Letters to the editor for Sunday, June 12, 2022

Editorial cartoon
Editorial cartoon
Editorial cartoon
Editorial cartoon

Profiting off rising rents

Was wondering who is monitoring the property management companies? They seem to be the silent benefactors in these times of ridiculous rent. A family member has been trying to find a new house for months. After the application is submitted, and fees paid, the house suddenly is "leased out" right after the credit card is run. If this happened once or twice I'd chalk it up to coincidence, but it's happened too many times. Another issue is the agents telling them to go ahead and apply, after discussing the leasing requirements, knowing all full and well they will not qualify. Or the goal posts moving, ie: you can have a guarantor, but after the application is paid for, advising them they need to make 4.5x the rent. It's stressful enough right now trying to find a place to live. I think some of these agencies are using that to make money.

Scott Coyne, Cape Coral

Re-elect incumbents to Collier school board

I recently attended a school board candidate forum at the Naples Grow church, where all of the candidates were in attendance. Above the candidates was a huge well lit sign sponsored by Underground Education which asked the audience to join them in becoming “a part of the growing community of families that are taking their kids out of the public education system.” All of those running in opposition to the incumbents agreed with this sentiment as well as firing Superintendent Dr. Kamela Patton (who not only was recently chosen Superintendent of the Year for Florida but also last year Superintendent of the Year for the United States). Are these people crazy? Why are they running for a seat on the Collier County School Board?

Vote for the incumbents Jory Westberry, Jen Mitchell, and Roy Terry who care about our children and excellent public education!

Beth Povlow, Marco Island

Nonpartisan election volunteers needed

We must recruit as many nonpartisan volunteers as possible to ensure that no eligible voter is discouraged or wrongly turned away from the polls in 2022. In America, voters should have the final say. But Trump and far-right extremists engaged in a criminal conspiracy by helping to promote and pay for election sabotage efforts that culminated in the deadly attack on our country on Jan. 6.

The Jan. 6 House Select Committee’s upcoming public hearings will present the facts about this attack and its lead up. The committee’s investigation has been nonpartisan and factual.

We must support the Jan. 6 Committee in investigating and holding accountable everyone involved in this crime – to both ensure it never happens again and make sure that our elected leaders respect the will of the people

This includes making sure everyone’s vote is counted by volunteering as an Election Protection volunteer.

Register to volunteer for Election Protection to make sure we protect the results of the 2022 election at www.protectthevote.net.

Dennis Raube, Fort Myers

Lee sheriff's comments miss the mark

While watching the late local TV news (June 7), I was gobsmacked by an interview with Lee County Sheriff Carmine Marceno. The arrogant, posturing sheriff boldly proclaimed himself a staunch defender of the Second Amendment. And while making his point — he uttered a classless trope slurring the current president of the United States. This petty utterance was unacceptable given Marceno is a public servant whose job is to serve ALL Lee County residents not just those of a single political persuasion. Marceno states in an online video link on the LCSO website that the constitutional right to bear arms is “absolute” — that is incorrect; DC vs Heller., 2008, says otherwise. Marceno also fails to understand his governmental role. He doesn’t make laws or interpret laws; his only job is to “enforce the Florida Constitution and Florida state laws and to provide for the security safety and well-being of citizens.” Instead of wading into a political morass and perp-walking a 10-year-old child, Marceno would do well to focus on protecting Lee County property and residents from crimes, particularly gun violence.

Kim Finer, Naples

Murderers once were 'law abiding citizens'

When the conservatives say that they oppose any gun restrictions that might infringe on the rights of "law abiding citizens," has it gone unnoticed to them that every mass murderer was a "law abiding citizen" right up the second before that first trigger pull?

William Bosco, Bonita Springs

Party politics appear to be more important

At church last Sunday our attention was drawn to a prayer written by Norma Johnson, a poet:

"O God, we’ve wasted, we complained, we’ve grumbled. We’ve misused our resources, We’ve confused our needs with our wants. For these sins, Father forgive us. Help us reset our priorities according to your will."

Instead of confusing our needs with our wants, it seems to me that our government, especially the Republican Party in the Senate, has confused its responsibility to govern with its desire to impede any progress in the discussion of our needs. Party politics appear to be more important.

