democrats in office agree with his policies but I have yet to hear one contrarian word from a Democratic politician. Are they all as incompetent as he is or are they just blind to what could be our swan song?

Where have you gone Jimmy Carter?

Michael Zubrow, Naples

Country over party

I am the granddaughter of an immigrant that came to America illegally. Had she stayed in Poland she would not  have survived. I am the daughter of a man that fought in WWII.  To keep dictators at bay. To stop the genocide of the Jewish population.  I am of a religion that is feeling the pangs of recurring antisemitism. I am a centrist Democrat.  I do like small government, but  I believe in regulations. I believe I have the right to decide with my doctor about what is correct about my body.  I was a teacher who thinks educators are NOT grooming your children, that teachers teach children to think. Not what to think. That trained educators should pick the curriculum, not a small group of parents nor an overreaching governor.

That being said, I am hugely lucky and grateful to be born here.  I am a proud American. I am a loyal patriot.  I do not need to put flags all over my home to show you that. I am also an American who is very concerned about our future.  I am scared.  I see so much.  I hear so much.  Anger.  Hate.  Lack of compassion.  Lack of acceptance.  Lack of listening.

I fear that the loudest voices, the very left of the Democratic and the very right of the Republican parties, are being heard.  They get the most attention.  The most news coverage.  They seem to be getting their way.

The extremes of the parties seems to have forgotten that they were voted in to office for the good of America.  Not the good of the party. They do not listen to any other ideas or opinions.  They do not compromise so nothing gets done: We the people lose.

It is time to start working together. We voters need to start voting for candidates that care about the country over party.

Remember. We the people is not we the Republicans. We the Democrats. We the straight. We the white. We the Christian.  We the liberals. We the conservatives. It is WE THE PEOPLE.  It is time to live it.

Jeri Heap, Fort Myers

Hopes, fears for future

Earlier this month I met and held in my arms my first great-grandson.  As he smiled, and then slept, I thought nothing but good thoughts for him and his future.

But what sort of future will he have?  He is likely to live into the 22nd Century.  I cannot imagine all the changes that will occur in his lifetime, just as unimaginable changes have occurred during mine (I'm slightly older than President Biden).

As he grows, will he get an education or be indoctrinated?  Will his world even be livable?  Will he be able to breathe fresh air and see diverse creatures while walking in nature?  Will there be breathable air and wild creatures in nature?  Will there even be forests and jungles?  Will our Earth be overpopulated?

Will authoritarianism have taken over?

I have my hopes, but also fears.  We adults still have the power to shape the world in which he and his generation will live.  We owe it to them to think deeply about what we are doing, and act with future generations in mind.

Bruce A. Beardsley, Naples 

This article originally appeared on Fort Myers News-Press: Letters to the editor for Saturday, December 30, 2023