Letters to the editor: Where does Story County stand on the pipeline?

We need more answers from Summit about pipeline

Many Story County leaders, elected and unelected, have expressed support for the carbon capture and sequestration plans by an Ames-based company. Summit claims an economic boost and sustained financial gain to the producers of the grain all the way to the local schools through increased tax dollars. It sounds too good to be true.


1) Is this really infrastructure improvement? Pipelines carrying concentrated liquid across private property for an as-yet-unproven environmental fantasy? Ask Alabama or Michigan residents what infrastructure means and they’ll answer safe water.

2) What is the long-term effect on farmland being disturbed?

3) What about dangerous air? Satartia, Mississippi experienced a leaking pipeline.

4) The benefit goes to the companies smart enough to understand the tax code. “At $50 per ton, 27 million tons of buried CO2 would bring the two pipelines a total of $1.35 billion of free money each year. Furthermore, at the end of each project, the two companies would get to walk away, with Uncle Sam accepting liability for any future harm to water supplies or CO2 leakage,” wrote Peter Montague, an environmental journalist, at commondreams.org last year, referring to Navigator and Summit.

5) Why are counties passing moratoriums on pipelines? South Dakota's McPherson County supervisors passed a stoppage to hazardous liquid transmission in January 2022. The county held public forums with supervisors for people to speak. When will Story County supervisors do the same for us?

6) Where is pushback to China’s massive coal expansion or Russia’s burning millions of oil barrels?

7) In the near future, there will be no market for “clean” ethanol with electric vehicle mandates as 17 states are planning elimination of ethanol powered vehicles by 2035.

Wake up. This is a fantastic Ponzi scheme of our tax dollars.

Laura Carlson, Story City

Happy brthday, Governor! A note of thanks from my uterus.

Dear Gov. Kim Reynolds,

I heard it was your birthday last month. I’ve been swamped with settling into graduate school and working to maintain my abstinent lifestyle, so I hope you’ll forgive my belatedness!

You have been busy with the all hard work you’ve poured into figuring out what’s best for my body and life and how to further access to reproductive health care. Thank goodness we have you and the Legislature to look out for our best interests.

A medically unnecessary 24-hour waiting period for abortions will help in deterring people from going through with the abortion. And a ban at six weeks, before most people know they are pregnant, will most definitely completely eradicate abortions in Iowa. I mean, forget about the 60% of Iowans who support safe and legal abortion. They simply elected you to decide what’s right for them, not to represent their will.

I’m also so glad that all contraception methods are fail-proof and no accidental pregnancies ever occur. Of course, people’s biological systems are highly predictable, and periods can be counted on exactly every 30 days, no exceptions. That gives more than enough time to receive a safe and legal abortion if we decide that is our best option.

Anyways, I hope you enjoy your birthday gift! It’s an access pass to my uterus, and I even wrapped up my reproductive rights for you.

Ever since Roe v. Wade was overturned by the Supreme Court, Governor, you have been working relentlessly to achieve reinstatement of a six-week abortion ban in Iowa. If that succeeds, nearly half of Ames’ population will lose the right to safe and legal abortions.

My fellow supporters for safe and legal abortion access in Ames and Iowa, what do we say to this? We say, “Bans off our bodies, Kim”!

Dalena Rogers, Ames

This article originally appeared on Ames Tribune: Letters to the editor: Where does Story County stand on the pipeline?