Letters: Eminent domain for private profits would be wrong

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Eminent domain for private profits would be wrong

The legacy of our family farm began when our father purchased our “home place” after returning from World War II in 1947. Everything our parents and we, their children did, was to improve and nurture the Iowa farmland we love. Our parents instilled in all of us to be the best stewards of our precious farmland.

When our parents passed away, we took dirt from home to place over them in their final resting place, knowing they would be at peace covered in their beloved farmland. Now it is up to us, their five children, to continue being good stewards and to fight against our land being taken against our consent or will, by a private company from Texas, for their private profits.

It is beyond our comprehension to think that this Texas company could use eminent domain to take our land, ripping it open and disrupting the tiling system that has taken decades to get “just right” and endangering the surrounding area, then leaving it damaged and scarred for the future.

Gov. Kim Reynolds told the nation on March 1: “It’s a belief that the greatness of this state — the greatness of this country — lies in our people, not the government. You shouldn’t have to wake up every morning and worry about the next thing the government is going to do to you, your business, or your children.” We are in total agreement with the governor's statement. We request that Reynolds agree to meet with the impacted Iowa farmers and landowners to listen and hear our concerns. We request the legislators of Iowa deny a company from Texas the ability to desecrate our land for their own private profits!

— Barb Oleson Miller, Bob Oleson, Bill Oleson, Bonnie Oleson Jenkins and Beth Oleson Rolling, the children of Arnold and Ruth Oleson of Armstrong Grove Township, in Emmet County

Franken supports older Iowans

While AARP does not endorse candidates, it does identify the top issues of importance to older citizens. Their list, published in the AARP’s May Bulletin, included prescription drugs, Social Security, Medicare, and caregiving and long-term care.

Mike Franken’s website, FrankenforIowa.com, was put together prior to AARP’s May Bulletin. He had listed his major issues for older Iowans as:

  • Keep Social Security Solvent for This and Future Generations (Proposal: Make ALL earnings subject to the Social Security tax.)

  • Expand Medicare (Proposal: Make Medicare available to everyone and add coverage for vision, hearing, and dental care.)

  • Lower the Cost of Prescription Drugs (Proposal: Medicare needs to do what the Veterans Administration does — use its national purchasing power to negotiate prices with drug companies.)

  • Improve Long-Term Care Services, While Expanding Ways to Pay for them. (Franken identifies five proposals to address these challenges.)

Franken addresses all four of AARP’s issues in-depth and goes further. He suggests we pay for these programs by eliminating the Trump tax cuts that benefit the wealthiest Americans and adopt a tax system where all Americans and big corporations pay their fair share.

Chuck Grassley’s re-election website lists none of these issues as a priority. None.

Who cares more about and will better serve older Iowans? It’s obvious: Mike Franken will.

Franken surely has my vote, and I hope he will have yours.

— Bob Welsh, Coralville

Grassley listens to and helps Iowans

Sen. Chuck Grassley has held at least one Q&A listening post in every Iowa county every year since Iowans first elected him to the U.S. Senate. His top priority is understanding Iowans' top priorities so he can be an effective and respected leader.

I personally have received prompt, detailed replies on Senate letterhead from Grassley when I shared my concerns with him on several occasions over many years on such topics as: improving suicide prevention & mental health services in better coordination with law enforcement; asking for his "yes" vote on H.R. 3617, the Marijuana Opportunity Reinvestment and Expungement Act, which passed the House in April 2022; stopping the World Health Organization from taking over all our medical decision-making; tax equity for all U.S. financial institutions — demanded by banks for decades.

Each detailed reply from Grassley covered two to three pages of his standing on each topic, references for studies, reports, links and experts for more information, and the related bills he's authored. His bipartisan 988 Suicide Prevention & Mental Health bill was implemented July 16, 2022, across all 50 states to provide better service and free up law enforcement on 911 calls.

Plus, in 2022, he authored the bipartisan Cannabidiol and Marijuana Research Expansion Act, along with Sens. Dianne Feinstein, Dick Durbin, Thom Tillis and Joni Ernst

I commend Grassley for his dedication to understanding the priorities of Iowans in all our 99 counties. No senator works harder than Chuck Grassley or is more accessible to Americans.

Chuck Grassley will work with anyone to do what’s best for Iowa’s quality of life — and the benefits will spread across our great USA. We must re-elect Chuck Grassley because the senators we need in Iowa are the senators we have. Please join me in supporting and voting to re-elect our great senator by Nov. 8.

— Debra Heldt, Johnston

Voters should side with children

As a mother and former teacher, I know the importance of Iowans having the opportunity to ensure that all children have access to quality early education. By voting for legislators with strong records of advancing early learning opportunities, we can provide the best for our children.

Early learning builds a strong foundation for lifelong success. It provides the building blocks for children to thrive — excelling in school and discovering a love of learning — all while improving our economy by ensuring parents have confidence in their child’s care while working or attending school. We have the power at the ballot box to create better opportunities for Iowa’s families, uplifting one another, and in turn fighting poverty and inequity. Regardless of political party, Iowans need to meet the moment and intentionally vote to put champions for children in office.

