Letters to the Editor: Think voting is easy? Talk to students and service workers

LOS ANGELES, CA - NOVEMBER 08: People wait in a long line to vote at the Anderson Munger Family YMCA vote center in Koreatown on Tuesday, Nov. 8, 2022 in Los Angeles, CA. (Jason Armond / Los Angeles Times)
Voters stand in line Tuesday in Koreatown. (Jason Armond / Los Angeles Times)

To the editor: I worry about people's ability to get out and vote. As I walked around my university campus on election day proudly wearing my "I Voted" sticker, many of the comments I received concerned me.

Walking into the Starbucks where I work on the weekends, one of my co-workers praised me for voting and said, "I wish I could vote, but I close tonight." On campus, students were in class, and with final exams on the horizon, surely many of them opted to put their educational priorities before casting a ballot.

Many service workers are required to be on the job or face consequences. Compound that with the pouring rain on Tuesday and inflation making the price of everything go up, one can understand why voting just isn't a priority for a lot of people. This is extremely unfortunate, because multiple items on this ballot could effect real change in California.

I believe people should not have to work or go to school on election day. Now more than ever, people are dealing with complex day-to-day issues that require so much physical and mental energy. In any way possible, we should remove barriers to voting and even make it fun.

Jaylah Wilson, Los Angeles


To the editor: As one who lives adjacent to Los Angeles, I was appalled to read that mayoral candidate Rick Caruso poured more than $100 million into his campaign. We should all be reminded of a former president who also was a billionaire with no experience in elected office and wonder what the payoff is for Caruso if he wins.

According to some voters The Times quoted, the panacea for change is term limits. I disagree wholeheartedly. The real solution is to get more engaged in the process and hold officials accountable for their positions and their words.

Other voters said inflation was important. Compared to the rest of the world, we Americans are relatively well off, with our inflation rate around 8.2%. Inflation is a global phenomena, and it is much worse in other parts of the world, yet some Americans blame the Biden administration for this problem. Why?

For many people, the only period of political engagement is perhaps every few years during an election. But if we're not paying attention in between votes, then we’re giving away our power. And if we don't pay attention or choose not to vote, then we should stop complaining about the situation.

Kathryn Louyse, Glendale


To the editor: No red wave. No elementary-school-level name calling. Some, but thus far very little, histrionic shouts of "voter fraud," and no reported violence at the polls.

Do I sense competitive but civil democracy creeping back into the political system? Hope so.

Marshall Barth, Encino


To the editor: Whether by force of luck or divine intervention, the ship of state appears to have avoided hitting the iceberg. Having bought a little time, let's fix the compass.

Mark Steinberg, Los Angeles

This story originally appeared in Los Angeles Times.