Letters about the Iowa Caucuses: The debate was a disappointment

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No debate discussion about child care?

When I watched the CNN Republican debate on Jan. 10, I was disheartened that access to quality, affordable child care was not addressed, even when talking about ways to support women and families. Twenty-five percent of Iowans live in a child care desert; in rural Iowa, it’s closer to 33%. Without child care, families struggle to work to support themselves, and businesses struggle to have enough employees to grow and thrive. Access to affordable and quality child care is not a partisan issue, and I hope future debates this election cycle address this key part of the economy.

Tiffany Welch, Clive

One word isn’t enough to explain the Civil War

As a junior in high school In 1974, when faced with a question, "What was the cause of the Civil War?" on a U.S. History class test, I answered simply, "Slavery."

I wish today's political pundits (“DeSantis slams Haley for Civil War gaffe but faces tough questions on slavery's legacy,” Dec. 28) had graded my test instead of Mr. Hayes.

I might have been accepted at Harvard.

Mike Rowley, Clive

Vander Plaats is clearly no friend of Trump

The “Your Turn” column by Bob Vander Plaats had me laughing. Mr. Vander Plaats claims to be a friend of Donald Trump several times throughout the essay. Laughable. How can you claim friendship in one breath and endorse that friend’s competition in the next? Well, it’s not surprising. Vander Plaats has yet to win an election for office yet is providing advice to voters on winning an election.

This reader feels Trump would be much better off without the friendship of people like Bob Vander Plaats.

Stu Bassman, West Des Moines

Nikki Haley’s climate stance earns my support

The Jan. 10 story “Global heat record shattered in 2023” should have appeared on the front page!

Climate change is the most important issue facing the world, and indeed, our country.

The issue of Climate change was put to the Republican candidates. Donald Trump wants to put his head in the sand as if the problem doesn’t exist. Nikki Haley “believes in human-caused climate change.” She also believes in US energy independence. Ron DeSantis has “downplayed the effects of climate change” and plans to withdraw from the Paris accord, the Global Methane Pledge, and all net-zero commitments.

The United States needs to be a leader in reducing emissions, not withdrawing all support for global initiatives to reduce climate change. Nikki Haley is the best Republican candidate on this and many other issues. Please caucus for her!

Ann Marshbanks, West Des Moines

Register as Republicans, caucus for Haley

In endorsing Nikki Haley for the Iowa Caucus, I appeal to all Iowans who cherish our democratic republic. As a former Libertarian Party of Iowa chairman, I find Haley's commitment to limited government and individual liberty compelling. More importantly, she has the ability to defend our republic from an existential threat.

I implore Libertarians, Greens, independents, and Democrats to register as Republican on caucus night. Even if it is just for one night. This simple act allows us to vote for a candidates aligned with our principles, ensuring a powerful collective voice in support of the democratic values we hold dear.

This unity becomes paramount in the face of the looming threat posed by Donald Trump. His anti-democratic actions, epitomized by the Jan. 6 riot, demand a cohesive effort to safeguard our democratic processes.

Let us transcend party lines, register as Republicans, and vote for candidates who embody the values that we share as Iowans. The caucus is where our collective commitment to democracy resonates the loudest. In registering and voting together, we send a resounding message – we are dedicated to preserving the republic given to us by our founders.

Joseph Howe, Des Moines

A pox on TV ads

If someone asks you for an example to help explain the old saying "familiarity breeds contempt" you can do so with only two words. Political advertisements.

Dennis Peer, Iowa Falls

A pox on the entire presidential field

I write to express my profound disappointment with the recent political debate between Ron DeSantis and Nikki Haley. The lack of substance and the descent into petty squabbles were disheartening to witness. The candidates seemed more focused on undermining and repeating lies about each other than on addressing the significant challenges facing our nation.

Furthermore, it was disappointing that both candidates used conservative buzz words repeatedly, but would not support specific conservative policies. Neither candidate will decrease student visas or end the "diversity visa" lottery. Neither candidate has a plan for health care. Neither candidate has a plan to address the disruptions in shipping lanes in the Red Sea.

I saw two candidates who are neither capable of obtaining, nor deserving of, the GOP nomination for president. As a voter who does not want to support either Donald Trump or Joe Biden in November, this is incredibly disappointing.

Alexander Power, Ankeny

Nikki Haley has a deep resume and can beat Biden

Are you tired of choosing from the best of the worst? You don’t have to any more.

Nikki Haley is a Republican candidate in the Jan. 15 Republican Iowa Caucuses.

A Wall Street Journal poll has Haley defeating President Joe Biden by 17 points in a general election matchup, while Ron DeSantis doesn’t beat him at all. The reasons why Haley is the best New Conservative choice are simple: her integrity, her deep-rooted faith, and her pro-life, pro-police stances. She would take on fixing our broken immigration system with dignity and care. She opposes open borders, dealing with our economic problems not by raising taxes but by reducing the debt and holding politicians accountable.

She is opposed to expanding Medicaid under the Affordable Care Act but would instead rebuild our military forces until they’re strong enough to oppose war by strength. With her energy, motivation and experience as governor of South Carolina and United Nations ambassador, she can represent our country with dignity and get the job done.

James Townsend, Cedar Falls

Ramasawmy is the sharpest, and best, candidate

We are at a crossroads. On Jan. 15 we have the chance to rejuvenate our patriotism and renew our fundamental conservative values. Voters should demand revival, not retribution. MAGA, or more accurately, the “America First” movement, is more than loyalty to a single man. Voting is a stewardship. I'm casting my vote for the hardest worker, brightest mind, and patriot in its truest definition: Vivek Ramaswamy.