I was pleased to see Save the Children Action Network endorse state Sen. Sarah Trone Garriott and Reps. Megan Jones and Jon Dunwell. We need these legislators at the capitol to guarantee every child is set up for lifelong success. Our collective future depends on it. Voters should side with children.

— Erin Young, West Des Moines

Reynolds’ rejection of student debt relief puts hypocrisy on full display

The burden of student loan debt has forced millions of Americans into terrible choices, like staying in a bad job or delaying needed medical care. Thankfully, President Joe Biden’s decision to forgive thousands in student loan debt will put money back into the hands of people who keep our economy going.

Now, Gov. Kim Reynolds is once again displaying her hypocrisy and backwards logic. For years she has failed to adequately fund public schools, continuing to cut funding for Iowa's public universities. At the same time, she has sent massive tax cuts to the companies that are price-gouging Iowa consumers.

Reynolds is showing Iowans her true colors by railing against Biden's student loan forgiveness that will help thousands of Iowans afford their bills and the things that matter most. Working families fuel our economy, but Reynolds is afraid of increasing taxes on the greedy companies that fund her campaign war chest. Iowa workers and families with student loan debt benefit from Biden's loan forgiveness. Iowans deserve a leader who supports working families and makes their lives better, not worse.

— Matt Sinovic, executive director of Progress Iowa

Pieper Lewis never got a 'first chance'

Regarding Pieper Lewis' plight, which is worse? The appalling social-services failure that has been her life to date, or our crumbling legal system now punishing her for society's atrocious dereliction of responsibility?

This poor girl started life as an orphan and went from bad to worse. She had no childhood other than an abusive adoptive household from which she was forced to flee, and winds up being sex-trafficked and serially raped, as a 15-year-old. This is somehow labelled a "typical childhood" by a so-called professional therapist.

If that isn't adequately obscene, the court that should have protected her labels her a killer, demands she perform 1,200 hours of public service, and cough up $150,000 in restitution. For what?! For an act of self-defense?

The judge claims she's getting a "second chance." Where was her first? Tax-funded "public servants" failed spectacularly to do their jobs, when in fact she performed a public service by executing a child rapist. Society owes this bright, aspiring teen a debt of gratitude, and the "public servants" owe her restitution, via her GoFundMe account.

— John Burns, West Des Moines

Student-loan borrowers need to take responsibility

In response to the Sept. 15 letter that college educations benefit everybody:

The writer gives three examples of why some people would not want the loan forgiven. One example that stood out was students who had the loan should feel a hardship maybe like the hardships felt by their ancestors during a world war.

How can you compare paying for a loan to wartime rationing of food, materials, or having to deal with the death of friends and relatives?

Also, people do resent their taxes being spent on relief of someone else's loan since they might not have attended college. In our situation we paid for our daughter's and son's education. So now through taxation we are paying for another college tuition.

The writer stating that students almost unwittingly wind up with long-term debt is not believable. If you are attending college, you as an adult should know the cost involved.

A person should be responsible for their loan whether that be for an auto, home, or college.

— Mike Carmody, Ankeny

Help Lewis start anew

Justice and mercy are served. Thank you to all who had a hand in granting probation for Pieper Lewis, who killed her alleged rapist.

She has had a horrid life so far, and my deepest hope is that she gets connected to those who can really help her begin a new and wonderful life. She deserves it!

— Jacqueline Van Ahn, Panora

Sentencing for Lewis was not just

I am absolutely appalled that a 15-year-old female was prosecuted for killing her (alleged) abuser, that a sex trafficker "may still have charges brought against him" after how many years, that the prosecutors' office and judge think justice was done, and that the judge thinks she's been given a second chance.

A second chance? After her trafficker is more than likely still operating, and her attacker had more than one chance to offend her, the victim? Historically, was concern for this young woman's welfare, the incredible assault on her sexually, physically, psychically as a minor ever brought to bear?

Apparently, both the DA and judge have dismissed her as a victim of horrible crimes and see her only as a criminal who killed, actually in self-defense it seems to me, her victimizer.

Why doesn't this sort of "crime" come under any thing resembling a "stand your ground" issue? If in Iowa a trespasser can be killed — why not a trespasser on somebody's body?

I love my home state, but I had hoped to return to a place that had not returned to the times of my youth. I'm voting for Kimberly Graham for county attorney, and good riddance to John Sarcone.

— Sandra Houts, Des Moines

Seizing land for pipeline would take away our liberty

The proposed Summit Carbon Solutions hazardous CO2 pipeline is slated to go through the family farm we have owned for over 68 years.

During Gov. Kim Reynolds Republican response to the State of the Union address, she quoted Iowa's state motto, “Our liberties we prize and our rights we will maintain,” stating this is a belief, not empty words.

Public officials in support of eminent domain for this hazardous pipeline seem to be in opposition of the state motto. They are not willing to take action to fight the use of eminent domain and to maintain the rights of the land owner to keep and protect their land.