Torrey Foster, Naples

It's the absence of mental wellness

Of course guns make it worse when a person resorts to violence for whatever reason.  And more powerful, accurate guns that can hold and shoot lots of bullets make it a lot worse. Controlling access to them is obviously needed.

However, the use of guns to resolve disputes or express anger is a symptom of a much deeper issue. It's  not "mental illness" -- it's the absence of mental wellness.

Here's a way to think about it.  A person may be badly out of shape with all that entails and not be sick. They can't run or even walk much of a distance at a normal pace, so they immediately resort to their car even for short, normally manageable distances.

If they were in passable shape they might walk the half-mile to the store or to a friend's house, and even enjoy it! This is a downward spiral. After a while the very ability to run or even walk briskly atrophies, and the use of the car is no longer just a choice -- it seems to them their only choice.

If they cared enough or those around cared enough about them they could get back into shape and do better, but they are too "bummed out" (not clinically depressed), and no one else seems to want to know about their problem, much less care.

Too many Americans may be physically out of shape, but even more are "socially out of shape." Our capacity to communicate with each other face-to-face in any situation is becoming impaired.

It started with texting. Texting was intended to leave someone a message when they weren't able to take your call or you were unable to talk at the moment. Over time talking over the phone started to become an inconvenience and even a hassle. So two people sit with their smartphones texting back and forth at the same time. Why not just call? Nah. And ever been to a restaurant when a table of under 30s are sitting and texting without talking to each other?

The sad truth is they're losing their ability to express themselves to others in real time and with it the desire to do so.

And when they get upset the right emoji or meme is trotted out. If the they get REALLY ANGRY the dreaded ALL CAPS are the text weapon of last resort!

They are not the weapon of last resort for those who have forgotten how to blow off steam by screaming and yelling and exchanging insults face-to-face. That ability has atrophied.

In today's America, the weapon of first and maybe the only resort for people who have lost the ability to express themselves, and especially their anger, is a gun. And the meaner the better.

Got cut off on the road? They're playing their music too loud? Using a smartphone in the movie theater? Dissing you online or didn't invite you to that party? Walked too close to your door? Had the wrong bumper sticker? Or just annoyed you by being alive...

Why yell when a bullet to the head will do?

Bruce Diamond, Fort Myers

Suggestions for gun regulation

I have a few suggestions that might help in our nation's problems with guns.

1. No one under the age of 30 can own a gun.

2. Only the military, law enforcement, or retired military can have or own an automatic/semi-automatic firearm.

3. People who purchase guns must take a written and a shooting test to get a license before they are able to purchase a firearm. The license would cost what the state or county believes would be equitable. All licenses would renew every five years.

4. All persons who sell firearms and ammunition must have licenses to sell, and sign up those who will need training and classes.

5. If a hunter with kids, the kids can hunt with owner of guns to be used.

Julie Ross, Naples

Not Fox News worthy

Beginning Thursday evening the major news networks were pre-empting their regular programming to broadcast live coverage of the Jan. 6 Investigations: ABC, NBC, CBS, CNN, MSNBC, CNBC.  All except the Fox News Channel – which hosts the top 10 most watched cable news shows in the country (Nielsen data). Not newsworthy? I’m sure Carlson, Baier, Hannity, Angle and Co. prefer their viewers tune in to their regular programming devoid of this live coverage. Why? For fear of learning something new? Isn’t that what “news” means?

Paul Shedivy, Fort Myers

Weapons of mass slaughter

One would think that the very term "assault rifles" would make us cringe at the idea of such weapons being manufactured and sold in the open market to private citizens.

Maybe we should accurately amp up the descriptive term to "mass slaughter rifles" and make NRA-funded politicians own it.

J. Cant, Naples

Guns the top issue in election

Today's voter is faced with many demanding issues when election time rolls around. It is hard to decide which is the one to be in the top spot when selecting a candidate. I, myself, have chosen firearms and death from firearms in America. As each day brings news of another mass shooting, I feel very frustrated. I feel sympathy for each family of a victim of a shooting. As for the shootings themselves, they are the status quo. We just have to accept them and be used to it. Will there be change in the attitude towards firearms? I doubt it. We have had 20 years of thoughts and prayers. They are hollow words and accomplish nothing. The gun lobby's answer is more guns in America. With more guns, the death toll continues to rise.

