Letters to the editor for Saturday, November 18, 2023

Editorial cartoon
Editorial cartoon

Time travel is here!

Have you ever wished for a time machine to take you back in history so you could experience what people then were experiencing?

If so, good news Collier County residents!

The Florida Legislature recently passed House Bill 1069 removing and banning books from its public schools and providing YOU with a time machine trip opportunity!  Now you can experience something people in the past have experienced.

Here are some times in history when this action was taken by other like-minded individuals.  There are many others, but consider that now you too can experience what the residents in Rome did in 168 BC, what the residents in China experienced in 213 BC, what the residents in Judah experienced in 600 BC, what the residents in Greece experienced in 420 AD, what the residents in the United States experienced in the 1850s and the 1950s and what the residents in Nazi Germany experienced in 1933 when books were banned and sometimes burned.

Whether you agree with the action taken by the Florida Legislature to remove and ban some books from its public schools and the reasons for it or not, consider these questions please.

Should knowledge be limited because printed information or opinion does not agree with the belief, opinion or experience of some persons?

Is it desirable and in the best interest of societies to control the formation of opinion by denying persons the opportunity to gain knowledge? 

Did the book banning and burning in the past accomplish squashing opportunities for knowledge to be gained or did people find a way to overcome that heavy-handed measure and gain knowledge anyway?

Kym Snell, Bonita Springs

Home rule on annexation

With all the problems facing Lee County, the only one up for consideration before the once-in-a-near-decade County Charter Commission: whether to grant the county commissioners authority over all annexation requests throughout the county. This is being guided through this commission body, all of whom were appointed by county commissioners, by Commissioner Cecil Pendergrass who pleads the case monthly, without fail.

With every city mayor, elected official and their attorneys (that's Sanibel, Estero, Cape Coral, Fort Myers, Fort Myers Beach) speaking against it, the Charter Commission is leaning heavily toward granting this access to the voting public.

With the commissioners voting for every charter commissioner on that panel, it's hard to believe any vote other than that for the commissioners' request will result.

Our only hope is that the county, which has objected vociferously over the state's preemption of THEIR authority, will come to realize the hypocrisy of their preemption of the cities' historic authority and realize that home rule is the best representation of true democracy in action.

Patty Duncan, Fort Myers

Beaches and migrating birds

Thank you to Western Everglades Audubon and the cooperation of the JW Marriott on Marco Island for erecting educational signs on the beach highlighting the importance of the Marco Island beaches to bird migration. Shout out to the people of Western Everglades Audubon that come to our beach a couple of times each week to educate our guests that the snowbirds with wings are here to rest.

Gary L. Grisko, Marco Island

Closed primary

Where are the grassroots leaders? In Collier County a majority of eligible voters are denied the vote. Most elected positions are decided by the Republican closed primary because the Democratic Party fails to run candidates. I want my vote to count. Where are the grassroots leaders to lead us out of this quandary?

Peter Fagan, Naples

Congress or junior high?

We elect people to represent us as lawmakers and to govern us properly!

This past week we've seen the absolute opposite!  A man challenging another to a fight right there on the floor of the hearing! A man elbowing another as they pass by in a hallway! One party defying their newly elected leader and having the other party rally to support the country from going out of business!

It's junior high school at best with supposedly mature elected representatives! When will we get people who are committed to the Constitution and their vows rather than who can fight whom one way or another!  A disgrace!

Franklin Warner, Fort Myers

Super Trumper headgear

On Veteran's Day the 215 pound pumpkin running again for president honored our veterans in a manner never observed before.  After a short opening comment expressing reverence to those who put their lives on the line to defend liberty and democracy, our draft dodger in chief went on to make a number of threats to that very democracy. He vowed to root out his enemies (anyone who opposed him) and to build a big cage to isolate them, although he did say it would be a nice cage. He indicated he would nationalize the military in order to use them against protesters.  He represented his opponents (liberals) as "vermin" -- an identical term with those used by both Hitler and Mussolini in speeches rallying their thugs (can you say "January 6" anybody?)  He also indicated his desire to take over the Justice Department ensuring he would never be investigated but his opponents could.

