Letters to the editor for Sunday, April 9, 2023

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Best use of resources

A writer quoted a  Heritage Foundation study (extremely conservative organization) to lambast the figure of 66 million on welfare, failing to define what the government terms welfare. Welfare includes Social Insurance:  Social Security, Medicare, and Unemployment Compensation. These programs are all government assisted or GAP and considered welfare; 9/10 people aged 65 and older are receiving some form of SS benefit. Does the writer want to get rid of or give up his Social Security and Medicare, or leave our elderly in dire straits?  Of the 92 million cited in the Medicaid figure, which includes CHIP or Children's Health Insurance, 46.3% of the total 92 million are children. Children under the age of 18 account for 41% of all welfare users. He's right that these children don't pay income taxes!

In addition, beginning April 1, the Florida Department of Children and Families has identified around 900,000 recipients of Medicaid who may be purged from the rolls as COVID mandates expire. The federal government had paid to keep our residents insured during the pandemic health emergency. This will occur in spite of 7% of Florida children still being uninsured in 2021, putting our state in the bottom ten nationally for taking care of our children.

Why is our state spending millions of our tax dollars on relocating immigrants by plane or superfluous lawsuits, when our children and the poor suffer, and affordable housing is an issue throughout the state? Let's use our resources in a Christian, loving manner; not squander it on publicity stunts!

Chris Friedrich, Fort Myers

Familiar commentary

Here are a rough compilation of comments about an indictment: “overreach,” “embarrassment,” “This looks like one of those things you read about in Third World countries,” “It just looks like revenge against... somebody that lost an election.”“Leave him alone,” “I mean why waste our effort," “We have enough real crime out there without worrying about this stuff, that’s my view.” “Even if most of the facts prove true, there already is controversy over whether it all amounts to a federal crime.”“This looks like one of those things you read about in Third World countries or in India or somewhere or Pakistan, where they get someone who’s been out of office a couple of years, get them while they’re down, hit them with some incredible charge with campaign funding that nobody’s ever heard of before and put them away for a while. It just looks like revenge against the party, against somebody that lost an election.”“‘I think this is a silly case,’' ‘I think this is going to be an embarrassment" for the Department of Justice.“There are growing questions tonight over whether the government overreached in its indictment," “there are people who are saying that this indictment is very questionable and based on very questionable legalities.”Now, you may think this is referring to the indictment of Trump by right-wing commentators, but you would be wrong. These were statements from left-wing commentators when John Edwards, a Democrat who ran for president, was indicted for alleged campaign violations for paying off a mistress. (Ultimately Edwards was not convicted).

Ron Wobbeking, Naples

Amateur-hour administration

In regards to a clip in one of Sunday’s letters, Parallels in Vietnam, Afghanistan, I’d like to weigh in, since I am a Vietnam veteran and the dad of a U.S. Army Green Beret who was KIA in Afghanistan in 2004. Camp Eggers, a huge $10 million military facility in downtown Kabul, was renamed in March of 2005 in honor of Capt. Daniel Eggers! Our family had a strong connection in the Kabul withdrawal. The fall of Kabul, orchestrated by our seemingly amateur-hour administration, was conducted in an upside-down and backwards way. Every Gold Star family watching this awful withdrawal ended up being the victims of “Stolen Honor,” in account of their soldier sons and daughters who sacrificed their lives for our country. Our incompetent administration lied to us so many times I can’t even remember them all! The parallel point of this story is with our current president, Joe Biden. While he was a U.S. senator in 1975, according to an article (and many others) in the Washington Examiner (by Jerry Dunleavy, Justice Department reporter), Joe Biden was against allowing our Vietnam allies to come the U.S. He was one of three senators voting against. Forty-six years later, Biden did exactly the same thing to our Afghanistan allies, breaking our promise to them! “Joe Biden, the 2020 Democratic presidential front-runner and advocate of large-scale immigration, once tried to block the evacuation of tens of thousands of South Vietnamese refugees who had helped the United States during the Vietnam War. As a senator, the future vice president, now 76, was adamant that the U.S. had 'no obligation, moral or otherwise, to evacuate foreign nationals,' dismissing concerns for their safety as the North Vietnamese Army and Viet Cong swept south toward Saigon in 1975.” (by Jerry Dunleavy) To this day, I have one particular Afghani who worked for my son as a scout. He seeks assistance to come to the U.S. Biden is allowing millions of illegal migrants to come across our open borders. This my friends is just another upside-down and backwards policy by the amateur-hour administration!