If the political landscape does not change, nothing else is going to change. So when I look at political candidates this fall, I will ask several questions: Does the candidate belong to the NRA or Gun Owners of America? Does the candidate support the NRA or Gun Owners of America? Does the candidate get a favorable rating from the NRA? Has the candidate accepted campaign donations from the NRA or Gun Owners of America? Has the candidate exposed and bragged about his or her equipment in campaign ads, videos or Zoom meetings? Has the person taken orders on how to write legislation or how to vote on legislation from elderly firearm lobbyists?

If you answered yes to any of these questions or even just one of them; please, please do not vote for that person.

Harold McFarland, North Fort Myers

Allow AR-15, make ammo unavailable

Per Oprah: You can have an AR-15 and you can have an AR-15 and you can have an AR-15. Let’s just make the bullets and all high-capacity magazines unavailable to the general public. Military use only! Sure, a few black market sales will get through but the frequency of these shootings will be significantly reduced. Let the military courts handle the sellers of this ammunition. No rights are being infringed upon. Private citizens can keep and buy as many AR-15 guns as they want. It’s true: Guns don’t kill people, bullets do.

Glenn Church, Naples

Unfathomable problem

It is impossible to fathom the incidence rate of school shootings in the United States. Everyone and every media source seems to offer a variety of opinions regarding causes and possible solutions. Mostly we hear very vague responses such as “we need to do something." Clearly I have no idea what that means. Guns are the most popular thing to blame. I personally don’t know of any sane and responsible gun owners interested in committing mass murder with a gun or shooting to kill or maim someone. Especially innocent children at a school. Statistical data readily available suggests that virtually all murders, shootings and armed robberies involve either mental illnesses or repeat violent criminals. Violent criminals are often addicted to hard drugs and come from a dysfunctional family life with horrible schools. School shootings have historically mostly involved varying degrees of mental illness. It is estimated that there are over 300 million guns in America. Getting rid of all guns is clearly impossible. Sadly until our country focuses on the culture and behavior of those shooting innocent people and children the problem will only get worse.

John McWilliams, Fort Myers

Unconscionable, unacceptable excuses

I am a lifelong Republican who is voting for any candidate who can bring commonsense gun control into the 21st Century. This includes banning AR-15 assault-style weapons, universal background checks and extended waiting periods.

That U.S. senators are standing in the way of lifesaving measures is sickening, and I want nothing to do with their obtuse and unconscionable excuses!

Time for a change.

Jill Drapcho, Naples

Protect people you represent

Congressmen and women as well as senators are screaming for government laws to provide them with more protection, after President Biden asked for such laws for judges.

How about we tell those legislators that we will support them in seeking protection after they vote to provide protection for schoolchildren and innocent shoppers and workers who are being gunned down in unprecedented numbers. Our "brave" leaders are not entitled to more safeguards than we, the men and women they represent.

Tell them we want to outlaw automatic multi-round weapons and demand better and more intense background checks, not run by the very people who are profiting by the sales of such weapons.

Raise the minimum age limit to 21 for purchasing and owning guns. We set a minimum age for drinking, driving, voting and even marriage. Why not for gun ownership?

When these legislative leaders do their job to protect us, then let them crawl out from behind their shelters and they'll find they are then already protected by the laws they pass to protect us.

Peter Weissman, Naples

Despite obstacles, bipartisanship working

It’s easy to see only our differences and disagreements. Lost in the bickering is a refreshing success record of bipartisan legislation passed during this administration.

The most recent is the long overdue Postal Reform Act that was finally passed and signed after 15 years in the works.

A large majority of Americans and the free world are united around Ukraine, keeping Ukraine supplied with what they need to keep fighting without risking U.S. ground forces. Congress passed a $13.6 billion emergency military and humanitarian aid package for Ukraine with bipartisan support. Another measure passed reaffirming our commitment to NATO. There is extensive bipartisan support for the ban on Russian oil imports.

