Letters to the editor: Sheriff's race; Fillmore Pride; water conservation; and more

Sheriff's race: Updated returns boost lead for Fryhoff, the challenger

Fryhoff checks all the boxes

I am a retired Senior Vice President for a major retail company. For over 30 years, I directly and indirectly managed and supervised over 2,500 people. My leadership style was based on trust, integrity and communication. I look for those similar traits in people who have a major influence on our community.

In the Greater Conejo Valley Chamber of Commerce Candidates forum held on May 11, I got to see firsthand the styles of both candidates.

The first question of the evening was directed at both parties. The question, why was Commander Fryhoff removed as the Police Chief of Thousand Oaks, and reassigned to the jail system? Sheriff Ayub danced around the question, and cited privacy issues as a reason for not releasing the information. During Commander Fryhoff’s turn, he vehemently advised Sheriff Ayub that he has full permission to release his entire 31-year personnel file. He further stated that at no time was he given a reason for his reassignment. Is it coincidence that shortly after deciding that he was running for Sheriff, that Fryhoff was removed as Chief? Performance or retaliation?

Another question concerned difficulties in leading the department during the pandemic. Commander Fryhoff stated that as the world stopped on March 13, he later received an email from the Sheriff’s office stating that everyone was to conduct “business as usual.” Global pandemic, empty roads, closed businesses, schools closed, etc., is not “business as usual.” Sheriff Ayub stated that never did the words “business as usual” come out of his office. However, there is an email that states otherwise. Accountability?

In summary, does Ventura County want a retaliatory leader, someone who fails to take accountability for his actions? Trust, integrity, communication. Commander Fryhoff checks all three boxes.

CF Gibson, Thousand Oaks

Fillmore needs to do better

Re: your April 29 story, “Fillmore council takes a pass on affiliation with Pride event”:

We were saddened to see that the city of Fillmore has decided not to support its Pride event this year. This may seem like a neutral decision; however, you may be unaware that every queer kid or every young person who does not fit into societal norms, be they in Fillmore or in a nearby town, will hear your hesitation. And they will not only hear it as a philosophical question. It may make them question their worth as human beings.

Our religious traditions have decided that in fact God does love you gay just as God loves every one of our wonderful diverse human expressions. However, even if your tradition is not sure, think about what God would want kids to know. God would want kids and young adults to know that they are loved, valued and that as they work out their self-expression, however that ends up eventually, they are created in God’s image. No one should take away another person’s certainty of their worth and belonging.

Do better, Fillmore. Tell your young people that they matter, no matter how they express themselves in the world.

Rev. Melissa Campbell-Langdell, Oxnard

Conservation is for new residents

Re: The Star’s May 15 editorial, “State must snap out of drought fatigue”:

In the editorial there is a statement that “state officials announced last week that water consumption in March jumped nearly 19% from a year earlier...”

There may be a number of reasons for that jump, but I will give you one I am positive has an effect in conservation of water. In driving around the town of Ventura, the whole town, I have seen a number of huge unfinished cubes of apartment buildings and some finished cubes about to rent apartments to people from out of town numbering I am sure in the thousands.

So, my conclusion is that we are not conserving water so we will have water in the future, we are conserving to make sure thousands of new residents will have water. It is very irritating to say the least that our city leaders want more people using more water and they want today’s residents to use less. It just doesn’t make sense to me. And, just for the record, I haven’t watered our lawn in literally months.

And once again, for about the third or fourth time, I ask our city leaders to at least get estimates of the additional cost of setting up a desalination plant somewhere along our shore. It is going to happen anyway, I predict, so get some best estimates and begin discussions. How much per month might my water bill go up?

George Maguire, Ventura

Supporting Gorell for Supervisor

I am supporting Jeff Gorell for Ventura County Supervisor because he is the only candidate who has proven that he can identify issues but also develop plans to solve them. He has action plans to protect our safety, protect our environment and quality of life, reduce homelessness, and stop the government overreach while still serving our country as a Navy Reserves commander.

This is in sharp contrast to candidate Claudia Bill-de la Peña, whose entire campaign appears to be based on the false claim of being the only environmental candidate. In fact, all three candidates are clearly for protecting our environment and open space including SOAR.

You can clearly see her false environmental claim for yourself from the Conejo Valley Chamber of Commerce May 11 candidate forum video. She falsely claims that both her opponents are against SOAR. While in fact, Gorell fully supports our open space and SOAR, but also goes further by wanting to have Ventura County increase support to our agricultural community. This is why most farmers support Gorell, because local agricultural can only exist if it creates a profit.

Later in the same May 11 candidate forum, Bill-de la Peña lies again and says that Gorell is campaigning for election while still being paid as a government employee. This is clearly another lie because Gorell had stated earlier that he is campaigning while on a “leave of absence” (without pay). It appears to me that Bill-de la Pena has problems stating the truth.

Jeff Gorell has clearly demonstrated that he is open and honest while having the ability to analysis issues and create solutions now and in the future. Please join me and the endorsement by the Ventura County Deputy Sheriffs and firefighters and many others in supporting Jeff Gorell.

Mike Mishler, Camarillo

Voting for Measures A and B

I write in support of Measures A and B on the June 7 election ballot for Ventura County. I am concerned that disinformation is being used by the oil and gas companies that oppose Measures A and B. Measures A and B do not “shut down” current energy production. Measures A and B do not cause necessary loss of jobs, or increased need for foreign oil. Only new and altered well drillings are affected.

Exxon, Shell and Chevron hope to protect their massive profits by operating under permits issued decades ago, while more recent knowledge of environmental concerns are needed to protect our water supply and natural environment. Why should energy companies be able to generate new development under outdated permits while other businesses are held to newer environmental protections?

According to various mailings and statements in the County Voter Information Guide, there are numerous public officials and reputable environmental organizations supporting Measures A and B and none opposing the measures. Vote yes on Measures A and B to help preserve Ventura County's healthy coastal (Measure A) and non-coastal (Measure B) areas.

Cloene Irvine Marson, Oxnard

This article originally appeared on Ventura County Star: Letters: Sheriff's race; Fillmore Pride; water conservation; and more