Letters to the editor for Sunday, May 7, 2023

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Editorial cartoon

What about empathy?

Senator Kathleen Passidomo, president of Florida’s Senate, has passed every wish of Ron DeSantis, making those wishes the laws of Florida: laws which make people of color less than whites, laws which make females less than males, laws which make gays, lesbians and transgenders unnatural, laws which ignore immigrants in their poverty and poor health.

Then there is the ethic of reciprocity:

According to secular philosophers, “living according to the ethic of reciprocity means empathizing with other people, including those who may be very different from us. Empathy is at the root of kindness, compassion, understanding and respect – qualities that we all appreciate being shown.”

How does Senator Passidomo reconcile the laws which she is promulgating with the ethic of reciprocity?

Sally Lam, Naples

Subverting will of the people

Governor DeSantis has described Disney’s recent response to his legal and verbal attacks as “an attempt to subvert the will of the people of Florida.” Huh? The people of Florida were never asked for their opinion before Governor DeSantis signed legislation that could limit the future growth and success of Florida’s largest employer and biggest taxpayer. As a Republican, I always thought our party differentiated itself from the Democrats by supporting business and placing as few restrictions on it as possible. His targeted legislation applies only to Disney — not to any other business in the state that operates under a similar structure.Governor DeSantis is the one who is getting ready to “subvert the will of the people of Florida” by asking the Legislature to overturn a current law — called “resign to run” — that bars officials from seeking one office while holding another. The people have spoken on this law, which wisely prevents elected officials from collecting pay for their current job while devoting their energies to running for another. Florida faces many problems that need the governor’s full attention. We hired DeSantis to run Florida, not run for president.

Bruce Bunch, Fort Myers

Art or pornography?

In March, Hope Carrasquilla was forced to step down as principal of Tallahassee Classical School after one parent claimed that the sculpture of David was pornographic. Other parents complained that they were not notified in advance that their children would be shown the nude figure during a lesson featuring the Renaissance.

Good grief. Every educated person knows that the sculpture has nothing to do with pornography. The famous marble statue by Michelangelo depicts the Biblical David, naked, with a sling over his shoulder and a rock in his hand, ready for battle with Goliath. It is a masterpiece that represents purity and innocence, the victory of good over evil.

Although rediscovery of Greek ideals in the Renaissance restored the nude to symbolic meaning in art, by the Victorian era, public nakedness was considered obscene. Nudity has traditionally been the social norm for both men and women in hunter-gatherer cultures in warm climates, and it is still common among many indigenous peoples. We live in Florida where temperatures reach a sweltering 90 degrees Fahrenheit for seven months of the year. Should we follow David’s example on hot days?

It is quite apparent that a few parents at the classical school need to learn the difference between pornography and nudity as an art form. What did they expect when they enrolled their children in a school that teaches a classical curriculum? Their feigned outrage is too Victorian and not appreciated by supporters of classical education.

Dr. Joseph Doyle, Naples

Florida Legislature rubber stamp

The Florida State Legislature has become a rubber stamp for any idea’s proposed by Governor Ron DeSantis to further his run for the U.S. presidency and burnish his conservative ideology. As an example, how can the governor be allowed to both run the state and run for president? Will his pay be reduced since he’ll be spending less time doing the work he was elected to do? The many issues raised by this action were not questioned by the Republican majority Legislature. In the spirit of other rubber stamp legislative bodies throughout the world, why not rename the Florida legislative branch to better reflect how it passes laws? Maybe call it The National People’s Congress, The Duma, The Supreme People’s Assembly, or best of all, The Reichstag.

Scott Nichols, Fort Myers

The world then and now

My youngest granddaughter, just turning 9 years old, asked "Papa, what was it like when you were 9?” Having been born in 1943, I thought back to 1952 and told her:

Elizabeth II was crowned queen of England. As you know, her son Charles was crowned king a few months ago.

The United States was involved in the third year of a war in Korea; in 1952 there were three million U.S. troops in Korea. In your world there is a war in the Ukraine – but no U.S. troops are involved.

Polio was a serious threat – not unlike the COVID pandemic we had just recently

We elected a new president, Dwight Eisenhower. By the time you are 10 we will be struggling with another election but not nearly as clear cut as the election of Eisenhower. The current president with a 37% approval rating is running.

