Letters to the editor for Sunday, August 20, 2023

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Letters to the editor should be 250 words or less. Include your name and city or community of residence. Guest opinions should be 600 words or less and include a brief summary of the author’s credentials relevant to the topic. Guest opinions may include a head shot of the author. For the Fort Myers News-Press, email submissions to mailbag@news-press.com and for the Naples Daily News to letters@naplesnews.com

Downside of sanctuary proposal

A Bill of Rights Sanctuary County Ordinance may come up soon for a vote by the Collier County Commission. Essentially the ordinance would empower the Commission to decide which federal laws and regulations should not be enforced in the county.

The commissioners should consider the following:

The proposal indicates that it will protect Collier residents from unconstitutional federal executive orders. The commissioners should reveal specific orders and laws from which they seek to protect us so that we can judge for ourselves if we need their protection.

Although the proposal reiterates the first ten amendments, it omits mention of Article III of the Constitution which establishes a now 236-year-old court system to judge constitutionality disputes.

The Commission does not possess the same legal expertise as the judicial system. Furthermore many, if not most, voters would feel that Commission energies would be better focused on urgent issues such as shortage of affordable housing, transportation problems, development of storm resistant infrastructure, etc.

The proposal contains a poorly defined role for the sheriff in enforcement of the Sanctuary. Again it seems probable that many residents would feel that he might better focus on combating drug trafficking, sex crimes, gun violence, fraud and reckless driving.

The commissioners should ask themselves whether they would favor similar ordinances but in counties of differing political leanings? Do they really feel that the United States would be better off as a confederation of legally autonomous counties?

Finally, the Commission should take into account that if they try to enforce the Sanctuary Ordinance, lawsuits against the county will proliferate, and taxpayers will bear the costs.

Alan Keller, Naples

Educators underappreciated

One of the most challenging and underappreciated vocations in the state of Florida is that of an educator. In my experience, contrary to what others may say, of the many educators that I know, their primary reason for choosing this profession is their love for students and teaching.  It has absolutely nothing to do with their average salary or their benefits, in which Florida ranks 48th and 50th respectively, in comparison to other states.  Despite these low wages, like other essential workers, they are tasked with finding affordable housing, especially on the heels of two major disasters to hit our area within the past five years.  Their selfless commitment to their students is also reflected in the average work week far exceeding 40 hours, and frequently paying for classroom supplies or food for their students from their own pockets.  This comes at a time when our schools in the state of Florida are understaffed (7,000 vacancies in the state of Florida and roughly 500 vacancies in Lee/Collier counties alone) yet the demand is ever increasing with more people moving to Florida than any other state.  With such staff shortages, there must be even more daily demands to develop lesson plans, discipline students, manage student phone use, manage parents, all the while, trying to meet state test standards, just to name a few.  Not to mention the sheer challenge of educating and keeping staff/students safe as the world recently battled an unprecedented global pandemic.   And if that weren't enough, there is the never ending threat and stress of gun violence that continues to haunt staff/students and our community.  Lastly, there is the recent infusion of politics into the public education system and school boards that were previously nonpartisan.   Without seeking input from educators, controversial (to say the least) and confusing bureaucratic policies have been put into place that further scrutinize and question every teacher's words/actions, with the threat of career threatening repercussions.  With all the above challenges, I can see why so many devoted educators are leaving our state or their vocation, and I don't blame them.  Who would want to choose a vocation with so many challenges?

Our educators, past/present, deserve our utmost respect and support, especially during the education crisis that is affecting our state.  The next time anyone is tempted to question or discount educators and their motives, instead of contributing to the problem, walk a mile in their shoes and offer your time and resources to your local school and be part of the solution!

Larry Scrabis, DVM, Fort Myers

Must reads

There are three articles in last Sunday's Daily News that should be required reading for every Floridian: In the Letters section, Sanctuary suggestions and Misinformation industry, and on the front page of the Perspective section, Exploitation of children not at all far away.  These are wakeup calls for all of us.

Betty Plum, Naples

Sports suggestion

My compliments to the sports editor on getting the readers excited about the local high school football and other sports season: what players may stand out, what coaches to monitor, or which games in our area may be the most exciting. But finding the post game results or write ups after a particular game or sporting event takes a special reader to find. My suggestion is to allow more press results to EASILY access the results of high school sports. Is it me? Or, are others having the same problem?

