Letters: If you’re looking for ‘extremists’, look no further than Biden and the Democrats

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Opinions expressed in Letters to the Editor are those of our readers and not the Pensacola News Journal. In order for letters to be considered for publication, they must be 250 words or less and include name, a full address and phone number. Only your name and city of residence will be published. Email submissions to opinion@pnj.com.

Extremists exist beyond GOP

In his letter (“You might be an extremist if…”, Sept. 17), Charles Creel provided his leftist list of who may be an extremist. Creel states, “If you follow a leader who discriminated against gay people, women, migrants and Black people you might be an extremist.”

I assume he is referring to President Trump. However, it is President Biden who has an anti-LGBT record. He voted for the 1996 “Defense of Marriage Act,” which reaffirmed marriage as a union between one man and one woman. Biden has expressed security concerns in the past over allowing gay people in the military and government.

As far as discriminating against migrants, look at Mayor Adam, New York’s democratic mayor. He recently stated his sanctuary city may collapse under the weight of migrants. New York shelters plan to remove thousands of migrants to discourage new arrivals.

Creel states, “If you believe the 2020 election was stolen you might be an extremist.” Well, Hillary Clinton has suggested President Trump stole the 2016 presidential election. And who can forget Al Gore’s refusal to accept the results of the 2000 presidential election? The Supreme Court finally decided it.

Creel states “you may be an extremist if you value your political party and winning elections over the needs of your country.” He must be referring to President Biden and Attorney General Garland’s weaponized DOJ. They believe indicting Trump will stop him from becoming president again in 2024. It has only made his poll numbers surge.

— Ken Worthington, Pensacola

Readers don't hold back: Letters: Nothing Christian about Trump, and nothing Christ-like about supporting him

Don’t judge stranger by politics

While waiting in line at a restaurant my husband and I spoke with a very personable man. Some things he said hinted that he and I have different political views. The sad thought occurred to me that had I mentioned I was a Trump supporter, he probably would not have been as personable. After all, those who support Trump must be avoided so as not to be in the company of evil.

As evidenced by the many Trump-haters who write in, it is clear they paint all those who support him with a wide brush. I would submit this makes them the supremacists and the privileged, not me. Who knows, the next stranger I speak to could feel that way or possibly even be someone whose letters I have read in this very publication who has prejudged me to not be worthy of their time.

Think about this the next time you toss out derogatory names at those who vote differently, because you might miss the opportunity to make a friend. Even a blue-haired, hygienically-challenged Democrat activist might have some admirable traits, as could a MAGA-hat-wearing conservative!

— Delta Hixon, Pace

Perdido roundabout disappointing

Whoever engineered the Perdido roundabout has never been to Europe. It was designed to be cheap and small. You cannot go around it without driving over the lines. Canal Road in Orange Beach just opened their new roundabout, which is twice as big with way less traffic. We can do better.

— Paul R. Morris, Pensacola

Downtown Pensacola is for all

The Sept. 2 Pensacola News Journal article about public-private parking caught my attention. I recently attended a wedding breakfast for my granddaughter. The restaurant was on Palafox Street.

I was required to walk three blocks to attend. I walk with a cane, and this was difficult. It would have been nice to have a parking garage available to me. There are many new shops and restaurants in the downtown area. This is a great way to attract tourists. However, I would think that the merchants would also like the local residents to avail themselves of their services.

Downtown Pensacola is for all of us.

— Dave Burson, Pensacola

Hear from our readers: Letters: Biden has taken America from the most powerful nation to a global laughingstock

Give monolithic domes a look

Thank you for a timely article, "Storms intensify insurance risk,” in Sept. 23’s News Journal. Many of today's homeowners were not born when the federal government began its federal flood insurance program, which is an example of "the Law of Unintended Consequences.”

Prior to that time, only those who could afford the loss built homes in low lying areas where storms would likely heavily damage or destroy their homes. Since that time, of course, countless homes have been constructed in such areas. There is a type of construction called monolithic domes that is highly resistant to windstorms with engineering studies documenting resistance to wind speeds in excess of 300 mph.

If elevated, they are also virtually flood proof as evidenced by a recent example on Cujo Key. I have received no response from those from Gov. DeSantis, the state of Florida’s insurance commissioner nor local politicians and others regarding recommendations or requirements that houses in such areas be re-built as monolithic domes.

And, no, I am in no way associated with the construction industry. Perhaps the Pensacola News Journal could print an article on this type of construction. It would be, I think, of interest to your readers.

— Darrell Griffin, Pensacola

Military housing needs prioritizing

This past week two similar articles were reported in national media: the massive influx of non-documented immigrants across the southern border and the sad condition of military housing. Both impact all of our finances, safety, security, and the survival of our constitutional republic. However, one faded quickly out of sight and the other took center stage with false and misleading commentaries.

Military housing unfit for single soldiers (all branches) and family housing lasted a day or two in swift sound bites. Immigration, or more correctly, "invasion" continues on. All volunteer armed forces offer little or no enticement when living conditions are less than those provided for many undocumented violators of U.S. laws.

How can we recruit and retain highly qualified men and women to go to war if needed and ask them to live in quarters akin to slum rentals? How can we justify the open admission of tens of thousands who care little for our law and culture?

Some months ago, my letter dealing with five simple ways to provide fair and legal entry to migrants was published by the News Journal. Not one response. The juxtaposition of providing livable quarters and more for our military and the billions spent on housing, medical service, and subsistence for illegal entrants is quite evident.

The White House cares less for our protectors and more for the votes they hope to reap from the inundation of aliens who neither understand our Constitution nor our system of law.

— Richard Hahner, Pensacola

No ‘both sides’ to GOP manipulation

In response to Mr. Nein’s “Criminals exist on both sides” from Sept. 24:

You failed to provide any facts which support your belief that “it’s both sides” because there are none. Nearly all of the Republican attacks on Democrats are dishonest, wild exaggerations. The Democratic attacks on Republicans are mostly accurate assessments of the facts and are far less numerous.

Only one side maligns our intelligence agencies and our judicial institutions in their efforts to legitimize the criminal behaviors of their vindictive leader, a man who continues to show the world his contempt for our country, for our Constitution and for our national security. Only one side continues to embrace election denialism without one shred of evidence. Only one side, on Jan. 6, 2021, had a majority of its members refuse to certify a presidential election they knew to be fair and free.

There is no equivalence, no both-sides-ism. And nothing will return today’s Republican Party to decency for generations to come.

— Sally Radlauer, Pensacola Beach

Graffiti Bridge crashes ridiculous

These Graffiti Bridge crashes amaze me on how these trucks continue to ignore the height warnings of the 17th Avenue bridge. I wouldn't trust this company moving my furniture! That’s twice in one month. What do you propose, Mayor DC Reeves? You seem to have all the answers.

— Monie Russo, Pensacola Beach

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This article originally appeared on Pensacola News Journal: Letters: If you’re looking for extremists, look no further than Biden