Letters to the editor for Sunday, September 4, 2022

Editorial cartoon
Editorial cartoon
Editorial cartoon
Editorial cartoon

Morning traffic snarled at high school

As of 6:45 each morning the traffic at Gateway High School slows to a crawl. It takes over 20 minutes to travel one-quarter mile. Parents are dropping their kids off on the highway instead of fighting their way to the actual school.

Officials prefer to punish the kids for not using the official drop-off or giving out tardies instead of finding any solution to this nightmare.

How many police are on campus and why can't any of them direct traffic in the a.m.?

Don Smith, Alva

Keep extremists off school board

A lie is a poor foundation for government, yet that is exactly what most Collier County voters decided to support last week. Big Lie Kingmaker, Alfie Oakes, ran the table. “Semi-fascist” MAGA Republicanism’s have taken over the County Commission.

What are fascism’s central traits and beliefs:

• Unwavering and unquestioning loyalty to the “strong man.”

• The Rule of Fear rather than the Rule of Law. Conspiracy theories cause people to abandon constitutional checks and balances.

• Conformity. People who don’t agree with the Leader are ostracized and/or hunted down as threats to the stability of the regime.

• Militaristic nationalism and a state of perpetual paranoia leading to war. Enemies are everywhere. Only the “pure” are truly citizens.

• Minority groups and people with skin color or religious traditions that are not held by most of the population constitute a threat.

• The majority is under attack from a nefarious and secretive minority with no connection to the “blood and soil” of the homeland.

• Real men are not afraid of war. Peace activism is feminine.

• An independent media is an enemy of the state.

• Critical thinkers like artists, intellectuals and scientists are immediately suspect.

• Doctrinaire religion supports the leader.

• Election fraud, bullying, intimidation and insider double dealing are widespread and undiscussable.

We can keep Oakes' extremists off the Collier County School Board on Nov. 8. Vote for Jory Westberry, Jen Mitchell and Roy Terry.

Michael Sales, Naples

Public service in return for debt relief

Hey, here's a thought, all you students who want debt relief should be required to provide a public service assignment for the amount of money you want to be relieved for. $10,000 would require you to work that amount off and same for $20,000 debt relief. You will learn work ethics and serve your community at the same time. Are you willing to do that? If not, you don't deserve the debt relief!

Anthony Edwards, Cape Coral

Community service instead of free money

After reading several days of comments concerning this program, I’ve decided to put my two cents worth of advice into the conversation.

Back in 1968 when I graduated my family couldn’t afford for me to go to college, so even though there was a unpopular war going on, I joined the Marines for four years including a tour in Vietnam. After my honorable discharge I went to work in the paper industry and bought a house on GI bill ( which I repaid). I also went to college at night on GI bill while working and got my degree. Hence no debt.

Working for 40 years for same company and living within my means, put two daughters through college (state schools) so they would not have any debt. One daughter went on and while working full time completed her master's and just finished paying off her loans. So it can be with hard work and discipline, if you put your mind to it.

If the government wants to help out with debt, there should be something asked in return in the from of community service, not just free money.

Finally in response to the reader in Wednesday's paper comparing the program to the GI bill that has been offered to returning men and women who have served this country in time of peace and war is almost laughable if it wasn’t so insulting to veterans who gave up years of their life and family time to protect this nation.

Bill Flaishans, USMC 68-72, Naples

Unnecessary deaths, crude remark

Dr. Anthony Fauci, as director of the National Institute of Allergies and Infectious Diseases and as Chief Medical Advisor to the President, saved many thousands of American lives with his warnings and advice about COVID-19, despite the false and confusing contradictions that came from his boss, President Trump. On the other hand, Gov. Ron DeSantis allowed the unnecessary deaths of thousands of Floridians by refusing to use world-tested methods that reduced infections and deaths from COVID, even banning their life-saving use in many situations. In March of 2022, under the governorship of DeSantis, Florida had the second highest rate of deaths from COVID in the nation.  DeSantis’s behavior falls under the legal definition of depraved indifference, punishable by law as the crime of manslaughter. Fauci recently announced his retirement.  DeSantis’s comment was “grab that little elf and chuck him.”  What a crude, threatening remark, reminding one of an insensitive street bully. It is difficult to believe that any sensitive human being would support, no less vote for DeSantis.

