Letters to the editor for Sept. 29

No international airport in Thurston County

Thurston County has been shortlisted as one of three locations for the construction of a new international airport, despite the fact that we do not have a large enough population to support an airport of this size. An international airport here would serve only 7.9 million annual passengers, compared to 20 million annual passengers that could be served at other locations.

Building an international airport in rural Thurston County would not meet the state’s transportation needs. What it would do is destroy critical wetlands and wildlife habitat, as well as family farms that are essential to our local food systems. An increase in noise, air pollution, and traffic would all significantly impact our quality of life.

The Board of County Commissioners has told the Commercial Aviation Coordinating Committee that it will not support or sponsor a commercial service airport expansion in Thurston County. The Committee isn’t listening. Let’s make our voices heard.

Jennifer Colvin, Tenino

Elect Tonya Moore Thurston County Clerk

I’m supporting Tonya Moore in her bid to become the next Thurston County Clerk. The Clerk’s Office is the place you have to visit for almost every reason you’d need to see a judge.

Tonya has nearly 25 years of experience working with the court system in Thurston and Pierce counties. Her experience has prepared her to manage an efficient office. It also has shown her that compassion and patience are essential qualities for serving the public.

She rightfully points out that many people visiting the clerk’s office are having a bad day. They’re in a messy divorce, being sued by a hostile neighbor, or experiencing other traumas.

She wants to create a more welcoming and supportive environment in the Clerk’s Office to assist Thurston County residents in navigating a judicial system that can seem bewildering and intimidating.

I believe it is possible to have efficiency and kindness in the Clerk’s Office. Tonya Moore will deliver both.

She has the support of federal, state and local elected leaders like me, as well as attorneys and retired judges.

Please join me in voting for Tonya Moore for County Clerk.

Carolyn Cox, Lacey

Reelect Tye, to save our resources — and our money

I’ve long been a supporter of Thurston County Commissioner Tye Menser based on his leadership on environmental protection and human services. But it is very reassuring to know his work is also saving us money.

Here’s a case in point: A few weeks ago, Standard & Poor raised the county’s bond rating from AA to AA+, the highest in county history. By way of explanation, S&P specified responsible fiscal policy changes enacted in recent years by the county, where Commissioner Menser played a leadership role. These changes included increasing the county’s General Fund balance target by 50 percent and creating its first rainy day fund.

The bond rating acts like a credit score, and since the county is close to issuing bonds for a needed expansion of its court complex, county taxpayers will likely save millions over the coming years, on this as well as any other capital projects that require financing.

Tye brings serious intellect, commitment and creative energy to the BOCC. Voters, let’s make sure he serves a second term, in which he can be even more effective in protecting our common interests and judiciously managing our tax dollars.

Peggy Bruton, Olympia

Public hearing needed on Weyerhauser log yard lease

The Port of Olympia is currently reviewing the Weyerhauser (WEYCO) log yard lease at the Marine Terminal in downtown Olympia. Many of us are concerned that the last WEYCO lease in 2013 was a “give-away” to that corporation.

Taxpayers pay for the Port to allow that log yard to continue. That log yard sends our forests to Asia through the WEYCO lease. That WEYCO lease is flawed. We need WEYCO to pay the true costs of running the Marine Terminal.

We need a Port public hearing to address these concerns. We need transparency at the Port. We need the general public to weigh in on this huge issue.

Lee Riner, Olympia