All too often people lament, moan, and portray themselves as victims of a corrupt system. However, when someone like Vivek comes along, folks conjure up all kinds of excuses not to vote for him. It is as if they desire a change but prefer the familiarity of establishment politicians. This contradictory behavior and mindset is both foolish and unrealistic.

While Vivek is a Hindu in faith, he articulates the tenants and importance of Christian values better than anyone else in this race. I believe in my gut there's no turning back. There's an insidious effort underway to erase our history. Vivek Ramaswamy understands the vision of our founding fathers and echoes the message: “The power of the people is stronger than the people in power.”

Ted Herselius, Indianola

Trump should be disqualified from the presidency

The rule of law means the law is enforced even if following the law may lead to violence. If courts do not enforce the law, then the law no longer exists and we are no longer a country of law. During the Great Depression, an Iowa judge was threatened with lynching because he ruled farms were subject to foreclosure. He rules in favor of foreclosure as required by law. That is an example of the real courage courts must exhibit if we still are a nation of law.

Donald Trump engaged in insurrection. He is therefore disqualified from any public office, including the presidency. That is what the Constitution says, and courts have no right in law to change or refuse to enforce the Constitution.

This is not a point for decision by popular will. Bill Clinton, George W. Bush and Barack Obama are disqualified from running for president by the Constitution, because they have been president for two terms. Arnold Schwarzenegger cannot run for president because he is not a native born American, and my 18-year-old grandson cannot run because he is too young. Saying these things upholds the Constitution and democracy. They are not things to be voted upon.

Democracies survive even the prosecution and disqualification of political leaders. Nicholas Sarkozy, former president of France, is in jail, put there by French courts under French law. Jair Bolsonaro, who tried to subvert and reverse the election that ousted him, has been barred from running for president of Brazil by Brazilian courts.

The real question for this country is whether our courts are as committed to upholding law as are French and Brazilian courts, or whether our Supreme Court is merely the collection of political hacks they now often appear to be. That question is most important of all, because when respect for the court system ends there is little left of the rule of law and sparse hope for the democratic future of the country.

Ivan T. Webber, West Des Moines

Hey, Republicans: We can do better than Trump

On Jan. 15, we Republicans have seven candidates to choose from to caucus for. Many can effectively address the issues we have with the Biden administration.

Why choose the man who was twice impeached and now is out on bail after being charged with 91 felonies? Obviously, prosecutors think he broke a lot of laws.

This man has lost 60 court cases because of his claims of rigged election. He vows retribution against those he dislikes.

What I find most disgusting is that he calls the insurrection or riot of Jan. 6, 2021, as a glorious event conducted by true patriots. He has shown no empathy for the loss of life that day.

Trump had some good Cabinet members in his first administration, but he refused advice and fired anyone who would not pledge "loyalty." If elected again, he won't get quality people to serve and will select only "yes" people who do his bidding. Many former Cabinet members and staff have written books about how awful and unfit he was and is. Certainly, we can do better than Trump!

Ronald Langel, Ankeny

Ron DeSantis has the ability and puts in the work

We’re just days away from the Iowa Caucuses where we will kick off the GOP presidential primary and begin narrowing the field. For decades Iowans have taken the responsibility of being the first nominating contest in the nation seriously. It’s a point of pride.

When so many politicians ignore us in the fly-over states, the Iowa Caucus gives us a voice.

But presidential candidate Nikki Haley obviously does not respect Iowa or our role in the process. She laughed along with a crowd of her supporters in New Hampshire that she’s trusting them to “correct” the results of the Iowa caucus.

This is another sign that she not only doesn't care about Iowa, seems she prefers we didn't exist.

While she’s dismissing us in New Hampshire and acting like Iowa doesn’t matter, Ron DeSantis has taken the time to visit all of Iowa’s 99 counties. He’s a true conservative who shares our values and cares about Iowa.

Brenda Sandburg, Atkins

Nikki Haley is Republican in name only

We’re less than a week away for the Iowa Caucus where we’ll make our voices heard in the race for the Republican nomination. As Iowans, we take this responsibility of being first in the nation seriously.

Democrats spat in Iowans faces when they bailed on the Iowa Caucus – moving their first contest out of our state. Here’s thing: it’s not just the Democrats trying to silence Iowans. Nikki Haley told a crowd of her supporters in New Hampshire that they needed to “correct” the results of the Iowa Caucus. There’s a reason Iowa has gone first in the primary process – we give middle America a voice.

It’s not a surprise Nikki Haley has the same contempt for Iowa as Democrats do. She might as well be a Democrat. She supports nearly every liberal cause out there and even touts Hillary Clinton as her inspiration. She wants unlimited mass migration. She supports the radical trans agenda. Liberal Democrats even fund her campaign.

Unlike Ron DeSantis, she never fought for conservatives as governor.

When Iowans caucus next Monday, they should remember how Nikki Haley mocked them.

Iowans don’t need to be corrected, and we sure don’t need a liberal like Nikki Haley as our nominee.

Steve Schmitt, Waterloo

Take your own advice, Mr. President

Open letter to Donald Trump regarding the 2020 election: "Get over it."

Steve Green, Des Moines

This article originally appeared on Des Moines Register: Letters about the Iowa Caucuses: The debate was a disappointment