Good Lord people -- open your eyes. This man wants to be a lifetime dictator.  He has shown an envy of the leaders of Russia, China and North Korea.  He wants to eliminate (or at least tromp all over) the Constitution.  He has no interest in making anything better for the working man but has shown a willingness to benefit himself and his wealthy friends.  He has openly stated that he prefers "dumb" voters and proceeds to lie to them numerous times a day and still gets them to donate to important causes (his legal fees).

May I suggest that if you attend any Trump rallies in the future because you're a true believer who shares Trump's values, instead of proudly wearing your red MAGA hat, fashion one out of tin foil -- it will clearly identify you as Super Trumper.

Robert F. Tate, Naples

Answer the question

I watch Senate and House committee hearings. Infuriating that all these Biden appointees are polite and thank the questioner "for the question."And then proceed not to answer it.

Joe Kiernan, Naples

Voices of reason

It was a real pleasure to read two of the letters in the November 15 paper.

Bruce Diamond pointed out that there’s worse information on cell phones and computers compared to what’s on the shelves of libraries.

Anthony Riviezzo pointed out that common sense should allow for a logical middle ground of compromise and moderation regarding abortion and gun possession.

It’s nice to hear the voices of reason instead of just the extremist views.

Chuck Ryntz, Naples and Washington, Michigan

Pseudo-religious politicians

Ever since Dwight D. Eisenhower inserted the words “under God” into the Pledge of Allegiance, the separation of church and state no longer existed. There are many agnostics or atheists who don’t believe in this particular higher power. In today’s world, these people are forced to adhere to occurrences in government that they don’t agree or comply with. Now we have a speaker of the House who is predicting God’s wrath coming upon us due to our differences, depravity and sins. This guy, who supports the antithesis of Christian values in an orange politician with 91 indictments, is invoking his religiosity into his beliefs. As with most pseudo-religious politicians, he is the epitome of hypocrisy.

So, please fellow citizens, just consider your own belief system, whatever it may be, and ignore these charlatans.

Glenn Chenot, Cape Coral

Disturbing the peace

Is it just me or do other Naples residents find it annoying to hear loud unmufflered motorcycles and sports cars roaring down our city’s streets and roads?These unmufflered noise polluters force their decision to be ear-piercing annoyances on everyone in over a mile radius.It’s not like mufflers aren’t available to silence their "crotch rockets." They are available.Perhaps to stop these annoying displays of misguided machismo from disturbing the peace of Naples residents, mufflers should be a city ordinance requirement instead of an ignored option.

J. Cant, Naples

Power poles, climate initiatives

Power demand will triple over the next 30 years according to Elon Musk.  EV’s and Artificial Intelligence data centers will lead in the increased usage.  More power plants will be required because solar and wind are just unreliable to meet demand.  With all the talk about future power needs there is never a discussion on more power poles.  Increased power will need to be transmitted and without more power poles no transmission will happen.

There are 120 million power poles in the United States and many need replacing.  Also, to meet the increased power demand the power poles need to be larger and taller.  There just are not enough big trees that size that are both tall and straight.

This is not going to be a cheap fix either.  In California alone it will cost $9.3B for power poles.  For the whole country, it’s almost a half-trillion dollars.  With those costs, lack of big trees and permitting challenges for new power lines, there’s serious doubts future power supplies can be met.  It will also require forest clear cutting which environmentalists will vehemently oppose.

Will any of the billions Biden recently announced for climate initiatives go toward tree farms, sawmills, and pole replacement rather than windmills, solar panels, and EV charging stations?  The former are necessary to satisfy our need.  The latter only achieve an energy utopia that cannot be cost justified.

Frank Mazur, Fort Myers

On abortion

What is wrong with America when political parties can elect government officials by making sure that issues such as abortion appear on the ballot. This one single issue can decide who wins or loses an election in any state in our country.  Abortion does not belong on the political stage, it belongs in the courts of our land and possibly all the way to the Supreme Court.

Is it really all about the right of a woman to choose what she can or can't do with her body? In a number of cases the answer is yes but in many cases the answer is a resounding no. First of all I will address when an abortion should be allowed. If a woman or child is impregnated by incest or rape, or the birth of a child can put the mother's life in danger. An abortion should be allowed.

If an abortion is used as a means of birth control, it should not be allowed. Late term abortions should not be allowed if the fetus is alive and kicking and the mother is sound of mind and in good health. Late term abortions take the life of an unborn child or live human being, history and the laws of our land have taught us that willful killing of a human being is murder, yet we allow these killings to take place all across our land, each and every day.

