Letters: Matt Gaetz is a self-serving, publicity seeker and we need to fire him next year

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Opinions expressed in Letters to the Editor are those of our readers and not the Pensacola News Journal. In order for letters to be considered for publication, they must be 250 words or less and include name, a full address and phone number. Only your name and city of residence will be published. Email submissions to opinion@pnj.com.

Time to fire Matt Gaetz

Northwest Florida is graced with numerous military installations, and is home for many retired and active duty folks and their families. So, why does our Congressman, Matt Gaetz, seek to stall and thwart the Defense Spending bill now before Congress?

Oh, I see, he thinks that America should gut any and all support for the Ukrainian people in their fight against Putin’s war on their country. Now, every poll I have seen shows very strong and overwhelming support by the American public for helping in this Ukrainian fight. Indeed, even his own Republican Party supports the American support of Ukraine.

And members of his own party sided with Democrats in the House to defeat the amendment he proposed that would have defunded our support of Ukraine. So, why would we want this self-serving, publicity seeking do nothing representing us in Congress? Just because he has an ‘R’ after his name?

We can do much, much better folks. Let’s get it right this time…and fire Gaetz next year.

John King, Pensacola

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Jubilee doesn’t want public input

Henry Ford reportedly once told a customer he could have a Model T in any color he wanted, as long as it was black. That same one-sided approach is evident as Jubilee developers in Santa Rosa County seek zoning approval in a campaign of smoke and mirrors.

In a previous public hearing, SRC commissioners voiced a desire for workshops to hear concerns and alternate suggestions from the community. Jubilee’s response? Nothing more than quick sales pitches touting their plan unaltered.

Efforts to genuinely seek out public input regarding issues related to this project have been simply token. Why? Jubilee wants to keep the public in the dark to ramrod through their ultimate zoning goal of unchecked density.

The project was not acceptable as originally proposed. It didn’t fit the surrounding area and was overwhelmingly opposed by local residents. Yet, Jubilee’s latest application is virtually unchanged. It will still be overly congested with too many dwellings, too many people and too many vehicles to be sustainable with the current infrastructure, traffic and flooding impacts. Jubilee never wanted public input and it doesn’t want any now. Henry Ford would admire such inflexibility.

Dave Lear, Pace

US Supreme Court got baker decision wrong

I disagree with the recent SCOTUS decision regarding a baker who refused to make a cake for a gay couple in violation of a Colorado law that specifically banned such discrimination. A PNJ column opined that this was a victory for free speech.

Colorado did not need to either ask the baker what her religious precepts were; nor did it need to make an accommodation for her because her right to free speech and her right to practice her religion were not significantly infringed upon. The baker still can stand on her soapbox and explain her religious views. To me the idea that this is a free speech case is a fallacy.

It seems to me that this case is one where any state can regulate businesses in that state. If a state gives you the right to operate a business, then you must adhere to the idea that anyone who wants to do business with you must be accommodated without discrimination except under certain, very limited, exceptions.

Many of these exceptions have been defined in statutory and case law. Colorado, in its wisdom, did not make an exception for this baker. Furthermore, Colorado is not restrained from enacting a different law to ensure that the baker complies with the same goal of providing service to her customers without discrimination. After all, would any jurist on SCOTUS want to be refused a cake from this baker just because they were wearing black robes?

Jeffrey T. Elliot, Pensacola

Fentanyl ODs destroying country

America is under attack. Our country’s 18- to 40-year-olds are dying by the hundreds from fentanyl overdose. These deadly colored pills are killing our young, the future of our country.

Through our porous border this candy-like poison is devastating our country. China, the leader of this assault, is gleefully watching our country self -destruct. Why aren’t our leaders doing more to stop this attack? Why can’t we plug the holes? An even bigger question is why does our young feel the need to use this fatal poison?

Have we become so affluent that we must seek bigger thrills? Have we lost the moral character on which our country was founded? Like Rome are we going to self-destruct? God help us!

Dave Burson, Pensacola

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Biden is corrupt, hates America

Another anti-Trump/DeSantis racist rant from Carlton Charles. His adored Biden is a corrupt, angry senile man who hates America and Americans.

Having received millions of dollars from our enemies he continues to spend our tax money on foreign wars, aid to those that hate us and to his corrupt friends for their useless ‘green dream’ projects.

Biden has weaponized government agencies – FBI, DOJ, DHS against Americas particularly conservatives. No doubt Mr. Charles loves living in a dictatorship if that dictatorship agrees with his racist, liberal beliefs.

Alex Crawford, Pensacola

Swimmers are in sharks’ homes

Regarding the “‘safety’ issue turns ‘political’ in talks of separating swimming and shark fishing in Navarre,” from July 14:

That recreational beach lovers are swimming and surfing in essentially the same zone as individuals fishing for sharks seems an obvious safety hazard, one that the Santa Rosa County Commission should address more seriously. But this issue is also an opportunity to consider the important role sharks play in our planetary biosphere.

Older than dinosaurs, sharks have been around even longer than trees. (100 million years longer!) Intelligent, complex animals – and capable of feeling pain – the biggest threat to sharks’ survival are human beings. Millions of sharks are killed every year. And due to overfishing, shark populations have declined by 70 percent in the past 50 years, even though they are imperative for healthy oceans.

Balancing our fragile aquatic ecosystem means reevaluating our treatment of animals. It means letting fish live.

Scott Miller, Research Specialist, Fishing & Waterways, The PETA Foundation

Trump not the only ‘criminal’

In response to Carlton J. Charles’ comments on Trump supporters, I must say, to observe idiocy, as you say, you need only look in a mirror. Let’s talk criminality. Biden has gotten away with influence peddling for years enriching himself and his family. And please do not tell me there is no evidence to support this claim.

Evidence of foreign cash trickling through the shell corporation LLCs he and his corrupt son set up is abundant. Republicans pursuing the truth uncovered the tangled web of deceit this man compiled over the years. You do not have to believe any of it but that in no way negates its existence as fact.

Pre- and post-election, Trump was hounded by fake accusations completely made up and proven false, but like the lap dogs in the press always do, they push their garbage fake news stories out to the people, fill their empty heads with nonsense, then after success is achieved and enough time passes, admit they were wrong.

Corporate media employs this tactic time and again. Your refusal to comprehend this is what confounds people who can actually think for themselves. We indeed live in a kakistocracy supported by people like yourself.

Richard Nein, Pensacola

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This article originally appeared on Pensacola News Journal: Letters: Matt Gaetz is a publicity seeker and we need to fire him