In 1952 the U.S. inflation rate was 2.29%. Gasoline was less than 25 cents per gallon – a dozen eggs 25 cents. The inflation today is 4.98%.

The U.S. detonated the first hydrogen bomb, and we are sending unarmed nuclear subs to South Korea as a "warning" to North Korea. Insanity.

Mr. Potato Head was introduced.

So, certainly there are differences, things were a lot less expensive. But turmoil in the world was ever-present. And I’m not so sure the 2023 world is any better than the 1952 world – in fact it seems to have gone downhill.

Let’s get an ice cream!

Read McCaffrey, Naples

Abortion and unwanted children

Some people say that the crime and violence in our cities is because of fatherless, undisciplined young people. They have a good point. With our tougher abortion laws, what is going to happen when we have many more fatherless, undisciplined, unwanted young people?

Joseph Piet, Marco Island

Debt ceiling impasse

The debt on our past spending is coming due soon and the Republicans are trying to tack on other issues affecting the poor and elderly. This is money we have already spent and the ceiling has been raised all the time. The right has yet to produce a budget where these other items could be negotiated – but not during a debt limit crisis which would paralyze the country. Now they’re worried about the deficit which they had no issue with during the previous administration. Most notably, the tax cuts for the wealthy increased the deficit more than any other. The theory for trickle-down economics doesn’t hold water and never did since it’s inception during the Reagan years. In summation, quit wasting very valuable time with your ridiculous debt “solution” and present a budget as Biden already has that can be debated in a bipartisan manner for the benefit of all Americans – not just those at the top.

Glenn Chenot, Cape Coral

Taking a step backward

Florida House Bill 999 and Senate Bill 266, which appear to be headed toward law, would dramatically transform higher education in the state and undermine the teaching of historical accuracy about this country.

With the implementation of the law, courses based on “unproven, theoretical, or exploratory content” may be subject to review.

It could lead to the elimination of state funding for Florida’s colleges and universities and threaten the existence of organizations that focus on diversity, equity and inclusion despite late tweaking of the bills.

Florida is certainly taking a step backward and it surely will take its toll on students, professors and the state as a whole.

The American Association of University Professors, the American Federation of Teachers, and the National Coalition Against Censorship all say that HB 999 would “destroy higher education as we know it.”

As a retired African American educator, I concur. I am appalled by the state’s efforts to create such a law that would impose drastic restrictions on academic freedom.

This and other recent bills shoved through by Florida lawmakers have sparked fear in students, educators, historians, people of color and others in the state and around the country for its blatant effort to deliver an "anti-woke'' agenda and a watered-down version of American history.

College students in Florida should be entitled to a well-rounded education, including the exploration of controversial topics relating to race, culture, and identity.

Florida students will suffer greatly by such a law that diminishes critical thinking and freedom of expression.

Cynthia Cave, Naples

Bill targets freedom to teach, learn

Florida legislation has gone from political intrusion into education to a takeover of our higher educational institutions with bill HB 999. This draconian bill makes very clear whose history and values are worthy of being taught.

In HB 999, according to Wikipedia, “…diversity, equity and inclusion (DEI) programs and certain college majors relating to DEI would be eliminated or heavily restricted; the legislation phrases such courses as being based on "unproven, theoretical, or exploratory content." The bill would prohibit state universities from including DEI and political identity filters within higher education hiring processes …”

Florida Board of Governors would have the power to review and restrict funding to any curriculum based on DEI. Each university's board of trustees would have the ability to review faculty members' tenure.The American Historical Association (AHA) did not express concern over HB 999, but “horror . . . at the assumptions that lie at the heart of this bill and its blatant and frontal attack on principles of academic freedom … central to higher education in the United States.”

Do we as Americans really want to engage in this type of idea suppression which we fought against in World War II and the Cold War? What’s the point in only offering students courses that cherry pick information confirming existing beliefs or ideas, known as confirmation bias. “Employers are looking for applicants who have learned how to think, rather than what to think” (AHA).

This bill targets the freedom to teach and learn in Florida.

