Letters: Joe Biden has been a financier of Iran’s terrorism since the day he took office

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Biden financed Iran terrorism

Since the day he took office, Joe Biden has financed Iran’s terrorism. He stopped enforcing sanctions and allowed Iran to trade oil for billions of dollars. He has used every excuse to funnel money to the terrorist state including $6 billion that America holds. Exactly what did his tiny brain believe Iran would do with this money – with their history of peace and love for their neighbors?

What they did was fund Hamas, Hezbollah and every other terrorist organization they could. Now we have the attack on Israel funded and planned by Iran for whom Kerry and Biden will do anything to support. Children have been shot dead in their homes and taken as hostages with old, infirm people – since the Palestinians love to pick on the weak. Women they have killed are stripped naked and dragged through the streets. Is this what America under Biden has been forced to fund and support?

How many terrorists have entered our country though the open borders and lie ready to do the same thing here? Remember how few it took to bring us to our knees on 9/11 and now we have hundreds and thousands lying in wait for their moment to strike.

Alex Crawford, Pensacola

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America not safe from Hamas

Hamas and allied terror groups want global war, jihad bringing about the Caliphate. The Qur’an dictates it. Daily we are invaded by countless undocumented militant supporters of Hamas, Iran, Taliban, Nation of Islam, Muslim Brotherhood - across our southern border. South and Central American countries, Mexico, harbor home-grown and Middle East terrorists who walk into the U.S. with plans to destroy democratic life.

Numbers are not published by Homeland Security, and Washington continues to ignore the threat. We fail to learn from the Trojan horse of history, our infrastructure, defense installations, hospitals, schools, churches are soft targets, easily destroyed in a 24-hour coordinated attack by the thousands of extremists already settled in our neighborhoods. Internet networks, availability of weapons, mosques, never questioned much less surveilled because of political correctness. We are targets just as innocent Israeli families, killed or taken hostage to the haunts of the Gaza Strip.

As Putin calmly spoke at Vladivostok summit, “America has no friends...the train has left the station, their chaos and corruption, visible to the world.”

You, I, families, are targets. Biden, you failed us. Too late now Joe; instead of Kabul, perhaps Pensacola? You gave the Taliban an arsenal of U.S. weapons.

Richard Hahner, Pensacola

Pensacola PPD living up to motto

“Courtesy, Integrity, Professionalism.” That’s what is printed on the Pensacola Police Department’s cars. Late last night someone vigorously knocked on my front door. At the same time, my ring alarm alerted me that someone was at my front door. My initial thought was, “Who could that be at this late hour?” After a short time, there was a second loud knock followed by another ring alert.

This time I thought to check ring’s recordings. The recordings showed a tall white male knocking. Both times he waited a short time and walked away. This time I called the Pensacola Police. Within five minutes a young policeman, clean-cut and sharply dressed, was at my door.

I admitted him and he politely asked if he could see the recordings. He also mentioned that a second patrol car was looking for the man. He then politely asked permission to text the recordings to himself. Of course, I said yes. While he was there his radio barked, “Shots fired!” He then said that if anyone returned to call again.

Unfortunately, I didn’t have the presence of mind to get the young professional’s name. The next time I see policeman coming in a restaurant for lunch, I plan on paying for their lunch and thanking them for their service.

Dave Burson, Pensacola

Dems more criminal than Trump

I beg to disagree with Sally Radlauer’s piece on Oct. 15, “No ‘both sides’ to GOP manipulation.” Sally, you do understand that the Republicans have documents on the Biden family’s “bank accounts” and, based on their wealth, the real estate they own can’t be afforded on a congressional or a senate salary?

You do understand that it’s not normal for family members to receive millions of dollars from overseas interests? You do understand it is not normal to have 20 shell companies all alluding to widespread corruption, money laundering, if not influence peddling itself? You do understand that Republicans have exposed via bank documents that there were over 120 suspicious activity reports generated by activity in the Biden family’s accounts?

When you have texts, emails, testimony, visit history, travel logs and those sorts of things, that is evidence. It is indeed sad to know there are folks like you that think there is not a shred of evidence of the Biden corruption. The vacuous figure heads we have in the form of the Biden/Harris administration confounds me. The fact that people like you probably voted for them is equally disturbing.

Trump is in no way near the criminal the Democrats with the help of the politically weaponized DOJ and their allies in a compliant mainstream press make him out to be. You have it completely backwards. Why do you think the media hides the fact that virtually all of the prosecutors, DAs, and judges going after Trump are Democrat hacks?

Richard Nein, Pensacola

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Keep eye out for bicyclists

After 20 years of riding a bicycle, which stems from a motorcycle accident knee injury (i.e., heavy bicycling and swimming kept the knee surgeon at bay), I was hit again by a driver not looking both ways before entering the main thoroughfare on Brenton Avenue in Pensacola.

It was my day to donate plasma, where they check vitals and blood for free and pay money for the donation. This is the fifth time in the past 10 years I have been hit and again will probably need to have my knee X-rayed.

The woman from Pace who hit me denied hitting me, even though a sheriff patrol was passing by, thank God. It was a minor hit, and she only got a scratch on her front bumper and no ticket. I do not blame the Pensacola Police for not giving her a ticket for her premiums and monthly insurance must go up and up and up with no regulation. Thank you, judges and Congress.

The police were the most professional I’ve ever seen in my 50 years on the road. A crash expert, Officer Bunn examined and instructed me that there was indeed an accident, and my imagination was not the cause.

He said to be more careful these days for some drivers are in a bubble. I would say they are confined to that bubble by over instrumentation and exterior communication with the cloud, family, business, or friends.

Not being in a hurry always helps.

Sterling Arthur Leonard, Pensacola

Get back to people, not party

Where are we today? What do we want? What can we do? So many individual questions that should be answered by everyone, noting the key word “we”.

All issues have a minimum of two sides that need to be assessed, molded, and resolved in the interest of everybody. Not just party affiliation. When I was on the city council, we tried to resolve the issues by looking at all sides of an issue - not just “my” side.

That is one reason Mayor Emeritus Vince Whibbs Jr. was such a strong mayor, as he looked out for the entire city, not just one district! Yes, there were heated debates, but the whole picture was seen, and problems resolved for the good of all. Let us get back to “We the people” and not “We the party”! It is only when we work together, that we can be proud of what can be achieved.

Together we can and divided we fail. And fail often.

Willlam Rhette Anderson, Pensacola

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This article originally appeared on Pensacola News Journal: Letters: Biden has been a financier of Iran’s terrorism from day one