Robert Hilliard, Sanibel

Dems claim to fix problem they caused

Have you noticed how the governing Democrats work? They pass laws that bring on inflation and then pass laws to bring down inflation or claim that they will.

Not to be outdone, the Federal Reserve is complicit in causing inflation and then does what Democrats do -- threaten an ever increasing increase in interest rates to correct their mistakes.

Joe Kiernan, Naples

Out of control spending traps U.S.

While speaker Pelosi was in Taiwan to take attention away from the inflation mess the Russians and Chinese have us right where they want us. The invasion of the Ukraine did not go as expected for the Russians but they now have us in another Vietnam. Spending billions per month and setting us up to pay hundreds of billions more to rebuild the country after the war. At least we are not losing any of our own troops in this one. The Chinese are getting exactly what they want in the Far East. They aren't going to invade Taiwan. By rattling their swords they have companies worldwide starting to cut back on investments in Taiwan and even thinking of pulling out. Eventually their declining economy will dictate that Taiwan will have no choice but to join China. As far as our huffing and puffing about China's influence in the Far East we can't really do anything about it. The Chinese own over 20 percent of our federal debt, per our own IRS. If they decide to stop buying any more and not roll over our existing debt they own who is going to buy over $6 trillion of bonds? The Middle Eastern oil countries are the only other option. Is that a good idea? I don't think so. Our decades of out of control spending have now come home to roost and we can do nothing about it!

Dennis Miller, Miromar Lakes

Forgiven debt is taxable income

While the push to forgive college loans ($10,000-$20,000) seems noble, it is actually quite regressive. I cannot win this argument with statements like "OK, then forgive my loan for my car." Or, "they signed the dotted line." Or lastly, "these students will become productive members once their debt is forgiven." But I do have an answer for all of those students whose debt will become forgiven.

Much like selling a house, or selling stock, the difference in money at the beginning is taxed as income at the end. So, send every student a 1099 for the tax they owe on income. Some will say it's not income but forgiving a debt turns into income per the tax code. This is income and if you want for your debt to be eliminated it will take for you to pay the tax on the unpaid loan.

Quickly, if there are one million students who's loan will be forgiven and this new income is taxed as a capital gain -- 20 percent ( I think Joe B is trying to raise this to 28 percent) then the typical $10,000 loan would owe $1,500 in taxes. And if 500,000 students get relief on $20,000, then the tax on them is $3,000. Total tax owed to the US is $3 billion.

This is a lot of money but it will send a message about being financially responsible -- c'mon man, no joke, Jack.

Jack Holt, Cape Coral

The right is so wrong

There’s been some letters lately expressing their displeasure with not having enough right-leaning opinions. That you’re a left-leaning paper. Just maybe the right doesn’t have as much clout as they wish or the paper fact-checks. They did let one slip through recently when a writer said the only fatality was a rioter on Jan. 6. NO. Five dead cops, 140+ injured, countless that will need years of various therapies. You call yourself the party of law and order. Now you want to defund the FBI because they served a warrant on a private citizen. I didn’t see you defending Breonna Taylor. A sitting U.S. Senator predicts riots if law enforcement does their job. If you can defend that I would love to hear.

Charles Perkins, North Fort Myers

The party of hypocrisy

The Republicans in Congress have finally showed their true colors by condemning President Joe Biden's plan to forgive Americans with student loan debt in the amount of $10,000. There are certain guidelines these individuals must follow to qualify. An individual can only make up to $125,000 and married couples up to $250,000. They must apply with other stipulations to qualify.

After all of the negative remarks from Republicans, the phrase "the pot calling the kettle black" surfaced. It has come out that the biggest naysayers of Biden's plan received large amounts of PPO money during the pandemic and the money that they received was forgiven, meaning that they didn't have to pay back anything! One of Biden's biggest critics is Marjorie Taylor Greene and she is one who received the PPO money!

What is sad is that the Republican Party has become the party of hypocrisy. They constantly attack Biden and the Democrats but have done nothing to help to get the country back on track. They enjoy collecting those paychecks, benefits and perks for "doing nothing" while the majority of Americans have to suffer!