Doug Brown, Naples

Vile propaganda about teachers

I have five grandchildren attending Lee County Public Schools: two in high school, two in middle school, and the youngest in elementary.  I TRUST their teachers.  They are not groomers; they are not indoctrinators.  They have the best interests of all their students at heart.  They will not ask students to question their gender; they will not incite students to hate their country. The idea they might do these things is vile propaganda coming from the far right in order to cast doubt upon the integrity and credibility of our public schools.

I trust my grandchildren's teachers to use materials and plan lessons appropriate to the state standards for their grade levels and abilities.  Many teachers are intensely proud of their classroom libraries and select titles that are thought-provoking and entertaining for their students.  I would never question the inclusion of a particular title; if I felt strongly that a book was inappropriate I would simply tell my grandchild not to read it.  If I ever had a question about curriculum or lesson plans, I would call the teacher directly and voice my concerns, and I have no doubt the teacher could give me a satisfactory explanation.

Strangely, 80% of parents say they like their children's teachers and schools, but when voters are asked about public education in general, the response is negative, not positive.  This is because there is a well-funded, well-resourced movement afoot to abolish the public schools, and the first step in that endeavor is to cast doubt upon the character and motives of our school teachers.  For myself, I have no doubt; I trust teachers everywhere. They're human; they make mistakes, but I don't question their integrity or their motives for one moment.  Public education is a foundational institution of this great country and deserves our support.

Ray Clasen, North Fort Myers

Book censorship

Ever since states began enacting book censorship laws, frequently with vigilante enforcement, people have been trying to bring the Bible and Shakespeare within the scope of these laws. I have a suggestion.

Rewrite the laws to ban books about children in unusual family situations or teenagers discovering their sexual identity. After all, that is what the laws are aiming at. A better suggestion: Repeal the laws.

John O'Brien, Naples

Not a 'witch hunt'

We are living in frightening times. No Democrats were involved in the attempted coup of 2021. All are Republican and none want to spend their remaining years in prison. The legal proceedings are not a “witch hunt.” The Georgia RICO charges are the consequences of their misbehavior when they devised a complex plan with the intent that Republican co-conspirators could overturn the 2020 election and stay in power.Based on the 14th Amendment, esteemed conservative scholars are opining that no one involved in an attempt to overthrow the U.S. government can ever hold elected office again.Hunter Biden is under investigation for his foreign business dealings. Jared Kushner received over $2 BILLION from Arab countries after his father-in-law left office with boxes of government top secrets that he refused to return. Did he sell them?The “Republican” criminal enterprise wanted to abolish almost 250 years of our democracy experiment with an attempted coup -- just like totalitarians in third-world countries -- and turn our country into a fascist state. Our former POTUS has been indicted four times in five months. Wrap your brains around that!We citizens are the guardrails protecting our democracy. The rule of law applies to everyone -- including our elected officials. Speak out loudly and often against injustice. We and future generations will have to live with the consequences of other voters' ignorance and their votes. Don’t allow our democracy to fail because you are too lazy to check the facts. Con me once…

Lynn Hagedorn, Cape Coral

Christian houses divided

“Give me that old time religion, its good enough for me” yelled Nicholas Brady in the 1925 Scopes Monkey Trial; applause was deafening. Spencer Tracy indignantly yelled, “hasn’t John Scopes the right to think?” (science of evolution). Parallel issues reign today. Faith-based dogma of Christian nationalists, intensely support vouchers to seduce children into Christian biased schools. The duplicate tragedy is that $$ are siphoned from public schools plus education standards are non-existent in private schools; sooth-saying qualifies their teachers.

Father Mackin in his Irish brogue “spilled-the-beans-for-me” at age 6 while serving Catholic mass. He announced Catechism class and stated: “If we don’t control their minds before the age of reason we may lose them to the faith.” Mind control and seduction of children into Christian faith to accept dogma and leadership a la Donald Trump/DeSanctis is a goal of vouchers.

