Letters: Police, immigrants, Biden and abortions

Welcome immigrants

Psychologists have known for over 80 years that emigrants who leave a country are smarter, healthier and less risk adverse than those remaining, traits which benefit the destination country.

This is a major reason why the U.S. and its open door policy have helped to make us the strongest country in the world.

Our history of racial and ethnic diversity has been a key to our strength as a nation.

If those who speak out for racial purity win, and in doing so ignore world history and evolutionary science, our brightest and best will leave the U.S. in a reverse migration to Europe and other continents.

Throughout our history we took anyone who wanted to enter, rich or poor, educated or not, without regard to skin color, religious or not and it worked out just fine.

I am strongly against recent talk of immigration based on merit because this country has thrived by taking in those who are just looking for a better life.

Also, we never know exactly what traits will be most adaptive or maladaptive in the future.

We know what works best in immigration so let’s keep the door wide open including refuges from anywhere.

Leslie Ruthven, Wichita

No excuses

It has been years overdue, but the city has finally completed an investigation into the Wichita Police Department as outlined by an article printed in the Wichita Eagle on April 22, 2022.

Now, the county needs to follow Wichita’s example.

Racism and misconduct do not have a place in law enforcement, and those responsible should be fired.

What is disheartening is that former Police Chief Gordon Ramsay may have lied when he said that he had informed the city manager of inappropriate emails exchanged within the department. The city manager has disputed this.

Ramsay’s abrupt departure is also a cause for concern. Obviously, he could have learned of the internal probe by the Citizens Review Board and decided it was time to vacate.

The complete picture will only come into focus following the investigation into the Fraternal Order of Police.

Once done, the city should do everything in its legal powers to ensure that in the future police officers and the FOP will always be above board and not down in the gutters.

Nor should we accept any excuses, either from PD or the union.

Michal Betz, Wichita

Not likin’ Biden

Democrat Joe Biden ran on uniting the country and with his unfortunate election proceeded to do just the opposite.

When we object to his radicalism or question the gross incompetence of his administration, you can almost imagine the echo of Hillary Clinton and her “basket of deplorables” mumble out of Uncle Joe’s faltering lips

.Using dark money and nebulous undefined terms like equity, climate emergency or racism the Biden administration attacks his critics as undemocratic while he leads us into the murky swamp of neo-left degradation.

Parents don’t want their children subservient to teachers’ unions or indoctrinated by agenda driven activists masquerading as teachers.

From the height of Trump era security, hundreds of thousands of unvetted “who knows what” now illegally cross our border in a calculated attempt by democrats to subvert our democracy and are then relocated into our communities without consent.

Gregory H. Bontrager, Hutchinson

Abortion crisis

America is in a major constitutional crisis.

The blatant partisan vote in Gore v Bush was bad enough. Overturning Roe is a full blown assault on church-state separation on an unprecedented scale.

Pro-Lifers by virtue of their religious beliefs weren’t ever going to seek abortion anyway.

Only women who value secular reproductive freedom will be criminalized.

Justice Samuel Alito states it’s time the issue went back to the states. Is abortion immoral under federal constitutional protection but moral if permitted under state law?

If Roe goes there really is no longer any sphere of personal space off limits to authoritarian government fiat.

John Williamson, Wichita