Millions of people in our country would love nothing more than to adopt a newborn baby. Many travel miles to other countries to adopt a child of their dreams so why are they not given the opportunity to do so in America? Simply because it is too easy and not against the law to abort what possibly could be a beautiful newborn healthy baby.

I pose the question, why are these abortions allowed to happen. Why do so many heathy women in our country believe they have the right to take the life of an unborn healthy child without any thought they are committing murder. Is it more important for a healthy pregnant woman to believe she has a complete right to do what she wishes with her body when an abortion of a strong and healthy baby is nothing short of murder.

For those women who think nothing of having an abortion, I pose the following question. If your mom and dad had decided to have an abortion, how would you feel about that?

Brian Whitehouse, Cape Coral

Behavioral health care physicians

I applaud Sam Garrison for prioritizing behavioral health care in his editorial. His biggest challenge will be getting a workforce qualified to take on this challenge. Previously I had a letter to The News-Press published pointing out that 117,000 physicians retired in 2021, due to COVID and there are only 40,000 physician residencies. In 2022 and 2023 far more physicians will retire than the 40,000 residencies. I passed this letter onto Congressman Byron Donalds, whose response was we need to slash spending.

Behavioral health requires carefully managed care involving complex medications. Right now there are few physicians available to manage behavior health prescribing. Sam Garrison needs to speak with Congressman Donalds and Governor DeSantis to prioritize funding 10,000 additional primary care physician residencies by Jan. 2024. Residencies are funded by Medicare and over the last 16 years most physicians residency shortage bills have died in a finance committee. Our Congress's failure to understand that Congress needs to prioritize functioning of everyday government over ideology, is creating a long-term crisis.

Thomas Hallquist, North Fort Myers

Hamas responsible for losses

Yes it is sad and tragic to see the collateral human losses and casualties of war, especially children. But Hamas’ health officials' reporting is full of imaginative PR, if not outright lies. Full stop.

Collateral damage by USA and friendly and enemy nations was a reality of both World Wars, Korea, vividly in Vietnam, and back to the Revolutionary War and to the burning of the city of Atlanta by the Union Army in the Civil War.

War forces high risk tactics in the pursuit of victory, especially when vile terrorists use civilians: kidnapped and their very own children as strategic pawns.

Your memory of October 7th’s "intentional" and well planned rapes, kidnapping and slaughter of over 1,500 Israeli infants, children, women and men by thousands of trained Hamas butchers must coarse through our thoughts and feelings. These memories must steel our determination through the months ahead of more close combat, supported by air assaults, to rescue the kidnapped and to eradicate the control of Gaza from the evil Palestine Islamic Jihad (holy warriors) and Hamas, whose stated goal is to kill all 10,000,000 Jews, Christians and moderate Muslims living in the Holy Land today. Starting with the Jordan River on the east to the Mediterranean Sea on the west! Their sole objective isn’t a free Palestinian state, the goal is to free the Holy Land from infidels in route to the "global" Muslim Caliphate. Full stop.

We will continue to hear those outrageous and unconfirmed death numbers from Hamas, which controls the Gaza health ministry. I don’t trust them, nor should you. They have no track record for honesty or integrity. It’s all PR to swing American opinion away from the true victim: Israel. It’s all cleverly designed to put pressure on IDF from completing their mission!

Remember, Hamas has no credibility as a defender of Gazans! All their war-making armaments are offensive. With the billions in stolen humanitarian relief funds there was never a plan to protect or defend their own people, which explains why no home guard, no shelters nor warning systems are in place. Zero!

Civilians are pawns, victims for manipulative PR in order to challenge Israel and America’s will. Larger their lies the larger the PR; recall the hospital actually bombed by errant Islamic Jihad rocket, not Israel.However, right-minded people know Hamas’ body counts, PR and actions are equally an untrustworthy pack of exaggerations if not lies!

Please let our government leaders know your feelings! Israel needs both the time and resources to be victorious! Please write or call ASAP!

Remember that Hamas started this bloody war by barbarically attacking Israeli civilians living next door. All the deaths, casualties and destruction sit squarely on heads of the Hamas leaders and terrorists who started this war, on behalf of Iran! Full stop!

Harvey Cohen, Naples

This article originally appeared on Fort Myers News-Press: Letters to the editor for Saturday, November 18, 2023