Letters to the editor for Wednesday, July 27, 2022

Proud of Hoffmann Family gun stand

The article, Naples Company Vows Gun Response, published July 20 was excellent. I am so very proud of the Hoffmann Family of Cos. for taking a stand against manufacturers, distributors and retailers of semi-automatic weaponry. We need more brave citizens to speak out so that our representatives will have the courage to ban these weapons and protect our citizens (mostly children) who are being slaughtered by individuals who can so easily purchase these wartime rifles. These assault rifles were designed to be used only for military purposes, not for regular citizens. I have no problem with hunters who own rifles or people who have a handgun for protection, but automatic weapons such as AR-15 rifles designed for the military should remain for use only in the military! Hopefully our senators in Congress will do the right thing and stop the sale of these assault rifles that are allowing the killing of so many innocent citizens in our great country.

Barbara Schiffer, Cape Coral

Follow Hoffmanns' example

I have been a grassroots volunteer for common sense gun laws for the last seven years here in Southwest Florida and I want to publicly thank the Hoffmann Family of Cos. for their stand against gun violence in all its forms. Making the conscious decision to stop engaging with clients putting weapons of war in the hands of just about anyone who wants one is courageous. Calling for political action around common sense gun laws and vowing to vote for gun sense candidates is leadership. It’s the kind of leadership that together with the millions of us volunteering nationwide can make real change. I hope that more CEOs and people of great influence here in our lovely community follow the Hoffmanns' example.

Kathleen Muniz, Naples

Trusted source of information for voters

As the Aug. 23 primary election approaches, flyers and emails continue to land in my mailbox from candidates, parties and political organizations asking for my vote. This part of the political process, where candidates and parties connect with potential voters and explain their position on issues, is vital to our democracy. But when candidates, parties and organizations misrepresent facts about their opponents’ positions, such disinformation can do great damage to our democracy. Voters need a trusted source of information about candidates’ positions on issues to make informed decisions.

The League of Women Voters publishes a voter guide, available at Vote411.org, with information provided directly from candidates in local and state races. Candidates’ responses to questions are published online, and the League of Women Voters does not edit those responses. They are published exactly as they are submitted by the candidates. Vote411.org is a “one-stop shop” that allows voters to easily access candidate information and create a customized ballot that will make voting easier. To get your Personalized Voting Guide with links to candidates’ responses in the races you will be voting on, go to vote411.org.

Voting is a right and a responsibility. Before you undertake this civic duty, do your research! Protect our democracy by arming yourself with facts about candidates at Vote411.org.

The League of Women Voters of Collier County is a nonpartisan, nonprofit organization that supports and informs voters. The League does not support or endorse any candidate or political party.

Diane Preston Moore, president, League of Women Voters of Collier County

Kick Donalds out of Congress; vote Huff

Congressman Byron Donalds is terrorizing Republican women. He favors the demise of Roe v Wade and the protections it gave to Republican women, he is aiming at eliminating Republican women’s right to birth control ala Justice Clarence Thomas’ suggestions and, ultimately, he will impede Republican women’s right to health care. He continues to vote against gun control thereby jeopardizing the children and grandchildren of Republican women. He does not accept the scientific conclusions regarding climate change as a human induced phenomenon, again jeopardizing the lives of the children and grandchildren of Republican women. Donalds introduces inane legislation, and because it is inane, it never materializes. Thank God.

Kick Donalds out of Congress with a Huff. Vote for Jim Huff -- a true American and a traditional Republican who represents those who will vote him in. Jim knows Florida. He has been protecting us as a member of the Army Corps of Engineers for years. Not having been a politician, but having protected our environment, he knows what being responsible means.

Donalds has no idea.