Christian houses are divided. Some “drank-the-Kool-Aide” (a la James Jones) and blindly follow Trump’s leadership. Our nation/democracy is dependent on organizing of reasonable/responsible Christians into an interfaith alliance. Massive voter turnout of the latter could eliminate the illegal vouchers and restore public schools essential for American leadership in the world.William Pettinger M.D., Bonita Springs

White silence

“It is the silence of good people that hurt the most.“

The institutions that go unchallenged, Hitler, slavery, institutional racism, white supremacy, Donald Trump, Ron DeSantis, Charlottesville, January 6, are all products of white privilege and solidarity.

Lewis Robinson, Fort Myers

Trump has Biden to thank

At the Iowa State Fair several Trump supporters advised the media that they would vote for Trump even if he was in jail. And Trump has Joe Biden to thank for that unusual loyalty. On Monday August 14 President Biden was asked by reporters to comment on the tragedy and rising death toll from Hawaii’s wildfires. His comment, “no comment,” has infuriated even the media and Trump is basking in the "blowback." Recently, while commenting on the war in the Ukraine, Biden advised that it was a war about munitions, the Ukrainians were low on munitions -- and so was the United States -- idiocy! And the American voter has heard just enough about the millions of dollars "gifted" to Biden family members by companies in Europe and Asia to be wary. The newly appointed special counsel to oversee the Hunter Biden investigation may or may not get into the family influence peddling but it happened, monies were paid, crimes were committed. It seems we cannot avoid a Trump/Biden rematch, sadly. That said, when one compares the two men, Trump will win every time; thanks to Joe. The Trump indictments are serious -- mishandling confidential documents, encouraging January 6 sedition, paying off a porn star and whatever comes out of Georgia. But these transgressions pale in comparison to Biden’s embarrassing the United States on an international stage (while visiting King Charles Biden attempted to converse with a palace guard, more idiocy!) and being paid millions of dollars by foreign entities allegedly to modify administration policy. Biden’s cognitive pratfalls continue and the Hunter mess looms large over the 2024 election. I pray that Trump avails himself of great advisors, and listens. Biden is done -- stick a fork in him -- Donald says thank you.

Read McCaffrey, Naples

Enough of both Trump, Biden

I have previously written that both Trump and Biden should exit the presidential stage, open the stage door and let some fresh air in. This would save the American people from the continual trash talking of both parties and the candidates about prior actions of Trump and Hunter Biden in the pursuit of winning the 2024 election.

Now the situation is getting worse. The judge in the Trump case is going to have to enforce her restriction on Trump talking about evidence in his campaign speeches. And this week, Merrick Garland appointed the same prosecutor of Hunter Biden as special counsel when Garland has previously stated that this prosecutor had all the authority he needed to investigate and prosecute.

This special counsel appointment makes me wonder if anyone in the Washington Beltway remembers history. October 20, 1973 is the date of the Saturday Night Massacre associated with Watergate. Nixon wanted Archibald Cox removed as special prosecutor. Elliot Richardson would not do it nor would William Ruckleshaus, his deputy. Robert Bork did it intending to resign but was talked out of it by Richardson and Ruckleshaus. Bork was never forgiven by the Democrats and thus began the politicization of presidential nominees to the Supreme Court.

The lesson apparently forgotten is that the coverup is worse than the crime. Nixon had to resign not because of the Watergate break-in by stupid partisans but because of the coverup. The American people are forgiving if you tell them the truth about something that went wrong but don’t try to cover it up. That they don’t forgive.

The appointment of the same prosecutor as special counsel after he has been investigating Hunter Biden since 2019 and botched the plea deal when presented to the judge will lead most Americans to at least scratch their heads and ask more questions. Garland should have stepped in and negotiated a plea deal the judge will accept. If he could not do it because of the way it “looks,” why does he think appointing someone who has investigated the case since 2019 and negotiated the failed plea deal is any better? It is going to be viewed as political maneuvering at its worst.

Hunter is sleazy and his actions do not look good for the president but is what he did in terms of selling the Biden brand a crime? I doubt it but it won’t matter if the American people sniff the odors of a coverup.

Chris Corrie, Bonita Springs

Governor's intolerance

On Fox News Gov. DeSantis stated that when he took office as president he will "combat the 'deep state' and start slitting throats on day one."  Sounds reminiscent of the "Night of the Long Knives" when Hitler's elite SS Guards murdered the leaders of the paramilitary Brown Shirts and hundreds of other perceived opponents.  As George Will, in his column, asked: "What comes after the promise of throat slitting? Corleone style vow to put the severed heads of horses in the beds of the woke?"

