Letters: Native plant sale; support MCCSC referendum, sheriff candidate

Editor's note: Letters to the editor about the Nov. 8 General Election must be submitted by Tuesday, Nov. 1, to be considered for publication in The Herald-Times. To submit letters, go to heraldtimesonline.com, click on "Opinion" and "Submit a letter or column."

Typing on a keyboard
Typing on a keyboard

Thankful for native plant sale attendance

A big and cheerful thank you to everyone who attended and supported the MC-IRIS Native Plant Sale 2022. We are grateful for enthusiastic shoppers and for volunteers throughout the process of seed collecting, growing plants, transporting, staging and helping customers.

In addition, we deeply appreciate hosting the MC-IRIS Native Plant Sale at the Switchyard Park Maintenance Building and for the opportunity to partner with city of Bloomington Parks and Recreation. As an engaged and caring community we are able to reduce invasive species and increase native habitat in our city and surrounding areas. Thank you! MC-IRIS (Monroe County-Identify and Reduce Invasive Species)

Gillian Field, Bloomington

Support MCCSC referendum

As a school board member and parent, I want to encourage people to vote yes for the MCCSC referendum on Nov. 8.

A vote to help our public schools; our teachers and staff; and our students, is an easy "yes" for me. You’d have a hard time convincing me otherwise. If you’re still undecided, what can I say that you haven’t heard? That most of the money will go to the teachers and support staff that are the backbone of our school system? That Monroe County has one of the lowest school tax rates in the state? That losing this vote would mean cutting positions and programs?

Maybe the unique perspective I can add is that I am most proud of my vote to support MCCSC because I value the work being done to center equity and diversity in our strategic plan. A yes vote makes it possible for this work to continue. It’s a vote to support the kind of schools I want for my kids and for my community. Early voting began Oct. 12. I hope you’ll join me in voting yes for MCCSC.

Erin Cooperman, Bloomington

Voting for Williamson for sheriff

Nathan Williamson is the local candidate for Monroe County sheriff. He grew up here and instinctively cares for the safety and wellbeing of fellow citizens. Nathan will bring a balance of justice and healing to the community. He has integrity and common sense.

I served as the Monroe County community corrections director for three decades. It amazed me that I had never heard of Nathan’s opponent until he ran for office. I’ll leave it at that. Please protect Monroe County by voting Nathan Williamson for sheriff.

Tom Rhodes, Solsberry

This article originally appeared on The Herald-Times: Letters: Native plants, vote yes for MCCSC funds, endorsing candidate