Letters for July 17

Missouri's new law further criminalizes the homeless

If, during the recent epidemic of COVID-19, legislation had been signed into law that if a community’s rate of infections went above the state average, their funding for treatment would have been cut off, most individuals would have come forth in protest. Yet this is what is happening in HB 1606 as it concerns the epidemic of homelessness that is sweeping through Missouri.

This law clearly states that if any political subdivision has a higher per capita rate of homelessness than the state average, such political subdivision will, “within one year of the passage of this act, receive no further state funding by the department.”

The small amount of media attention given to this repressible law has focused on the class C misdemeanor that will be imposed on the homeless who are forced to sleep on state property. When I pointed this out to one homeless person, the reaction I got from that individual who was suffering from politically-imposed sleep depravation was “at last, I will be given something to eat and a place to sleep.”

As ridiculous as it is to lock up the homeless at a cost to taxpayers of up to a $100 a day, the provisions of HB 1606 is even more dangerous when it says that if political subdivisions do not aggressively deal with the homeless with the inhumane methods laid out in this draconian law, “the attorney general shall have the power to bring a civil action in any court of competent jurisdiction against any political subdivision to enjoin the political subdivision from violating the provision of this subsection. Section 5.(5) of HB 1606 goes on to say, “the attorney general may recover reasonable expenses incurred in any civil action brought under this section, including court costs, reasonable attorney fees, investigative costs, witness fees and deportation costs.”

Never in 50 years of working to assist the homeless in the state of Missouri have I seen such an oppressive law as HB 1606. Not only does it further criminalize the homeless but also those communities in which the homeless struggle to survive within. This ungodly act is going into effect as rising housing costs, combined with persistent inflation for necessities such as gas and food, have left record numbers of Missourians homeless. Thousands more are fearing they will soon lose their homes. Shelters are reporting a sudden increase in the numbers of people looking for help as they struggle to survive.

The homeless have suffered enough.

Larry Rice, Veterans Coming Home Center, Springfield

People should be more outraged over harassment of SCOTUS judges

I find it extremely interesting that our nation is in an uproar over the shootings in Highland Park, Illinois, and Uvalde, Texas, yet tolerates harassment of SCOTUS judges and bounties being put on whereabouts sightings of same.

Can no one see that they are both equally an affront to our nation?

While the killing of children is horrible, that does in no way justify encouraging violence against judges whose decisions you disagree with.

Revulsion for both by the media should be equal.

A Washington terrorist group — at least in my estimation — is currently offering a $200 bounty for reporting the whereabouts of SCOTUS judges. It's only a matter of time before this will lead to some deranged individual(s) attacking one or more of them.

To my mind, anyone who decries the shootings in Illinois and Texas, yet approves of bounties being paid for SCOTUS judge sightings that by their very nature encourage violence, needs to have their head examined.

David Hardy, Nixa

This article originally appeared on Springfield News-Leader: Letters for July 17