As he fires state attorneys we begin to see his intolerance for opposition.  We should take him at his word and exile him from any elected office.

Charles J. Theisen Jr., Naples

Doomed Trump candidacy

In 2020, I prepared a presentation on why Trump lost and spoke to Republican clubs, service groups and a TV program in Vermont with that information.  I concluded the Dems will do anything to prevent Trump from running again.  The recent indictments are part of their strategy to derail his quest for another term.  They are committed to prevent him from ever holding another office.  The ends justify the means in achieving their objective.

Republicans other than Trumpers are mute on a golden opportunity in taking back the White House.  Everything is lining up in their favor (economy, foreign policy, corruption, green restrictions) and only a few have looked ahead for a campaign without Trump.  We all know there are six key states required to win the presidency.  Even with Trump's indictments and trial dates interfering with his campaigning, he could still be on the ballots.  However, the Dems aren't dumb. They will bend rules to take his name off those six key state ballots.  As stated above, the Dems are committed to torpedo Trump, by hook or by crook.

What are Republicans going to do?  Trumpers and the press are out to kill Ron DeSantis' candidacy.  He's the only hope they have to win.  Trump is for Trump and no other. He could care less as long as he can run for president again.  Leaders have to speak up like governors, senators and congressmen and take back the party from the Trumpers.

The charges against Trump may not stick but in the eyes of public opinion, half believe he broke the law, and many independents agree with them.  This spells a doomed Trump candidacy and if he's off the ballot in the key six states the end is only a formality.

Choice is therefore an Obama 4th term in 2024 or win with a Republican non-Trumper.  We get what we accept.

Frank Mazur, Fort Myers

Whitewashing historical realities

The news report that Russian President Vladimir Putin has ordered revision of high school textbooks to falsely embellish Russian history would make him comfortable in the new educational environment created here by Governor DeSantis and his hand-picked Department of Education.

The overseers of high school education in this state, at the behest of our governor, have directed that middle school students be taught that slavery provided a number of “personal benefits” to enslaved people, along with whitewashing some other unsavory or less pleasant historical  realities.

It’s no coincidence that the two autocrats are attempting to distort pedagogical practices in order to implant their world views. That’s how tyrants  try to mold the minds of the upcoming generation.

It would not be surprising to see the Putin textbooks proclaim that Russian serfs, barely a step above slavery, also obtained “personal benefits” from their form of economic bondage.

Marshall H. Tanick, Naples

Liberal mudslinging

I read with interest your left-wing liberal mudslinging letters. It seems to be your main focus, or are these people the only letter writers?

Are YOU better off now than you were before Biden? I am NOT! Yes, Social Security is up but so is the cost of food, cost of gasoline, cost of housing, cost of clothing, cost of travel, cost of autos.

Why are people relocating to Florida? Not for cheap housing. It is for freedom of speech. Mask not required. We have a governor who cares about people, but also runs a tight ship! I sure wish the liberals would stay where they are and STOP trying to ruin ours if they do not appreciate a good lifestyle!

Marjorie Hancock, Naples

Biden impeachment overdue

I see that Florida Representative Greg Steube has introduced Articles of Impeachment.

Outstanding, but why did he wait so long?  The senile old communist should have been impeached after the dreadful Afghanistan withdrawal and the cutting off of the Keystone pipeline.

Michael Adler, Miromar Lakes

Abortion issue

With all the political problems our country is having, to cast one’s ballot strictly on the issue of abortion is ludicrous. Why in the world our government, either federal or state, is involved in something so personal is beyond me.  I would think that buying a birth control pill would be a lot easier than having an abortion. Think about it ladies.

Marilyn Doherty, Naples

Demand honesty, humanity

Our country needs honesty to come to the fore. Lies, lies and more lies are carried across the airwaves: both right and left. Our elected and appointed government officials, for the most part, care for themselves and not for the people who elected them.

It is time for Americans to demand honesty and humanity from officials. When we can't believe anyone, we are in trouble. The left views a document and says it shows A. The right views it and says it shows B.

The president is at the top of the liars triangle or maybe not. How are the citizens of the U.S. to decide? We need a phoenix to rise from the ashes.

Michael Zubrow, Naples

This article originally appeared on Fort Myers News-Press: Letters to the editor for Sunday, August 20, 2023