Letters to the editor for Wednesday, January 18, 2023

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Guide for developers

Reading about the latest overscale development to get a green light from the guardians of our community (High-rises OK'd for Isles of Capri, 1/13/23), it struck me that we now know enough to publish a handy guide for developers.

  1. Purchase a cheap site with commercial/retail zoning. This will be important later.

  2. Propose a monstrously overscale residential development: Start with what you'd ideally like to build then add at least 50 percent more height, density, traffic, everything. Add another 20 percent just because.

  3. Make some chunky but not outrageous donations to everyone with any influence, no matter how tenuous, on the approvals process. Spread your largesse generously through a variety of vehicles but make sure the recipients know who their benefactor is.

  4. Engage in the public "consultation" process. Nod a lot. Listen performatively. Try not to laugh or yawn. Hold many meetings and field many extravagantly titled experts from your organization.

  5. Consult, very publicly, with the decision-makers who will decide your application. Allow them to raise forcefully their strenuous objections to your monstrous proposal on behalf of their voters/residents. Look sheepish. You can nod here but still no laughing or yawning.

  6. Ignore everything you heard at steps 4 and 5.

  7. A few hours ahead of the final decision meeting, reveal revised proposals that reduce your original proposal by a third in every aspect: floors, height, density, traffic, noise. Say something vague about funding public housing. Make sure there's no time for any attendees to study the proposals but release a full summary to the press.

  8. At the same time threaten that, if your new proposal is rejected, you will have no alternative but to build a giant ugly mall on the site bringing unimaginable traffic, noise and congestion to the area. (I told you at Step 1 the zoning thing would come in handy.) Contrast the giant mall with your teensy upscale residential condo tower(s) with lush landscaping and a public kiddy park.

  9. Sit back and watch protesters crumble and decision-makers enthusiastically approve your considerate development. Let them applaud you as a responsible developer for not building that giant ugly mall you never had any intention of building. Exploit their gratitude by asking for some zoning changes while you're on a roll.

  10. Build the development you planned all along.

  11. Reap millions.

  12. Repeat.

  13. While this checklist isn't guaranteed to work, based on recent history (Isles of Capri, One Naples, Naples Beach Resort...) it's the nearest thing to a sure bet you'll find in 2023.

You're welcome!

Greig McCallum, Naples

If gas is outlawed

If all gas is outlawed how will I power my emergency generator during a hurricane? What about hospital backup power generators? Maybe we can each have a small wind turbine to power my dual, gasoline and LP gas, emergency generator during a storm!

John Piccolo, Estero

It's overwhelming

Are you on overwhelm? Well, join the group. So much to take in and digest. Here’s a few that have bothered me: Ian occurred in September, but few communities set aside or prepared properties for tents or FEMA trailers to use; Collier County commissioners reversed notifying tenants about rent increases; The laid back community of the Isles of Capri, with almost one voice, did not want their only commercially zoned island, be changed to residential, in order to accommodate a desire to put up three high-rise condos, at 122 feet, in their community of one and two storied houses. Surprise. They lost. Builders are waiving their workforce housing obligations by putting money into the 20+ million dollar fund for housing, to be used on some site, somewhere, sometime. We can’t keep pushing the problem down the road. Can anyone explain what Floridians lost, by our legislators, in the new insurance package for the insurers? Is the homeowner in there, somewhere?

And that was just last week's news.

Maureen Trerice, Naples

We needed help, not negativity

I have just read the letter written by Kevin McLellan regarding Sanibel Island hurricane repair management, and want to thank him for addressing the negative response of the island government.

We are from Canada and our house was struck by Ian.

The Sanibel government has been hammering away at us since we arrived to view our disaster.

We are thinking of selling following this experience: We needed help, not negativity.

Partially because of expenses, and largely because of being "kicked" when we are down.

We attempt to pay our dues, but always seem to run up against criticism, and scolding and punishment from government Sanibel officials.

P. McCurdy, Sanibel

Antiquated House voting system

One of the many anomalies in the bizarre 15-balloting process culminating earlier this month in the selection of Rep. Kevin McCarthy as the speaker of the House of Representatives is the antiquated form of voting on the floor of that venerable chamber.

