Letters: On private education, trans youth, helping refugees

There are no 'down sides' to removing governments from education

I am writing in response to letters in your March 11 issue. If you agree with the separation of church and state, why not embrace it for education, as well?

I know that one of the most prominent objections made historically has been the expense of private schools, but there are private schools around the world that successfully cater to the poorest students without taxpayer support. Separating state and education eliminates the issue of religious interference by removing the opportunity for government support of religious doctrine. Schools would be free to teach what they please to whomever they please. Any school that didn't work would fail. And parents would be free to shun schools that take bullying too lightly.

In today's world, there is no downside to getting government out of education.

— Rob Abiera, Oklahoma City

Oklahomans should advocate for trans youths

In 2020, the UCLA Williams Institute conducted a survey in which it found there were at least 25,000 LGBTQ youths between the ages of 13 and 17, and 2,100 of those youths identified as transgender. A 2022 survey conducted by the Trevor Project found nearly 1 in 5 transgender and nonbinary youths attempted suicide. Given the data, without successful interventions, approximately 420 transgender youths will attempt suicide this year. There are 149 members of the Oklahoma state Legislature. For every Oklahoma state representative, there are approximately three Oklahoma transgender youths who will attempt suicide.

Recent studies within the medical community, demonstrate gender-affirming hormone therapy reduces suicide in transgender youths by up to 73%. Many Oklahoma state representatives have chosen to draft bills criminalizing this lifesaving medical treatment that could reduce the number of Oklahoma transgender youth suicide attempts from 420 to 114. Instead of focusing on bills to increase protections and the odds of survival for these marginalized youths, they continue proposing legislation that would lead to the deaths of hundreds of children statewide. Presently, Oklahoma Senate Bill 613 attempts to makes gender transition procedures for children a felony offense, and SB 129 attempts to limit gender transition procedures to individuals over 26 and restricts any public funds to be used to provide these procedures.

I urge all Oklahoma state representatives to advocate for these marginalized children and strike down both lethal Senate bills. I am a father of three children and can only begin to imagine if any lifesaving medical procedure they needed was in danger of being outlawed. Further, I am calling on all Oklahoma residents who value the lives of children, to phone or write their state representative encouraging them to vote no on SB 613 and SB 129.

— David Owens, Tecumseh

We should lend a hand to refugees, not turn them away

When people talk about illegal immigrants or asylum seekers, they paint a face of a criminal, generally a man. The United States has the most immigrants of any nation globally. I’m here to paint a real face of these immigrants.

It’s the face of a mother who tried to hold down job after job even though she couldn’t read or write. It’s a face of a child who never had a chance of escaping generational gang violence, rape, drugs and prostitution. It’s the face of a young boy who never had a mother or father who loved him.

These are the types of faces that often seek refuge in the United States. They have arrived at our doors, and they’re asking for our help. They’re asking for a hand to pull them out of the quicksand.

These are faces willing to work hard. These are souls willing to take jobs no one else wants. These are minds who are willing to follow laws if it means escaping their trauma back home. These are hearts willing to take on the traditions of a new country to become her citizens.

Let us get involved with local agencies and encourage interagency interventions involving other organizations. Let’s connect these souls to social workers and other advocates who can explain and connect them to the process of citizenship. Let’s get to know their culture and connect them with the right help they need.

Please understand when you say, “Send them home,” you’re talking about a face that belongs to someone. You’re speaking of a face throwing out her hand and pleading with you to pull her out of death. And you’re telling her instead to go back to her hell. Instead, let’s hold out our hand, find them help and look for better ways to encourage them to live lawfully among us and contribute to our economy.

— Michael Carson, Edmond

Letters to the editor
Letters to the editor

This article originally appeared on Oklahoman: Letters to editor: On private education, trans youths, helping refugees