Letters to the editor: A successful St. Patrick's Day Parade; the right is so wrong

Parade was a big success

We would like to personally and publicly thank every single person and family who came out to enjoy truly Irish weather on Main Street in Ventura for the 2023 County Ventura St. Patrick’s Day Parade. The theme was “Let’s Celebrate,” and we did.

As co-chairs of the parade planning committee, we were overwhelmed that, despite the threat of rain and a wee bit of drizzle, this community event roared back in full force with families sitting under umbrellas to watch one of our best parades.

All rejoiced as the 60-plus parade entries made their way down Main from Lincoln to Fir. Joining the parade were people in every vehicle imaginable, from a big, shiny, low-emission trash truck to vintage cars, tractors, trucks, coast guard and yacht club boats, motorcycles and even a few motorized easy chairs.

Honestly, what a day. And we couldn’t have done it without the great cooperation of so many, starting with the city of Ventura, and its special events staff in particular, as well as the Ventura City Council. How awesome to see councilmembers riding in the parade.

Thank you to our many sponsors — including Union, Mechanics and Citizens Business banks, Dargan’s, The Tavern, the Busy Bee Café and The Saloon, E.J. Harrison & Sons, Bunnin Chevrolet, Rolls Scaffold, CSU Channel Islands, School On Wheels, Ventura Party Rentals, Signs Now, Whisenhunt Communications and CAPS. And special thanks to our founder, Jim Monahan, and to Elks Lodge No. 1430, our charter host (since 1984) and 2023 parade grand marshal.

March 11 turned out to be a truly extraordinary day in Ventura. Even after the parade ended, it was delightful to see the massive crowds of folks walking from the parade route into our beautiful historic downtown, to grab a bite to eat and continue the celebration.

Nan Drake, parade committee co-chair, Ventura

The right trying to alter reality

Re: William Neel’s March 14 letter, “Fox News shouldn’t be canceled”:

In reading Mr. Neel’s letter, I am firmly convinced that many on the right still believe in the Tooth Fairy, the Easter Bunny and Santa Claus. If the late President Reagan had not eliminated The Fairness Doctrine, Fox News, with its aired falsehoods, could not exist. Their prevarications have been proven to be just that.

Tucker Carlson’s presentation of an edited snippet is laughable at best. The “right” is doing their best to alter our republic with taking away voting and other inalienable rights, the truth will deny them.

Jim Shahan, Oak Park

This article originally appeared on Ventura County Star: Letters: Successful St. Patrick's Day Parade; the right is so wrong