Deborah B. Williams, Ph.D., Naples

Remember the Yorktown

In these days of domestic turmoil, bank failures, dishonest politicians and their relatives, mass shootings at the family level, weather disasters and other distressing events, we perhaps need to look back in history to learn how we have overcome the challenges thrown at us.

World War II was the largest and most costly (in terms of lives lost) in world history, but individual and concerted efforts have frequently turned the tide.

June 4-7, 1942  (81 years ago)  marked the Battle of Midway.  Six months after the attack on Pearl Harbor, this battle between opposing naval forces, (Military Historian John Keegan called it "the most stunning and decisive blow in the history of naval warfare") inflicted devastating damage on the enemy fleet. Four enemy carriers were sunk of the six that had participated in the Pearl Harbor raid. This essentially broke the back of the enemy navy and they were never able after that to catch up to the U.S. massive education and industrial capacity.  This was the turning point in the Pacific War.

The U.S. carrier Yorktown (CV-5) was lost in this battle.  I had the honor of knowing for several years a survivor of the Yorktown sinking, the late Bill Roy, a Naples resident, who was a 21-year-old ship's photographer.  The stories of his adventures were fascinating as I was just a small child in 1942 and seeing this history through the eyes of a participant has made me a fan of the story of the USS Yorktown.

This story tells us that as Americans we have the resources and personal convictions to rise above disaster and protect and promote our way of life.  Perhaps some of this strength will allow us to overcome the domestic mess we have created.  On June 4-7 let us commemorate American courage and ingenuity and let that guide us to some solutions to our turmoil.  Remember the Yorktown.

Charlie Berry, Naples

DeSantis has lost my vote

Governor DeSantis was elected six months ago to represent the citizens of Florida. He was not elected to gallivant around the country running for president.We have serious issues in Florida that are not being addressed by the agencies under the control of the governor's office.The biggest issue at this time, and one with the greatest impact on Naples and Fort Myers, is the cost of property & casualty insurance and its effect on the many condominium associations and homeowner's associations.Condominium associations and HOA'S are subject to insurance costs that are so excessive that these associations are literally facing bankruptcy.And where is Governor DeSantis?Governor, if that is what you really are, since you spend more time in Iowa, Pennsylvania, New York, South Carolina, and other primary states than you spend in Florida, you have lost my vote and my support.

Craig Albert, Naples

Hate this administration

Ambassador Linda Thomas-Greenfield was nominated by President Joseph R. Biden Jr. to be the representative of the United States of America to the United Nations as well as in the Security Council of the United Nations on January 20, 2021.And this is how she represents us:She is telling her fellow ambassadors from around the world that “white supremacy” is “weaved into (America’s) founding documents and principles.”Do I hate this administration? You bet I do!

Joe Kiernan, Naples

Apparent double standard

The GOP claims the drag ban protects kids. The supporters say: “We believe that our community’s children should not be exposed to sexually explicit ...”  “It’s that simple.”

When asked what they consider to be sexually explicit, the supporters  responded: “...typically in sexually suggestive costumes, and performing sexually suggestive dances in front of children, is sexually explicit by definition. Our city should not be complicit in exposing children to this lewd and inappropriate content.”

I see women in sexually suggestive costumes and performing sexually suggestive dances all the time on prime time TV. Shouldn’t this lewd and inappropriate content be banned from TV?

Chuck Ryntz, Naples & Washington, MI

Freeloading drains tax money

I am very concerned about all the rhetoric concerning the future of Social Security funds. I'm not concerned for myself because I'm going to be 85 years old. I'm concerned for my children, my grandchildren, neighbors and friends.I'm sure you're aware that Social Security is not free money and your constituents worked very hard all their lives to have that financial safety net.

Let me get to the gist of this letter. Welfare is free money being taken advantage of by freeloaders. I know there are folks out there that have no other means to provide for themselves, they are the ones who need it. The criminal element, which outnumbers the needy, are using the welfare system for themselves and it is continuing through generations of the same family. So, instead of attacking the Social Security benefits for those who worked and paid into the system, how about reducing or eliminating the welfare benefits of those who collect the free money and keep Social Security financially secure. Improve the vetting of every applicant for welfare funds, drug test monthly, what they are spending and what they are spending our taxpayers money on. This freeloading is draining our tax money yet, they want to keep people from collecting their Social Security money.