The oral recitations and one-by-one vocal roll call recording of the votes of the 435 members is inefficient, time-consuming, and a waste of resources. Is the House not aware of electronic voting with digital boards reflecting how each voted, the way it’s done by many large state legislative bodies like here in Tallahassee? Members also could be allowed to vote remotely if the leadership were to realize that’s how many Americans function in their workplaces these days.

The House seems to be operating the same way as it did a century ago, the last time any spectacle like this occurred. If it went digital and remote, the body might be able to conduct dozens of these balloting exercises each day.

Perhaps the first order of business now that the new House is seated and devising its rules is to accommodate remote voting and record it digitally.

Then, the House can take other steps into the 21st Century like eliminating spittoons and removing gas lights from its chamber.

Marshall H. Tanick, Naples

More abuse of the language

William Dillon pointed out a few of the many misuses of the language, as related to the improper use of wordage. That list could be extended to pages. My current gripe is with non-essential “fillers.” Chief among these by far are “like” and “you know.” The former is most common in teenage-speak, as in “I was like really bummed out.” What distresses me most is the use of the latter by otherwise well-spoken and highly educated people. For example, I watch Fareed Zakaria’s global news report every Sunday. An otherwise erudite speaker, even he sprinkles it throughout his discourse, as do most of his equally well-educated guests. I am not sure they are even aware of it. I suggest the use of a shock collar that administers an attention-getting jolt every time these terms are misused. And don’t get me started on the overuse of such phrases as “It is what it is,” “at the end of the day,” and “going forward!”

Gordon Ultsch, Ph.D., Cape Coral

Grinding my teeth

Three cheers for Mr. Dillon of North Fort Myers. I, too, despair at the abuse of our beautiful English language. My favorite peeve is that many speakers do not know the rule that "prepositions take the objective case." The worst examples of this can be found in sportscasters. Whenever they let loose with a "between you and I" or "with he and she," that noise you hear is me grinding my teeth.

Mr. Dillon, I agree with you about apostrophes, but I'm afraid that there is absolutely no hope that those problems will ever be solved.

Chuck Bainbridge, Naples

Democrats are rightly horrified

A recent writer concludes his letter with the question "Why do so many hate America? Most of them are Democrats." I would remind the writer that the January 6th storming of our nation's Capitol was done by people who purport to love America. This group, inspired by President Trump, tried to stop the peaceful transfer of power after a free and fair election. Democrats are rightly horrified by the shenanigans of MAGA Republicans and not proud of the direction the extreme right are attempting to take our country.

Colette Diegel, Naples

Fix classified document problem

As a nation that believes in security, we should all be disturbed by the classified documents in two leaders' homes.

Yes, very different cases. One is cooperative, one is not.

However both men have material they should not have. Why is our government not looking at ways to keep these materials in a secure location never to leave that location?

Instead of investigating, how about fixing the problem.

Jeri Heap, Fort Myers

Lower-cost housing

The beat goes on. Unresolved talk about the critical need for lower-cost housing in Lee and Collier counties.

The solution is simple to conceive, probably near impossible to implement. Those who benefit from the services provided by those who need low cost housing must pay the cost of creating that housing. This means residents and developers. It means greater impact fees, higher taxes and higher entry point for real estate values. Residents will revolt and leave, but my experience is that for every one who leaves, like dandelions, three new ones will pop up. Same thing for developers.

Saturday's Naples Daily News carries advertising for two high-rise communities, Grandview at Fort Myers Beach, 58 residences from the "low $1 millions." Ritz Carlton Residences in Naples with 128 homes starting at $2.5 million. If a buyer can pay $2.5 million, will a price of $2.6 million scare him off? Not likely. Collier County estimates 1.7 percent growth annually. Increase of 19.7 percent occurred 2010-2021. (Statistics from USAFacts.org). Each percent of increase requires a similar percent increase in services and service personnel.

Perhaps if the county governments cannot effectively create the means to lower-cost housing, the beneficiaries (developers) could create an organization to police themselves and create an avenue to the answer about this lower-cost housing.

Government will need to establish a policing method to ensure that low-cost housing, where it exists, does not immediately get re-sold to another developer/investor who raises the bar.

