Letters: Grateful to live in the diverse and giving South Bend community

The city of South Bend and its surrounding communities should be very thankful and proud for what they have accomplished over the many years. The diversity that exists promotes a healthy environment for all.

The many number of churches and houses of worship have allowed parishioners to practice their faith without prejudice. And many different schools and neighborhoods, both public and private, contribute to the education and family growth that is paramount to civilized society.

To judge another person due to their age, race, gender, religion or political affiliation is wrong. To treat another as we would like to be treated is not only a “golden rule,” but a way of life that all should embrace.

Being born, raised, educated and employed here in South Bend has made me a better person. I’ve been allowed to grow up in a loving family, make friends that will last a lifetime and practice a faith that is personal, yet shared by others.

Thanks, to so many, for making our community one of the finest, in all the land.

Pat Hanlon

South Bend

An old canard

On Dec. 21, after reading Gary Bednarek (self-described father of a cancer surgeon) quibble about using the honorific “Dr.” for Ph.Ds, I thought, is this old argumentative canard popping up yet again?

However, as I read on, Bednarek revealed that his discontent actually stemmed from the “manipulating media” addressing Jill Biden as “Dr.” He added: “Anyone who would use that title obviously thinks way too much of themselves.” With that, Bednarek clarified the true source of his current discomfort. As for any misuse of the “Dr.” title, a simple Wikipedia search will provide historical context for his enlightenment.

Kathleen Murphy

South Bend

Safer intersection

Thank you for the turn light that has been installed at Sample & Mayflower Road. People who travel these roads can now feel safe at this intersection.

Debra Clymer

South Bend

Unilateral lawmaking

When a state is gerrymandered to favor one political party and a supermajority in the state legislature results, bad lawmakers and bad laws are the inevitable consequences. In our state of Indiana, this is exactly what has happened. This goes back to Mike Pence’s Religious Freedom Restoration Act, our medically debunked (by the American College of Obstetricians and Gynecologists) abortion reversal law, which passed, and now the Indiana legislature is attempting to ban COVID vaccine mandates for businesses.

Who do these types of laws protect — the residents of our state or the political party in charge? When a state is no longer a democracy, we are stuck with incompetent lawmakers who are loyal to a political party and not their constituents. We can see this clearly with people like Rep. Jackie Walorski and Sens. Todd Young and Mike Braun. Until gerrymandering is abolished, the residents of Indiana will have to continue to live under Republican will. This unilateral lawmaking hurts everyone.

Christopher Leniski


This article originally appeared on South Bend Tribune: South Bend area residents have made this a good place to live.