Louis S. Herkalo, Naples

Mainstream media enables divisions

Michelle Obama was 44 when she proclaimed "For the first time I am proud of my country."  At 89 I am ashamed to see my country split in half by warring politicians and social revisionists. In this bitter conflict there can be no winner.

As a moderate Republican I supported Bill Clinton, but never Hillary. In sports jargon Joe Biden couldn't carry Billy's jock strap as either a unifier or leader. Simply check his half century of incompetence. Before the end of his first term he will likely double the national debt in an attempt to salvage his failing legacy. Unlike student loans, the national debt cannot be erased with a stroke of his often used pen.

Racial relations is the most divisive issue plaguing America today but is never broached because the Left is afraid of Black backlash. They fear this more than a nuclear confrontation with China or Russia because they do not want Blacks to realize the Democratic Party has used them forever with little in return. 

The mainstream media has been the principal enabler in the ongoing divisive saga by providing a toehold for socialist extremists.

After participating in the N/P readers forum I for over a decade have decided to forgo this highly biased feature as so many other Cape Coral  Republicans have.  Clearly this paper's press favors Dem blue ink over Republican red but the  black ink is more important and should stick to the truth instead of liberal talking points.

Gerald Ponder, Cape Coral

Novak Djokovic and vaccination

The No. 1 tennis player in the world, Novak Djokovic, is not allowed to play in the 2022 U.S. Open tennis tournament due to the current rules on admitting non-citizens unvaccinated against COVID-19 virus.  Without even questioning the efficacy of the vaccines for the previously infected with this virus, one cannot help but wonder whether the policy impacting this Serbian athlete is just innocent hypocrisy, considering hundreds of thousands of undocumented and unvaccinated individuals who continue to cross our southern border daily. Or, does this perhaps have something to do with the current U.S. policy in the Western Balkans?

Frank Sterdjevich, North Naples

Divisive and deliberate

When candidate Biden was campaigning he said "as president I will unify our country."

This week he said the 74 million MAGA people were fascists. And prior to that by executive order, a $10,000 gift was made  to students owing, alienating those who have paid off theirs.

We have been subjected to racism, dividing citizens, same as those supporting police or not.

Has the FBI raid, to obtain more documents, been timed during this election year, rather than last year, when the question arose? More division, and it seems the Jan. 6 committee will continue up to November, too.  Divisive, and deliberate, not crazy.

Burke Cueny, Naples

A model for the nation

In Sunday’s Views Marion Tischler discussed the Sadowski Affordable Housing Trust Fund. In my opinion she failed to disclose what has transpired in the Florida Legislature for the years 2022-2023. Her comments about state legislators, in past years, raiding (sweeping) the trust fund to fill budgetary shortfalls in the general revenue fund is correct. But, in the 2021 Legislature session, landmark legislation was passed that put an end to the sweeps of the trust fund. SB2512 guaranteed that a percentage of doc stamp funds generated from the sale of homes in Florida will be set aside for affordable housing and be a permanent source of dedicated recurring revenue. This resulted in full funding for the fiscal year 2022-2023.

The Sadowski Housing Coalition will help create over 36,000 jobs and more than $4.8 billion in positive economic impact in Florida. Housing dollars can put Florida’s housing industry to work repairing homes and improving the real estate market, and help reduce future state budget deficits. The projected distribution estimates for FY 2022-2023 are: $209,475,000.

So, instead of placing blame on Gov. DeSantis maybe Ms. Tischler might look at the bright side of the situation. The Legislature has taken up the governor’s recommendation and in 2021 enacted the exact legislation she referred to. The Sadowski Trust Fund is the largest homegrown housing program in Florida and serves as a model for the nation.

Anthony Farina, Fort Myers

The least we can do for veterans

There are thousands of charitable organizations dedicated to the needs of military veterans and the families to which, in 2021, Americans contributed nearly $3 billion. In my opinion many of these services should be provided by our government. These services include mental and physical health counselling, career transition, family issues and independent living advice. Cost should not be an issue.

Since March 2020 the various enacted COVID relief bills cost $5.1 trillion. Most recently, billions of dollars have been approved for climate related issues, infrastructure and energy. The proposed student loan forgiveness plan may cost nearly $1 trillion.