Bill Eggers, Cape Coral

'Intent' is clearly provable

In arriving at blame for a crime an essential element is “intent.”

In a litany of misdeeds and abuses of power Donald Trump has been accused of deliberately withholding classified documents from the National Archives. In addition, the then-sitting president has been accused of fomenting actions attacking the Constitution and democracy itself in the assault on the nation’s Capitol on Jan. 6, 2021. Trump’s refusal to turn over classified material to the federal government as well as his countenancing sedition are deliberate acts for which he should be held accountable.

These are crimes  in every sense of the word, and “intent” is clearly provable. The next steps are clearly indictments.

Robert  P. Sanchez, Naples

Mouse bites governor

While Governor DeSantis and “his” Florida Legislature schemed to strip Disney and Reedy Creek Development of their self-governing status (which has worked well since inception), the intelligentsia at Disney did a workaround that seems to maintain status quo for Mouse World. The new governing board installed by the Mr. DeSantis is reported to be powerless. It was installed, of course, while the gov was having a hissy fit over Disney’s criticism of his “Stop Woke” efforts. Logic and the will of the people prevailed. Go people!

Raymond Brooks, Fort Myers

Focus on real problems

As the parent of a successful transgender adult son, I went with three friends to the Transgender Visibility rally/march in downtown Naples organized by Naples Pride. The mood of the march on the sidewalks of 5th Avenue South was uplifting! So many more claps, cheers, thumbs-up, and nodding heads than negative reactions of any kind from bystanders and restaurant patrons. The police did a great job of helping everyone feel safe and respected. WINK news did a comprehensive story as well, with video and interviews. You can find it online.

But also on Friday I heard some frightening statistics from Equality Florida. During this brief legislative session alone, there have been 22 anti-LGBTQ+ bills filed by the Florida Republican legislators, with 16 of them moving through committees already, thereby having a chance of passing this year.

The Florida Legislature is officially in session only two months of the year. In that time frame, I would prefer that our legislators try to solve the real problems related to infrastructure, water quality, low teacher pay and resulting teacher shortages, and the overburdened foster care system, among others.

You can find out more about these cruel and discriminatory anti-LGBTQ+ bills by going to Equality Florida’s website at eqfl.org. Scroll down to find info on the worst of the bills, as well as action items and other ways you can show your opposition.

Because it's all about human rights, isn't it?

Lisa Freund, Naples

Only the not woke

During my morning walk near downtown Fort Myers I passed the beautiful new playground in Centennial Park. However a terrible woke sign has been recently erected calling the place “All Children’s Park.” That sign should be torn down immediately and replaced with a more appropriate “A Children’s Park.” We don’t want transgender children there. We don’t want children of color there. We definitely don’t want children from families visiting from a blue state there. Send them to Disney World where they belong. Also all parents at the playground should be armed despite not having any training to keep these undesirables away. Thank you for letting me write freely on this exclusive matter.

Marc Bellagamba, Fort Myers

What goes around

When Donald Trump was running for president against Hillary Clinton he frequently used the term "Lock her up, lock her up." His crowd of supporters screamed in reply, " Lock her up, lock her up."

Now he is the one under arrest and being criminally charged. What goes around comes around.

E.R. Santhin, Naples

DeSantis vacillates

The press in broad, dark print headlines, "DeSantis broadcasts his support for Trump." Further in the article, "DeSantis' unequivocal support for Trump...." Then, further, "We are not involved in this, won't be..." Press, how about: "DeSantis vacillates, panders"?

How long ago did we read that DeSantis in seeing his chances improve began a throw of his hat into the ring for a fight with Trump and gave us a different tune?

Paul Sloan, Cape Coral

Move over, Audubon

I recently had to move after 16 wonderful years living in Fort Myers since my husband died suddenly. So now I live near my grown children and grandchildren but I still subscribe to The News-Press digitally as we did for all our years there.  I wanted to remark about Andrew West's photography, thus the Move over, Audubon title.  We were fortunate enough to take a photography class with The News-Press team in 2015 and we both followed Andrew West's work.  He is superb. So  I thank you for him and your editorial staff from afar.  Keep up the photography emphasis.