Sally Lam, Naples

Problems with Marco rental ordinance

“Take Back Marco” is the name of the PAC that authored this proposed ordinance. That of course begs the question: Take back from whom? One might ask why the vacation rental owners are so against this ordinance. Here are three answers: 1) Waste: This is not a "simple registration" as there are 19 areas as a legal minefield that is in direct conflict with Florida law as well as the Constitution. This ordinance is bound for immediate suit and will waste millions. 2) Government over-reach: No government has ever been successful to micromanage private property with the mandates contained in this law. Not only is it invasive and absurd in nature, it is completely unpractical to police and enforce. 3) The authors' objectives have been public for years and this stop-gap will only serve to put a knife in the hand of your worst neighbor. They would move from just making lists to complete stalking and harassment, taking photos and duration of every license plate. Have a few citations issued and then property owners can’t rent to ANY person for ANY length of time. That represents a legal taking and improper seizure of property. Some would have to sell. And THAT is exactly what is meant by "Take back Marco:" Where one group of neighbors (who are not lawyers) went and wrote their own law that does not apply to them, but applies to another set of 2,000 neighbors that actually pay higher taxes, and unfortunately fewer voting rights under this process. Laws should be applied evenly and be fair. Higher taxation, zero representation. Let us instead work together for proper solutions.

Rob White, Marco Island

Voting 'yes' on rental ordinance

There is a last-minute campaign advocating a “no” vote to the Marco Island proposed single-family short-term rental regulations. My guess it is funded by Airbnb and the local Realtors. Their argument is all about not emulating Fort Lauderdale. Did anyone think that these ordinances were put in place to solve the problems with the disruptive spring breaks with rioting, drunken behavior and shootings? Wait until people realize that they can reserve a home in Marco through the internet, with impunity, and put 10 to 20 young partying adults in the home. Some people obviously think they can purchase a home here, spend a few months, and turn it into a hotel the rest of the year to pay all their expenses. I purchased here nine years ago because it was not a Sanibel or Clearwater Beach, with a myriad of hotels, inundated with tourists. I will definitely vote “Yes.”

Anthony Riviezzo, Marco Island

Kathy Fanny for Lee schools

The Lee County School Board is responsible for one of the largest school districts in Florida. At this time there is a shortage of teachers, a shortage of guest teachers, a shortage of bus drivers, our results on the Florida standard tests are less than stellar. Many of the buildings are in disrepair and many students are learning in temporary structures. Class sizes are increasing, graduation rates are at risk. Our school board needs to be concerned about fixing these things. Yet some who are running to be elected are more concerned about politics.

As a retired educator who taught for 10 years in Cape Coral, I want to see someone on the school board who has experience in the classroom, who understands what Title 1 means and who will do what is best for the teachers, students and parents of Lee County. There is only one candidate in District 1 who is qualified, and that is Kathy Fanny.

Kathy has worked in the public school system for 38 years and understands the challenges that teachers and students face in the classroom. She is committed to making sure that the classroom is an environment where effective learning can take place, where students feel safe and where teachers are valued.

Kathy understands that the work of the school board is often difficult and not appreciated by the general public. This is not a position that can be taken lightly, and it is unlikely that it will be done well by someone who is not appropriately qualified.

So when you complete your ballot, whether it is a mail-in, or at the polling station, please do what is best for Lee County schools, the teachers and the students, and cast your vote for Kathy Fanny.

Alison Kinch, Bokeelia

Proven leaders on Collier school board

We, in Collier County, are fortunate to have an A rated public school system; ranking CCPS among the top five school districts in Florida. But this did not happen by accident and it was not always that way. During the last several years, we have experienced dramatic improvement in our schools. It is because of the leadership of great teachers, a nationally recognized superintendent and an outstanding school board who put the education and safety of our children first. Here are some facts for you to consider:

• Last year our graduation rate hit a record high of 92.7 percent and our students outperformed the state in all 21 tested areas for the first time ever.

• CCPS has been an A rated school system since 2017

• It has expanded career and technical education for those who choose not to go to college

• Our public schools are on track to be debt free by 2026

• Paying cash for the new high school will save taxpayers an estimated $41 million in interest payments.

On Aug. 23, all registered voters in Collier County have the opportunity to vote for the school board. It is a nonpartisan race meaning everyone can vote whether you are a Republican, Democrat or Independent. I urge you to vote for the three current board members up for re-election who helped lead this road to excellence; Jen Mitchell, Roy Terry and Jory Westberry. They are proven leaders who deserve our vote.

Patricia Botthof, Naples

Choice is easy for Collier schools

Have you seen the commercial by Capital One, that claims that banking with them is “The easiest decision in the world of decisions.” This describes a vote for Jory Westberry, Jen Mitchell and Roy Terry for Collier County School Board.