A historic bipartisan package was passed to keep the government running until Sept. 30. The Violence Against Women Act was renewed. Biden’s Infrastructure Bill passed with bipartisan support. Another bill addresses sexual harassment in the workplace. There’s a bipartisan bill under reconciliation now designed to increase our competitiveness with China, and another to fix the Electoral Count Act. The bipartisan Affordable Insulin Now Act was approved in the House; it still needs to pass the Senate.

There have been worthy pieces of legislation that did not attract bipartisan support and our nation will not reap those benefits, but, overall, the recent bipartisan laws prove that when we work together, we can succeed.

Susan McGuire, Bokeelia

Opinion has nothing to do with religion

Mr. Howard Simon's Sunday article espousing his belief that Justice Samuel Alito's leaked opinion in the as yet undecided case that could reverse Roe v. Wade is premised upon an alleged desire by Justice Alito to impose his version of theocracy upon the religious and non-religious masses of our citizenry is simply inaccurate. Regardless of one's view about the abortion issue, Mr. Simon's article adds nothing to the legal debate ongoing, and in fact completely misstates the premise of the leaked opinion, should it in fact become law.

In fact, Justice Alito's leaked opinion has nothing whatever to do with religion. It is legally premised rather on the justice's "constructionist" viewpoints, and his belief that the 14th Amendment cannot be reasonably construed to create a right to an abortion. He has long believed that the right of privacy, created by SCOTUS, and embodied in Roe and cases like Griswold v. Connecticut, simply doesn't exist in the Constitution. His leaked decision would return to the states the right to regulate abortions. You can agree or disagree with Justice Alito, but it is important to know what he is (allegedly) really saying.

I understand that Mr. Simon is not a lawyer, but giving him a forum to directly mislead the public as to a matter of this much national debate and importance does a disservice to your readers.

Rory T. Weiler, Naples

Walking toward fascism under DeSantis

It seems at least once a week; Florida is slowly walking towards fascism. Banning books, banning corporations' free speech, defining history as "painful" to white people. This in my opinion, is based on raising the ultimate "Florida Man's" political profile. Gov. DeSantis keeps pushing the needle away from actual freedom. His latest move, cutting funds from the Tampa Bay Rays (previously in the state budget) practice facility. Why? Because the Rays tweeted a statement on gun violence. Not even a specific political statement. Just something the governor didn't like. I hate to say: I told you so.

Robert Jenkins, Naples

Hunting regulated; now save the children

The Declaration of Independence states that we the people have a right to life first. The Second Amendment comes later in the Constitution, written 200 years ago when they only had a one-shot musket that barely fired one bullet.

The gun rights people are also pro-life people. Yet people and children are being slaughtered while they uphold the Second Amendment. What is wrong with this picture?

We saved the birds when they were being slaughtered for women's hats. We saved the ducks with the duck stamp requirement for duck hunting. We stopped overfishing with fishing licenses. We saved the deer with hunting licenses.

Now how about saving the children and people who are being slaughtered.

The Second Amendment states that In order to form a militia, the right to bear arms shall not be infringed. We don't need a militia now due to having the National Guard and the armed forces. This is a totally different world from 200 years ago. There have been many amendments to the Constitution. We need one now to the Second Amendment to save the children and citizens of this country.

Alice Mack, former Air Force nurse, captain. Fort Myers

Arm teachers with bear spray

As a longtime game hunter and marksman, I would like to propose a possible solution to protect our school children from the rising gun violence. Training teachers for firearm use is both difficult and costly. A slight movement of the hand when firing a pistol, particularly under stress, can produce errors by the shooter and possible injuries or death to innocent bystanders. Therefore, I suggest training teachers to fire a canister of bear spray. This does not require precise aim because the spray covers a wide area and temporarily blinds the dangerous shooter. The spray cause breathing difficulty as well. To summarize, the bear spray is not expensive, it is simple to use, requires minimum training, and it is effective.

Charles C. Rieger Jr., Naples

This article originally appeared on Fort Myers News-Press: Letters to the editor for Sunday, June 12, 2022