Holly Smith, Ellicott City, MD

Legal profession ethics

Many may have come to the conclusion that Ron DeSantis is a flawed candidate for president. He is a graduate of the best universities our country has to offer, Yale and Harvard, however either they failed or he failed to get a complete education. I have heard of a saying about a failed legal education which seems fitting, “He was vaccinated for the law but it didn’t take.” When I recently read about candidate DeSantis attacking the courts, the judiciary and officers of the court in New York I questioned his judgment and commitment to ethics required of a member of the Florida Bar Association, assuming he is a member. I contacted my friend Mr. Google about the oath of admission taken by Florida lawyers. It includes “I will maintain the respect due to the courts of justice and judicial officers.” The accompanying explanation says that the oath taken sets out “general principles which should ever control the lawyer in the practice of the legal profession" and an oath “which the lawyer is sworn on admission to obey and for the willful violation to which disbarment may be had.” The governor’s record is one for others to make their own judgment. I, for one, have always considered the oath taken by a lawyer to be admitted to the practice of law a sacred one. Maybe in the heat of a highly contested political campaign it is possible to overlook the duty owed to our judicial systems, the courts, the judges and all officers of the court, even those in the State of New York.

Andy Dalton, Marco Island

This very bad actor

We don’t subscribe to the “divine right of kings” in this country. Well, most of us don’t, but the twice impeached, now indicted Donald Trump still thinks that he is so special that the laws that apply to the rest of us don’t apply to him. In the case in New York, the narcissist and misogynist allegedly slept with a porn star, paid for her silence right before the 2016 election, and then fraudulently accounted for the payments. There will be more than 30 counts related to business fraud. We all hope that the “death and destruction” Trump predicts don’t materialize.In the Mar-a Lago documents case Trump thought he was so special that he didn’t have to comply with DOJ’s demands to give up all the stolen classified documents. True, both Biden and Pence took documents they shouldn’t have, but willingly turned them over when they realized they had them. Unlike Trump, they didn’t obstruct justice.In Georgia, criminal charges against Trump are imminent for his efforts to overturn election returns there. In a bullying and threatening call to the Republican secretary of State, his excellency demanded that the state’s top election official just find 11,780 votes for him. Wouldn’t anyone willingly do such a small favor for the man who would be king? Fortunately, sanity and righteousness prevailed.

The fourth and probably the most significant of Trump’s worries is the DOJ probe into his attempt to subvert the 2020 election and his role in inciting the Jan. 6 insurrection. The smartest guy in the world and the greatest president with the possible exception of Lincoln couldn’t accept that he lost. He knew he lost, but he was singularly special and should be allowed to flip the votes in swing states. It was quite alright with him that his deluded fans attack the Capitol, cause deaths, and threaten political leaders including his own vice president. He watched the disgraceful mayhem on TV and did nothing to stop it. What a great guy.In 1649 King Charles I of England was beheaded for his insistence on unlimited and tyrannical power. Nothing so drastic will or should happen to Mr. Trump, a lover of dictators. The wheels of justice will move slowly and the Teflon Don will use the publicity to his advantage until these accusations are proven. Maybe then this very bad actor will simply leave the stage.

Kevin McNally, Bonita Springs

Evolution of DeSantis

As a member of the Freedom Caucus in the U.S. House, Ron DeSantis was an anarchist. Now as a presidential candidate, DeSantis has converted from anarchy to tyranny. An anarchist wants the removal of order and control from the government. This feeds into the conservative policy of less government.A tyrant wants to rule with an iron fist by having government take control of almost everything, by suppressing the voice of the people, by denying their natural rights. A tyrant arranges matters so that people are very reliant on government thereby keeping people in check. A tyrant uses military power as the vehicle for exercising his control.

DeSantis is using every tyrannical means as he prepares to run for the presidency. He curtails freedom of speech by controlling books in school dealing with race and with natural gender differences; he even has a bill in the Florida Legislature which inhibits free speech of media and politicians as it ignores rulings of the U.S. Supreme Court. He has signed legislation into law which attacks the right of assembly and peaceful protest under the First Amendment. His $100 million dollar private army combined with his militaristic record at Guantanamo make him a fortified tyrant.

DeSantis has moved from an advocate for less government to a candidate for more government. A government where he usurps the power of the people for himself abandoning the U.S. Constitution. Ron DeSantis wants big government and he wants to run it with his agenda. The libertarian element of conservatism is being eliminated in the process -- ironic and a disaster for the government of the people, by the people, for the people.

