Letters: Minorities, low-income targeted by tobacco industry. J.D. Vance lacks empathy.

Vaping can put teens at risk for cardiovascular and respiratory issues, headaches, seizures and other serious consequences, according to Dr. Judith Groner, a Nationwide Children's Hospital physician.
Vaping can put teens at risk for cardiovascular and respiratory issues, headaches, seizures and other serious consequences, according to Dr. Judith Groner, a Nationwide Children's Hospital physician.

Helping youth 'Kick the Nic'

The Breathing Association is in support of the Coalition to End Tobacco Targeting's goal to ban the sale of all flavored tobacco and menthol cigarettes products. The Breathing Association has decades of experience as the hub of tobacco cessation and treating dependency with our Central Ohio community.

Seventy percent of those we serve are minority and all very low income. Our population is a target to buy these harmful products. We see the health effects and increased usage due to e-cigarettes in our community and support the ban of these products.

More:Angel: Big tobacco industry luring Black teens to death with candy-flavored e-cigarettes

The Tobacco Treatment Specialist program we offer to train medical professionals to treat and educate those with nicotine dependency has grown fast to meet the local needs. This comprehensive online program provides medical professionals the tools they need to provide smoking, vaping, nicotine treatment.

The epidemic with youth and young adults is setting the groundwork for a lifetime of dependency and lung health issues. While smoking cigarettes has declined in the youth population the overwhelming acceptance and trend to vape and use e-cigarettes with flavors has become an epidemic.

More:Kids saying no to cigarettes, yes to vaping

We are launching a new program to educate youth about the hazards of using these flavored nicotine product so they know the harms. Our new program called Kick the Nic is being piloted and we hope to expand it across Central Ohio to help youth understand and have the tools they need to kick this nicotine habit now while they are young and hopefully, we will reach youth before they begin.

The Breathing Association has been serving Central Ohio residents for over 115 years and now serves 1,500 patients per year in our Free Lung Health Clinic and in our Mobile Medical Unit, which travels to low-income Franklin County neighborhoods, relieving those living at or below the 175% Federal Poverty line of the lung health ailments and diseases that plague them through detection, diagnosis, care, and treatment.

Columbus must take action!

Lori Sontag, president and CEO, The Breathing Association

Letters to the Editor
Letters to the Editor

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J.D. Vance's 'the enemy' insult

My great-grandfather fought in WWI. Both my grandfathers fought in WWII. My parents served Ohioans in Cleveland’s schools and hospitals. I am a proud professor at a public university in Ohio. I earn a salary under $50,000 annually. Like most Ohioans who are feeling inflation’s impact, I must watch my expenses. Most of us are not millionaires.

In late 2021, Republican U.S. Senate candidate J.D. Vance gave a keynote speech at the National Conservatism Conference titled, “The Universities Are the Enemy.”
In late 2021, Republican U.S. Senate candidate J.D. Vance gave a keynote speech at the National Conservatism Conference titled, “The Universities Are the Enemy.”

My teaching – I hope- makes my students sharper thinkers, more empathetic, and better prepared to lead in a globalized society. If my student called a classmate “the enemy,” I would intervene. I would question their definition and logic and explain that ad hominem attacks - attacking the person, not their opinion - is the weakest type of argument.

“The enemy” makes me think of the terrorists on Flight 93, who flew over Cleveland on Sept. 11, 2001, where I was in high school.

J.D. Vance’s calling Ohio’s hardworking professors “the enemy” is ad hominem, insulting, and contradictory. Vance served The Ohio State University as a visiting professorship in 2017, of which he should be proud!

Above all, this insult lacks empathy for fellow Ohioans, qualities which I want in my elected officials.

Roger Anderson, Department. of Communication, Composition and Languages, Central State University-Wilberforce

This article originally appeared on The Columbus Dispatch: Letters: Minority, low-income people targeted to buy tobacco products