With all respect, the many charitable organizations have their own costs to fund and so not all donations reach our veterans and their families. Moreover, with so many organizations seeking to provide the same services there is sure to be overlap and redundancy – and worse, veterans and their families who have not made contact with such an organization and are in essence, left out.

A well organized and well staffed department of the U.S. government dedicated to caring for these special needs of our veterans and their families is the very least we can do for them. Winston Churchill in praising those who fought in the skies over England said, “Never in the field of human conflict was so much owed by so many to so few.”

Read McCaffrey, Naples

Letters all lacking in humor

I have been reading the letters to the editor and they are all lacking in humor, choosing to take a serious slant on all manner of politics, local and national. Or what's being offered (or not) in schools, or lack of affordable housing and many others.

There is humor to be found in the Trump Chronicles, approaching comic book status.

There is humor is relating the real estate purchase of a $46 million property and tearing down the existing home. It relates directly to income inequality.

There is humor in the suggestion that IRS can recruit, train and support some tens of thousands of new agents who will be assigned to look in your underwear. During my tenure in the mainframe computer business, IRS was noted for being the low man when it came to computer technology.  FBI, CIA, NSA and Congress got the good stuff and IRS got the hand-me-downs.  How do you find these many accountants all of whom likely have better job prospects, train them and send them forth?  Not in my remaining lifetime.

There is humor in the affordable housing crisis, examined by and commented on by people who have no housing crisis, continuing to provide lip service to the problem while permitting developers to create in Naples and environs some seven or eight condo towers with prices beginning at $1.5 million with roof-top swimming pools and views out over the traffic problems caused by the 40,000 people working in Collier County who cannot find homes here.

Let's try to see the sunny side of some of this while we continue to lament the national and international problems which assault us daily and are reviewed in glorious detail by our journalistic brethren.

Charlie Berry, Naples

Highly unethical if not totally illegal

This was convenient. Trump filed with the court a request for a special master to review the documents taken from Mar-a-Lago for attorney client privilege. Before the court could rule on it, the DOJ announced that they have already reviewed all the documents. It would seem to me that would be illegal. Attorney client privilege documents have now been reviewed by the very organization (the DOJ) that has said they have a criminal investigation going against Trump. This is at a minimum highly unethical if not totally illegal. The prosecutors are never allowed to review attorney client privilege documents from the party they are prosecuting.

Ron Wobbeking, Naples

Loans too easy for kids to acquire

I must disagree with a recent letter writer (Signature is promise to repay loan). First of all a student loan is not the same as a car, home, or personal loan. These loans are offered to high school seniors. No credit checks, no loan advisors, no parent signatures. I watched, over his shoulder, as one of my sons applied for a student loan. You deal with no human, just follow prompts on your computer. It encourages the applicant to increase the amount and suggests an unrealistic starting pay after college. My son paid off the loan over 15 years. It was easy to acquire a "deferment" and skip payments for six months while interest accrues. At the end the final payout was twice the original amount. They were unfair and too easy for kids to acquire. Did you complain when the Feds bailed out the banks?

Steve Solak, Fort Myers

Five glasses of water a day will do

Recently an article appeared under the title: ”Drink up! Water can help more problems than you realize,” by Susi Bond. She says in her article that “[t}he standard rule of thumb is to drink eight cups a day.”

This is not so.  There is a very well researched book by Michael Greger, MD, “How Not to Die,” in which the author extensively discusses the amount of water a person needs. On page 391, he writes: Drink five glasses of water a day, be they plain tap water or flavored with fruit, tea leaves, or herbs.” Elsewhere in the book (pages 380-383) Dr. Greger discusses extensively the amount of water a person needs.  He also explains from where the often mentioned need for eight-a-day recommendation comes from. Namely, in a 1921 paper its author described the analysis of the experiment he made on himself, from which he determined that he lost about 3 percent of his body weight in water a day, and that came to eight cups.  This recommendation was popular for a long time, but on the basis of various extensive tests performed in recent years on many participants, Dr. Greger recommends that people not suffering from heart disease, kidney failure and some other special cases, should drink five glasses of tap water a day. Since the difference between eight and five is substantial, this note may interest some readers.

Dr. Richard B. Hetnarski, Professor Emeritus, Rochester Institute of Technology, Naples

This article originally appeared on Fort Myers News-Press: Letters to the editor for Sunday, September 4, 2022