Joe Haack, Naples

Grand jury indictment

Here we go again with statements from people who don't have a clue what an indictment actually is. I don't know if Mr. Trump is innocent or guilty because that remains to be decided a long time down the road. I have testified hundreds of times in a grand jury and a jury trail during my 33 years of being a cop and many times the suspect was found guilty and many times the suspect was acquitted. I have already been asked by 15 citizens how much time do I think Mr. Trump will spend in prison, especially for the felony charge and all those lesser charges. I was going to give them a answer that everyone involved with the criminal justice system is aware of: In a grand jury you could indict a hamburger. Also a statement everyone is aware of: Everyone including presidents are innocent until the fat lady sings.

Albert Joseph, Fort Myers

Trump an embarrassment

Can democracy survive continued Trumpism?How can anyone idolize someone who had to pay a porn star while his wife was pregnant? Someone who called Nazi anti-Semite demonstrators in Charlottesville "some very fine people."A man who commented on COVID from it is contained in a ship, to crazy prevention by quack remedies and will stop by summer heat with over a million deaths and untold ill health consequences. A man who led an insurrection injuring 140 police officers lying about election results.A man accused of tax evasion and known short changer of construction bills. A president who in four years his only real legislation was tax cuts for the wealthy adding trillions to the national debt.How can anyone support a man who if a son, grandson, father or brother you would be embarrassed to have in the family?

Glenn Mueller, Naples

Updating 'unprecedented'

The MAGA mentality and supporters like to stress that the Trump indictment is "unprecedented" as if that is an insuperable right negating the ideology that no one is above the law. In other words, regardless of possible guilt, Trump cannot be charged and tried simply because there is no prior case reference. The fact is that case reference is a constantly developing dynamic that is perpetually developed by the trial system and was and still is the vehicle for developing precedence and the reason why law libraries require periodic updating.

Leo Boghosian, Bonita Springs

Total authoritarian control

How far can state Republicans go to take away the peoples rights and replace it with legislative dictatorship? We will soon find out as a bill in the Legislature would kill home rule of cities and towns. What would that do? It takes away our control over development, our environment and how we grow. Business could really not be regulated and we can no longer say what is best for us. Guns everywhere. This is not Republican limited government politics it is big government control.I believe it is part of Governor DeSantis’ plan for total authoritarian control. Intimidation of cities, business, health care and education. All you snowbirds may not care but we permanent residents will suffer. We don’t want to live like Chinese or Russians.

Albert King, Naples

Thoughts of Vietnam veteran

The National Vietnam War Veterans Day, one of many wars to remember has the specific date of March 29 (1973 troops exiting Vietnam). In 2012 former President Obama proclaimed March 29 as Vietnam War Veterans Day. Official recognition was in 2017. The U.S. has assisted countries when human rights is a major issue. The communist North (Hanoi) was supported by the Soviet Union and China. The south was supported by the U.S. Vietnam became unified as a socialist state under communism. It is open for tourism now, and has a relationship with the U.S. Many died in the war (58,000 plus U.S. and allied military, hundreds of thousands of civilians as also the north side and sympathizers in the south). Vietnam veterans speak out to injustices that have occurred causing physical and mental health issues, help in communities, and assist all veterans. As a Vietnam veteran my thoughts are continuous to the ravages of conflict. From my first day in Vietnam and always in thought, “Imagine peace, create peace through communication.” Communication is the way to peace!

Louis Cohen (Koltun), Vietnam Veterans of America, Naples

Voters are ultimate umpire

Republican, Independent, or Democrat: Perhaps many American people would agree that the day a former twice impeached president of the United States is indicted for criminal charges is a sad day for the country.

Impeachment, twice, was strike one. January 6 insurrection, was strike two, inciting violence. Criminal charges in his home state of New York might be strike three, inciting violence again.

The question is should this person represent the United States again as president for the second time?

The answer is up to the American voter. He only has power because of the American people who voted for him and gave it to him.

It's up to us, the American voter, to be the umpire and make those critical decisions. What do you think?

Is this Making America Great Again?

Alice Mack, Fort Myers

This article originally appeared on Fort Myers News-Press: Letters to the editor for Sunday, April 9, 2023