Anthony Edwards, Cape Coral

Beset by serial morons

I read where a liberal governor of a western state is going to sign a bill to ban the sale of assault rifles in the belief that it will reduce the loss of life in his state. There was once a group in this country that thought if you banned the use of alcohol you could stop people from drinking. And now we have the conservative foolishness that wants to ban or limit abortion rights in the belief that women will stop murdering their unborn children. Not to be outdone, the liberal foolishness is to think that by allowing biological males to compete in ladies sporting events you will somehow enhance women’s athletics. That is about as smart as putting the face of a trans-activist on the beer can of a working man. It takes very little effort to see that we are surrounded by a class of political elites that can be best described as serial morons.

Don Rader, Naples

Republicans vs. VP Harris

Fearful of President Biden's odds of reelection despite unfavorable polls, the Republican Party's cynical strategy is emerging early in this pre-campaign season.

Recently, Nikki Haley opined publicly that Mr. Biden is "not likely" to survive to age 86. Almost immediately thereafter, Tim Scott told Fox News that the only thing worse than a Biden victory would be a Kamala Harris presidency. Conservative media are already intensifying the anti-Harris drumbeat.

It becomes clear that the emerging strategy is to run not against President Biden, but against Vice President Harris, whom Republicans consider a more vulnerable target. The GOP is betting that sustained bashing of a potential Harris succession sometime during the next presidential term will turn voters against the Biden-Harris ticket, thereby easing the path to a Republican presidential victory in 2024 and, with it, control of the Senate and a wider majority in the House.

Walter Jones, Estero

Biden runs 'against the alternative'

One of the motifs of President Biden’s newly launched  multi-pronged campaign theme is that voters should favor him because his prospective rival is odious.

It’s embedded in his remark last weekend that he is “not running against the Almighty but against the alternative.” Essentially, he’s telling voters that they might not like him, but he’s preferable to whomever his opponent might be. This veiled form of negative campaigning will undoubtedly be amplified in the months ahead.

While President Biden and his supporters have much to tout about in his accomplishments, domestically and internationally, the shortcomings of the opposition and implicit dangers it poses may resonate  even louder.

It might not be the most inspiring message, but perhaps the most effective with the electorate in the fall of next year.

Marshall H. Tanick, Naples

Eject Trump

How many strikes does it take to call a batter out?

Donald Trump, a flawed player if ever there was one, has on his record  two impeachment trials, and a litany of failed business misadventures. He is now faced with no less than four accusations for indictable crimes ranging from sexual abuse, election interference, encouraging seditious insurrection, and theft of classified documents.

Veiled threats of physical harm leveled against lawful authority are uttered by this disgraced failed politician whose history of sharp business practices, obfuscations,  and outright lies should have long ago seen him out at the plate at the very least and, more appropriately,  thrown out of the game.

Robert P. Sanchez, Naples

Offended by DeSantis

I felt so honored to see our own Governor DeSantis on NBC National News last night. As we all know, he’s on a round-the-world jaunt to promote trade with Florida. He has visited Japan and South Korea, so far, and was visiting Israel last night. It was interesting that he was standing in front of a poster referencing the Museum of Tolerance Jerusalem. We all know how tolerant he is of illegal immigrants and temporarily legals, gays and trans-sexuals, women’s bodily rights, voting rights, etc. Huh? On this sound bite, he was crowing about his dispute with Disney over his so-called “Don’t Say Gay” campaign. What does that do to promote trade?If one researches his congressional resume, they will find his subcommittee assignments included Western Hemisphere, Middle East and North Africa, but no Asia assignments. Given that a major portion of our country’s commercial trade is with China and Taiwan, why didn’t he include them in his itinerary to promote Florida.Looking logically, not politically, this trip was a boondoggle to burnish his international credentials while trying not to offend anyone.By the way, who’s paying for this “campaign trip?” We the people of Florida, through our taxes! I’m offended!

Raymond Brooks, Fort Myers

This article originally appeared on Fort Myers News-Press: Letters to the editor for Sunday, May 7, 2023