Letters to the Editor: Sneaky GOP Legislature hell-bent on staying in power

We need cleaner, renewable fuels like E15

During the COVID-19 pandemic, we’ve been forced to learn how to make changes to our daily lives and keep our families healthy. Doctors expanding telehealth and distilleries producing hand sanitizer are just a few examples of how industries have altered business models to better meet consumer needs and promote a healthier America.

Doing the same with our energy sector can have a dramatic impact as well. Making small changes like increasing ethanol in our gasoline from 10 to 15 percent can reduce the need for toxic additives in our gasoline that are proven to threaten lung health.

Ethanol is a natural octane booster, replacing additives like ethylbenzene, toluene and benzene. Estimates indicate that expanding E15 to gasoline stations across the state also would reduce greenhouse emissions by a staggering 580,000 metric tons. We need cost-effective options to keep our air clean and reduce our carbon footprint now.

Renewable fuel blends like E15 can help us achieve a more affordable, cleaner and healthier Michigan. Thankfully, Sen. Kevin Daley has introduced legislation to do just that. I hope our representatives in Lansing join the fight.

Frank Baffi

Board Member, Michigan Farmers Union

Thank you, Ida, for sharing your joy with me

Today, June 16, I stopped at the Dollar Tree store on North Park Drive for a card. Ida was the clerk who checked me out. I gave her $20 and was searching for my change.

Ida pulled change out of her pocket and put it into the till. I tried to give her the 6 cents tax money back assuming that is what she was paying for but Ida said no and handed me my $20 bill too. She paid for my card!

I said thank you and walked to my car rather stunned and quite taken with her kindness.

I went back shortly after with a thank you for her and gave her a big hug.

Ida was surprised I remembered her name. Well, Ida I certainly won’t ever forget your name as well as your kindness today. You inspire me with hope for humanity!

At a time when so much ugliness and carnage is out there, it’s easy to get bogged down by it all.

I suspect there are millions is not billions of Ida’s "out there" too who share their joy for life with others by doing kind things. I am so grateful for meeting Ida today. She gave me a priceless gift … the reminder of all the good in this troubled world.

I’ve often thought with gratitude that I get what I need the most when I need it. I obviously needed you today Ida. Thank you for sharing your joy for life with me!

Jude Vereyken

Park Township

Sneaky GOP Legislature hell-bent on staying in power

On May 7, 2019, I signed and submitted "Application for Absent Voter's Ballot" and checked the box that said "Complete to Join Permanent List" which said "I want to vote absentee in ALL future elections.

Automatically send me a application for every election."

Now in 2022, I'm being asked again to apply, this time for just the upcoming primary and general. Makes me wonder if this is another Legislature trick to make it harder to vote. If I don't fill out the new re-request, will they claim I didn't apply and throw it out? So many tricks.

So much subversion of our voting rights by this Republican Legislature hell-bent on staying in power at any cost, even that of democracy.

Rose Marie Stevenson


This article originally appeared on The Holland Sentinel: Letters to the Editor: Sneaky GOP Legislature hell-bent on staying in power