These are nonpartisan countywide races. Every registered Collier voter can cast a vote for each of these candidates. According to election rules, these races could be decided at the Aug. 23 primary.

Westbury, Mitchell and Terry are part of the board that has maintained an “A” rating for our district from the state, despite the challenges of COVID. Graduation rates are at a record high. By working collaboratively with each other and the superintendent, teachers and parents, they helped our students outperform every other Florida district (all 67!) on all 21 state-mandated tested areas.

Their re-election is critical as the board that’s in place in 2022-23 will select the new superintendent. Our Florida Superintendent of the Year Kamela Patton is retiring at the end of this upcoming school year. We need experienced leaders to do this, rather than inexperienced ideologues.

I’ve been to several board meetings this year and heard the sometimes vitriolic criticisms directed at this board. Most are passionate, but some aren’t factual, and some are just nitpicking. Many urge crossing the line separating church and state. Westberry, Mitchell, and Terry handle this with patience and poise. Take it from me, a lifelong teacher and a school board member in my home state. It’s much easier to criticize than to do the complex and critical work of a public school board of education.

Jory Westberry, Jen Mitchell, Roy Terry.. The choice is easy.

Lisa Freund, Naples

Support Albion for Lee commission

I’ve known John Albion for over 30 years. He is extremely qualified to be our Lee County commissioner again. When he ran for a seat on the commission the first time, I thought he was too young, and told him so. I supported his opponent, until I attended forums and heard John speak. I changed my mind; voted for him, supported him, and now it is my privilege to support him as he runs this time.

John served on the commission for 14 years and brought us the transponder program, which was a test program and the only one in the nation at the time. You could always count on John to do the right thing and support constituent concerns whether in his district or not.

John believes in public/private partnerships and balanced growth. We can believe him because he cares. I have already sent in my absentee ballot with a vote for John Albion and ask that you do the same.

Marilyn Stout, former Cape Coral City Council and Lee Health board member

Re-elect Penny Taylor to Collier board

I am writing to encourage voters to re-elect Penny Taylor to the Collier County Board of Commissioners.

Penny has been a thoughtful voice of reason when confronting the most challenging issues and questions facing our county. We all know that life seems to be getting more complicated, so it follows that our officials need to be people of considerable experience, intelligence and dedication. Those are the very qualities that most of us agree that Penny possesses.

Please vote for Penny Taylor for the Collier Board of County Commissioners: it is a commitment to a better future!

Tom McCann, Naples

Collier candidates and the Bayshore district

On July 20 I received an email from Dist. 4 Commissioner candidate Daija Hinojosa. In this email she stated, "I am very active in the Bayshore Gateway Triangle and understand why balanced development and redevelopment are our greatest allies to eliminating condensed traffic and frustration to our community.".

As the chairwoman of the Bayshore/Gateway Triangle Advisory Board, who hasn't missed a meeting, I can honestly state that Daija has only attended ONE board meeting. It's very easy to view everyone in the room at the meetings. I've never heard from Daija personally and to my knowledge neither have other board members. The Bayshore district has signs everywhere for Michelle McLeod, who has attended most every board meeting in the past year, with the exception of a couple. If Daija is active in the BGTCRA it is not known by many of us who live, work and serve in the district. It's important to know the truth here.

Karen Beatty, Naples

Thank you Korean War veterans

July 27 is recognized as Korean War Armistice Day. South and North Korea were known as two separate countries, though the same people in the same land area. This division took place after 1945 (Japanese surrender, WW ll). The U.S. monitored in the South, the Soviet Union had the North. The Korean War began June 25, 1950 when South Korea was attacked by North Korea (communism). On July 27, 1953 the war ended (Armistice). It is said over 3 million people were killed and approximately 70 percent of those killed were civilians, and approximately 33 thousand plus were U.S. military deaths. The Chinese army fought with the North. Peace talks were continuous throughout the war. The land area was divided by demilitarized zones. There is a Korean War Memorial in Washington, D.C. Korean War veterans are humble and not mentioned as often as other war veterans. They are more than deserving of our recognition, and respect. Thank you Korean War veterans and families for your service! Veterans strive for peace continuously.

Louis Cohen (Koltun), Naples

This article originally appeared on Fort Myers News-Press: Letters to the editor for Wednesday, July 27, 2022