Charles Berry, North Naples

Growth vs. wildlife habitat

We see articles and letters frequently about the plight of the manatee and the panther. The thrust usually comes back to how the two species have recovered but that there are still too many dying. Maybe it's time to look at what the maximum carrying rate is in the available habitat. We will either stop destroying habitat or we will have to get used to more panther and manatee deaths. I just saw the other day, they approved another 1,000 houses in the DRGR (Density Reduction/Groundwater Resource) area. That will be more manicured lawns and golf courses pumping more nutrient pollution into the water, endangering the manatee who have already out-bred the available winter grass. That also means busier roads in the Corkscrew making car/panther encounters more frequent as they try to find another place to live. We just need to make up our mind if growth is more important than habitat. If you are OK with thousands more houses, be prepared for more animals dying. It is just that simple.Greg Fretwell, Estero

Challenge runaway debt

As the Congress ponders raising our national debt ceiling after recently spending trillions of new dollars, one can only wonder if they have the vaguest concept of a trillion. Are you aware that one trillion seconds is 31,710 years? Or that one trillion dollar bills laying end-to-end would go around the Earth over 387 times and rivals the distance to the Sun? And their national debt is approaching an astonishing $32 trillion! The dollar was once backed by gold so it had a real and measurable value, not just a perception. In accepting the Modern Monetary Theory, value seems merely an illusion that can change overnight.Sure, the government can print more dollars and then borrow them to pay their debts, but Americans should demand that Congress balance their checkbook, as we all must do, and do it before just the interest on this massive debt becomes greater than their revenue. Clearly, Congress has never had any intention of paying back the debt, perhaps proving they think value is only an illusion. But they also know they can always increase revenue by raising our taxes, or by removing welfare programs that deter employment and productivity.Never forget that those who giveth can also taketh away. It is our duty as Americans to challenge and question everything the government and their henchmen and publicists promote as being true, especially now in light of their tribal lawlessness, blatant dishonesty and the bumbling incompetence weakening our security, sovereignty, economy and Constitution.Robert A. Strohaver, Naples

Difference between deficit, debt

It's amazing how little our local Congress members know of the difference between a deficit and a debt.

Despite all of the rhetoric and political theater of government spending, Congress still can't speak the truth. A deficit is spending more than you take in taxes or revenue whereas the debt is money owed to be paid, already spent.

The debt ceiling should be passed, the money has already been spent.

Nobody, Republican or Democrat, should ever get elected to Congress without knowing the difference.

Richard Ferreira, Bonita Springs

Biden the worst, DeSantis the best

I think everyone with a modicum of intelligence will agree that President Biden is the worst president in the history of the USA, although of course the liberals won’t admit it.

On the other hand Florida is blessed with the best governor ever. Ron DeSantis has done a remarkable job in keeping our state open during the pandemic, schools and places of worship were open for the most part, and we are once again thriving.

I hope and pray that liberals everywhere will help to put DeSantis in the White House in two years time and once and for all dump incompetent worthless Biden.

Michael Adler, Miromar Lakes

Appearance of weaponizing DOJ

It seems suspicious that the DOJ appointed a special counsel around November 18 to investigate Trump and his classified documents issue and at that time they knew that Biden had classified documents also and failed to mention it at all. It apparently did not become public until a CBS report in just the last week. It gives all the appearances of Biden and the DOJ hoping they could keep it under cover.

It defies logic that the DOJ would appoint a special counsel to investigate an issue with Trump that they were also aware was an issue with Biden and did not even mention it last November when the special counsel appointment for Trump's issues was announced. It gives the appearance of weaponizing the DOJ on your opponents when you have committed the same offense. No wonder there is a lack of trust of the DOJ.

Ron Wobbeking, Naples

Far-right extremist agenda

The new Republican House majority is a collection of election deniers, QAnon conspiracists, and political arsonists hellbent on gaining power at the expense of our democracy. They’ll be in control of the House of Representatives for the next two years and have already shown an inability to govern. They couldn't even elect House Speaker Kevin McCarthy without historic chaos.

We should all be concerned about their far-right extremist agenda. Already on the chopping block? Our freedom to vote and our right to an abortion.

Rather than focusing on kitchen table issues, these MAGA extremists are pledging to focus on punishing anyone who tried to hold them accountable for their attacks on our democracy, including members and staff of the January 6th Select Committee.

It’s up to us to resist this MAGA House majority to protect our democracy and our freedoms. We must call out their lies and combat their far-right agenda starting now.William Lentulay, Fort Myers

This article originally appeared on Fort Myers News-Press: Letters to the editor for Wednesday, January 18, 2023