Reynolds said Americans are not in support of giving billions in tax giveaways for millionaires and billionaires. How many billions of dollars in tax credits will go to the millionaires and billionaires and those in public office who are supporting and backing the Summit Carbon Solutions CO2 hazardous pipeline?

Reynolds said, “You should not have to wake up every morning and worry about the next thing the government is going to do to you, your business or your children.”

Summit Carbon Solutions has sent many Partial Exhibit H documents (for counties across Iowa) to the Iowa Utilities Board showing the Iowa farmland that it plans to take by eminent domain if necessary. How can those in public office support the Iowa motto and at the same time be willing to strip away land and the rights of Iowa's farmers?

We need those in government to answer the question: Whose pockets are you trying to line? Are you willing to stand in support of Iowa farmers, or will you cave to those who have the most money?

— Mary Powell, Omaha, Nebraska

Get government out of employer-employee relations

Both sides of the "right to work" laws are wrong. The right answer is that the government should get out of the business of regulating employment relationships between private employers and employees. Neither employees nor employers should be forced by our government to do something against their will. And both employers and workers should be prohibited from using force against the other.

That means private employers should be free to negotiate or not negotiate with a union and workers should be free to strike or call for boycotts against any employer. If they want, private employers should be free to require that all of their employees join the union. Employees should be free to accept an employer's terms of employment, negotiate better terms, or look elsewhere for work. In all cases, no one, including the government, should be able to use force against anyone else.

In the case of government employment, the government should not be forced by law to negotiate with a union and employees should not be forced by law to join a union.

— Kurt Johnson, Urbandale

Grassley's attacks on rival are uncalled for

Chuck Grassley works, all right. He's on overtime in his attack on three-star admiral of the United States Navy Michael Franken. Franken is Grassley's challenger for U.S. Senate.

Grassley, who never served in the military, has his well-seasoned cadre of dirt diggers scouring the remarkable 36-year naval career of Franken in hopes of any tidbit that can be twisted to a big-dollar attack ad. Tough job. Franken's military career is impeccable and his leadership experience unmatched by any candidate in the country Franken even worked during the George W. Bush presidency with Republican Defense Secretary Donald Rumsfeld in the briefing on worldwide orders.

So, what is the nastiness from Grassley all about? How about diversion? What Grassley should be talking about is his "no" vote on the Inflation Reduction Act and the lowering of prescription drug and insulin costs for millions of Americans.

Franken dutifully served our nation. If he now seeks to further serve through public office after a distinguished career in uniform, he should have the opportunity. He should be applauded. Knit-picking nastiness is, well … curmudgeonly.

— David Helman, Salem

News media ignore important stories

First of all, we live in a republic, not a democracy.

Because no citizen can possibly become knowledgeable about the events of the day, it is imperative that we have access to unbiased information. Without facts, citizens can never make informed choices about those who represent us or wish to. Our Founders thought an informed citizenry important enough to enshrine freedom of the press into the First Amendment.

The old saw "all the news that's fit to print" has now become "all the news that fits the narrative," and the country is much diminished because of it. The legacy media isn't a bit curious about the origins of the Clinton-inspired Russia collusion hoax, China's involvement in the COVID-19 pandemic, not to mention just finding out who is pulling the strings for a befuddled Joe Biden. Of course I could go on, but your informed readers are aware of the others.

Our nation is awash in information. There is literally no statement or act which cannot be retrieved; memories are forever now. So what galls me most is that these media guys don't even care how easily we can find the truth.

We're on our own now.

— Jon Johnson, Grimes

College educations benefit everybody

A college-educated citizenry is a national asset, the cost of which ought to be born by the citizenry.

The hoopla over President Joe Biden’s forgiveness of substantial college student debt centers on the resentment of (a) those who struggled to pay for their own college and will selfishly feel vindicated only if others pay for their own (as though there should be another world war or depression so today’s youth appreciate the same hardships their parents and ancestors did); (b) those who paid for their own college but are grateful that the current financial struggles of college students have been, at least, partially ameliorated; and (c) those who did not attend college but resent their taxes being spent on college benefits they did not receive.

However viewed, financing college is not what it used to be. First, college costs today have risen as a result of heavy state and federal cuts in education funding. Second, college costs have grown and outpaced the growth in wages and income. Third, most students pay college costs with readily accessible, government-guaranteed borrowing. Unfortunately, colleges lean on students to pay for college at their testy asking prices, and students are forced to pay it. As a result, students (almost unwittingly) wind up with oppressive, long-term debt, sometimes lasting a lifetime

That is neither fair to students nor in the national interest. Unfortunately, few acknowledge the national need for an educated electorate to responsibly discharge its civic duties as well as a specially trained workforce to perform employment duties performable only with college training. The costs of both are worth substantial government subsidies, akin to the subsidies and tax breaks for nonprofit and for-profit businesses. The EU recognizes those needs and greatly subsidizes higher education, avoiding massive student debt.

After all, students are the countries’ future. It is unfair for students to provide the future and unmercifully struggle to pay for it or go broke trying.

— John Hearn, Des Moines

This article originally appeared on Des Moines Register: Letters: Eminent domain for private profits would be wrong