Letters to the editor: Supervisor race; Measures A & B; county clerk; and more

Bill-de la Peña finishes a strong first in race for supervisor but needs more to avoid a runoff

Gorell’s language is abhorrent

In a recent interview with Joel Kilpatrick, candidate for Ventura County Supervisor Jeff Gorell boasted that he “turned terrorists into puffs of pink mist.” Such language from a would-be Ventura County leader is abhorrent.

As Dr. Allison Skinner-Dorkenoo, a psychology professor at University of Georgia, has pointed out, such dehumanizing language “has pernicious effects” and “has been associated with an increased willingness to perpetrate violence.”

Allow me to re-humanize the meaning of “puffs of pink mist” as “aerosolized blood exiting a human being after they were shot, usually in the head, including bone fragments and brain matter.” Boasting of such is heartless and doing so to sound tough and appeal to a particular base of voters is negligence, at best.

As a proud resident of Ventura County for more than 45 years, I know our neighborhoods face real challenges. We need real plans and solutions for a community that is inclusive, affordable, innovative, job building, family supporting and environmentally conscious. Gorell, however, vacillates between violent rhetoric and suggesting Ventura should be more like Orange County. Perhaps Mr. Gorell should consider relocating to Orange County, if he considers its neighborhoods superior.

We need a leader who loves Ventura County and can work to build coalitions and solve problems so we can grow and prosper. Thankfully, such a candidate is on the ballot this year. I urge my fellow readers to look up Claudia Bill-de la Peña for Ventura County Supervisor.

Dianne Fritsche, Newbury Park

Misinformation about measures

Wanting to be an informed voter, I researched Measures A & B and did not find any facts or data supporting the claims made by the “No on Measures A & B” campaign. Regarding their claim “Stop the energy shutdown,” I found nothing in Ordinances 4567 & 4568 that stops any current operations.

I listened to the recordings of the VC Planning Commission hearings and Board of Supervisors meetings on developing the ordinances, and I found the process was transparent and the VC officials did their due diligence. They took public comments and responded to those concerns.

Regarding the claim, “Don’t let prices get any worse,” oil prices are set by the world market. Ventura extracts 18 thousand barrels of oil a day compared to 12 million and 88 million for the U.S. and the world, respectively. Even with the false claim above, I find it unimaginable that losing 0.02% of world supply would noticeably affect prices.

I have also noted that the oil companies haven’t supported claims made by the “No” campaign. AERA publicized its educational campaign opposing Measure G in the November 2018 election in SLO. Why aren’t they doing an educational campaign against Measures A & B? They hired a consultant and formed a campaign where there is no accountability instead.

Have you seen any data from anyone that supports the claims that the “No” campaign makes? Neither have I. You know the companies must have looked into the effect of yes and if the analysis supported the no position, wouldn’t they release those findings?

My conclusion is that the “No” campaign is spreading disinformation. This type of behavior by corporations and campaigns should concern us all, as it leads to an erosion of our democracy. I am voting yes on Measures A & B.

Wayne Morgan, Ventura

Measures will create a bad policy

In my opinion, foreign oil dependency is one of the most pressing issues facing our nation today, and that is why I am voting no on Measures A and B.

I was surprised to learn that California imports 75% of the oil we consume in this state. The oil from foreign countries is usually produced under poor environmental and human rights standards. Imported oil must also be shipped overseas on large polluting tankers. Ironically, it seems that Measures A and B are the opposite of environmental progress. Dependency on foreign oil also leaves us vulnerable to world events and gives other countries control over our energy supply.

All A and B would accomplish is shutting down our local oil industry, which would impact the local economy by taking away good paying jobs from local residents and increasing our dependency on imported oil. This is a bad policy choice. Please join me in voting no on Measures A and B.

David Schlangen, Camarillo

Simple question about A & B

As you approach the ballot Box to vote on Measure A and B, I have a simple thing to consider.

We have all received the multitude of slick and shiny leaflets arguing against the measures. We have seen the numerous letters to the editor here that if you look closely are clearly manufactured from a basic template, the TV commercials, etc. Then you take a close look and see who is funding the opposition to the measures: energy producers with major funding from Aera Energy and Chevron.

Now I ask you voters: When was the last time big oil and energy did anything to make your lives better?

Then go vote.

Gary Murphy, Simi Valley

Best choice for county clerk

Michelle Ascension is the only candidate with the right experience and knowledge to serve as Ventura County Clerk and Recorder. We first met her when she was running for Oxnard City Clerk and were immediately impressed by her experience, having already served eight years as City Clerk of Port Hueneme.

We continued to be impressed by her work ethic and commitment for four years in Oxnard as she worked long hours, not only fulfilling the regular duties as clerk, but overseeing many elections. She handled the City Council recall and other Oxnard special interest initiative elections in a very professional and unbiased manner. She earned wide respect and admiration for her efforts.

Michelle has now gained even more experience serving as Assistant Ventura County Clerk and learning the duties of the second part of the position, County Recorder. The Recorder maintains all the vital county records including birth, marriage and death records.

In this time of distrust of public officials, Michelle Ascencion has proven that she can be trusted to perform her duties in a professional and nonpartisan way.

Larry and Shirley Godwin, Oxnard

Individuals, not God, are divisive

Re: Rev. Linda Calderon’s May 12 letter, “God isn’t dividing country”:

Ms. Calderon is correct in stating that God isn’t dividing our country. It’s individuals such as her. They blame those that don’t believe as they do, don’t share their views, don’t live as they deem acceptable. They are the criminals and the problem if they believed in God all would be good.

The founders of this country knew even back then that government and churches should not mix. We are multiracial and multicultural. Our laws should be based on common sense, safety and inclusion of all our citizens, not default to the most common religious beliefs.

I will never give in to those that wish me to live by their rules. I will exercise my rights to find my own way through life without self-righteous folks telling me what it has to look like.

Carrie Jones, Oak View

False claims about Measures A & B

Re: Louise Lampara’s May 13 letter, “Measures A & B must be stopped”:

As a diehard capitalist who is humble enough to accept that I don’t have all the answers, I checked Ms. Lampara’s letter that claimed Measures A and B give county supervisors the power “to shut down any project for any reason they see fit — or for no reason at all,” which I could not find anywhere in the measures.

And the claim that they would raise prices at the pump was equally misleading: Aera Energy, a subsidiary of Shell and Exxon Mobil and the dominant extractor, pumps 14,000 barrels a day from Ventura County, 0.00000844% of the total pumped in just the United States. Even if no more oil is pumped from here, that it would affect the global market price is absurd.

Finally, holding oil companies to an acceptable environmental standard before it decays into an expensive problem that they can avoid through bankruptcy (“Oil bankruptcies leave environmental cleanup bills to California taxpayers,” The Star, June 21, 2021) really is the best choice. While we all really do benefit from oil production, only Ventura County residents will be harmed by it.

Richard Anderson, Simi Valley

This article originally appeared on Ventura County Star: Letters: Supervisor race; Measures A & B; county clerk; and more