Letters to the Editor: Thank you for helping us mark an important milestone

Thank you for helping us mark an important milestone

The Charlevoix Historical Society celebrated the 75th anniversary of the South Pier Lighthouse this year, culminating in festivities on Sept. 30, the actual date it was installed in its new location and activated in 1948.

The South Pier Lighthouse is a beloved iconic structure in Charlevoix and one of the most photographed features of the area. The historical society structured activities open to all and took the opportunity to raise funds for its preservation. The generous community of Charlevoix has supported restoration of the lighthouse since efforts to save it began in the mid-2000s.

This time around was no different. On behalf of the historical society board, thank you to everyone who participated in or supported our months-long celebrations and fundraising. Thanks to the publicity we received through the Charlevoix Courier and Petoskey News-Review, word got out around the state.

Ed Whitley allowed us to repaint his perfect South Pier Lighthouse replica red and display it at various venues. Rich Bergmann and his staff facilitated fundraising activities at Bridge Street Taproom and Boyne City Taproom. Pat Ryan was so gracious to entertain guests at Michigan Beach on Sept. 30 with an array of Great Lakes sailing songs. Beaver Island Boat Co. provided us the opportunity to conclude with a sunset cruise on the Beaver Islander ferry, which sold out.

There were donors from all around the state and the country who contributed. And, well-known photographers from the Charlevoix Photography Club, John Doskoch, Susan Morris and Sharon Hemme along with artist Fritz Benson donated their beautiful works for auction. We consider the entire effort a great success, raising over $50,000 so far, in reach of our $60,000 goal, to cover the costs of repairs and maintenance needed over the next couple of years. Some work was already completed this summer. I think we can be confident with this kind of outpouring from the community that the lighthouse will stay lit for another 75 years! Thank you all.

Denise Fate

Lighthouse Chair

We're finally getting serious about handling our waste

Soon, the Department of Environment, Great Lakes, and Energy (EGLE) will announce that it’s time to update the County Solid Waste Management Plans.

Earth Day was the day before my 15th birthday and, finally, the state will be seriously moving away from a garbage-for-land approach to responsibly and properly managing the treasures we throw away. The new plans will not provide for new landfill siting and will instead focus on and require a materials recovery approach.

Organics will be removed and composted into rich soil. Curbside recycling pick-up will be required in the new plans by haulers. Investments are being made in Materials Recovery Facilities (MRFs). This is good news for our Northeast Michigan Region as the new MRF comes online in Alpena! The new MRF will far exceed the effort in Emmet County and will provide local jobs here in NE MI. It’s been 53 years since Earth Day. We are finally taking an important cost-effective and responsible step in the environmental direction.

Wayne Vermilya


Vote no on Charlevoix proposals

I love Charlevoix. I love open space and affordable housing. I also love that I could vote NO on both proposals because neither makes sense. Please get out and vote, and if it does not make sense to you, vote NO and let’s come up with a much better plan.

Julee Roth


This article originally appeared on The Holland Sentinel: Letters to the Editor: Thank you for helping us mark an important milestone