Letters: Proposed bill on backyard dwellings has good intentions, but weak substance

In response to the Aug. 7 piece in the Times-Union on backyard dwellings, I am glad the issue of affordable housing is finally getting some attention and I’m all for allowing people to expand their household footprint. However, this proposed legislation by a city council member will have no significant impact on the affordable housing crisis.

Do we really believe we are going to solve this problem by asking or allowing people to incur the cost of expanding their home to create additional space for relatives and/or unrelated tenants?

There are a couple of obvious problems.

First, despite the high-minded name of the bill — “Keeping Our Families Together Act” — not everyone wants children or relatives living in their home. Many family members already continue to live together, not by choice, but by economic necessity. This is particularly the case for adult children living with their parents. Low wages, student loan debt and rising housing costs all contribute to the phenomenon of “boomerang children." The share of young adults living with their parents today is already at levels not seen since the Great Depression.

Second, why do we assume housing built for unrelated tenants would be affordable? What prevents these micro-landlords from setting rent at the currently high fair market rate to cover their mortgage or to recoup the costs of expansion? There will most likely also be a great temptation to place these expanded rooms and living spaces on Airbnb, significantly amplifying the cash flow but doing nothing for affordable housing.

This proposal generally represents a classic neoliberal approach, shifting the responsibility to address a serious social problem to individuals, rather than local, state and federal government. No need for a public sector role or a government policy. Perfectly consistent with the now dominant anti-government ideology of the right.

David Jaffee, Neptune Beach

Hardaker a voice of reason

Campaigners wave at cars on a primary Election Day Tuesday at a polling site in Jacksonville.
Campaigners wave at cars on a primary Election Day Tuesday at a polling site in Jacksonville.

As a parent and a mental health counselor, I believe that one of the most urgent issues we face today is the mental health crisis amongst our youth. According to the National Alliance on Mental Illness, suicide rates are highest amongst adolescents and young adults, with nearly 20 percent of high school students reporting serious thoughts about suicide. In this climate, the decisions we make about how we run our schools have become a matter of life and death. Therefore, we must choose wisely when it comes to the elected officials responsible for running them.

I plan to vote for Tanya Hardaker for school board District 6, who is mother to seven children, all enrolled in Duval County schools. She has demonstrated her commitment to working for the welfare of all children and understands the gravity of the mental health issues facing students in our community. By contrast, the current District 6 representative, Charlotte Joyce, has used her time on the school board pandering to politicians. This spring, her proposed resolution — in support of the controversial “Don’t Say Gay” bill — resulted in countless hours wasting the school board’s time. It also put some of our most vulnerable students at greater risk of harm.

Hardaker is the voice of reason we need on the school board today. She has no ulterior motives and is running only to improve access to quality education for all Duval County students. It’s time to bring the focus back to helping students, supporting teachers and improving schools. I believe Hardaker is the one to do it.

Diana Davis, Riverside

More backyard buildings opposition

The Greater Arlington Civic Council (GACC) unanimously opposes the proposed subject ordinances — 2022-447 and 2022-448 — and strongly supports the unanimous opposition of the Arlington Beaches Citizens Planning Advisory Committee.

These proposed ordinances are not about keeping families together. Any single-family home is currently allowed additions. Accessory structures with bathrooms are also currently allowed in single-family residential districts. These proposed ordinances would allow the accessory structures to become rental houses, making all single-family residentially-zoned areas into multi-family residential districts.

These ordinances are also highly discriminatory. Poorer, older neighborhoods without homeowners’ associations (HOAs) will be impacted, while covenants and restrictions will protect neighborhoods with HOAs. Why are backyard rental units not allowed in HOAs? Because they are undesirable and will create blight. Parking is already a problem in many single-family residential areas and additional rental units will only exacerbate this problem. Backyard rentals could also introduce a transient element into stable neighborhoods.

Jacksonville currently has serious unaddressed septic tank problems and issues with existing single-family homes in low lying areas. Allowing additional housing units to be constructed in these areas is not a good idea and will be costly to address in the future.

Please listen to the citizens of the Greater Arlington area and oppose these changes to the Future Land Use Element of our Comprehensive Plan and to our Zoning Code.

Lad Hawkins, GACC president

Enough with the smear tactics

I would like to know what political candidates intend to do for constituents, not hear them tear each other apart, make up lies about one another and then leave it to voters to try to sort out the truth. Voters don’t know the truth about some candidates; for instance, one of the most vicious Florida smear campaigns in recent memory is the current one between state representative candidates Jessica Baker and Christina Meredith.

There is so much vitriol being spread by each candidate toward the other in television ads, as well as in multiple daily mailings. I thought I knew who I wanted to support; but with all the hateful words for her opponent and vice versa, I honestly don’t want to vote for either. Please, as a candidate, tell voters what you support, what you will do for constituents and truthfully — why you want to hold that position. Voters are tired of all the lies.

Lina Ingraham, Jacksonville Southside

‘Banana republic,’ huh?

Former President Donald Trump's Mar-a-Lago estate on August 17, 2022 in Palm Beach, Florida.
Former President Donald Trump's Mar-a-Lago estate on August 17, 2022 in Palm Beach, Florida.

Gov. Ron DeSantis claims that the legally and judicially authorized warrant permitting the search of former President Donald Trump's home was the action of a "banana republic." I must strongly disagree. Since DeSantis is also a lawyer, I cannot understand why he does not consider a valid search warrant to be an essential part of a democracy.

However, I would like to point out that the firing of a duly elected state attorney (for what appears to be political reasons, as opposed to performance issues) actually is the act of a dictator of a banana republic.

I pray every day that such threats to our democracy will stop. But the words and actions of Florida’s governor continue to erode my confidence in our leaders, leading me to believe that we may lose the most precious freedoms of our beloved country.

Randy Kammer, Esq., Empire Point

'Mickey Rat’ more like it

The Aug. 17 column by Mark Woods opened the proverbial can of worms with regard to write-in candidates. To call it a loophole is too generous — scam is far more appropriate. Is it democracy to use this loophole to close voting to only a certain party? Then forcing those who want to vote (and make the effort), to switch parties, vote, then switch back? Simple solution: Close the loophole.

With so much ado about voting irregularities, making changes or making false claims, this ancient scam still exists. It does one thing, however; it puts the individual write-in candidate on display, exposing their character and moral objectivity.

The “Mickey Mouse” example Mr. Woods wrote about would be more appropriately named “Mickey Rat.”

Gary Schuran, Middleburg 

Carney out of her depth

The Aug. 3 Beaches Watch forum was the only time the two candidates, April Carney and Elizabeth Andersen, were side by side. What came across from Ms. Carney is a list of grievances stemming from a situation where her kid(s) were unhappy, had difficulty in school and were bullied. She didn’t think the perpetrators were punished enough.

When she went to the school board it was because she felt no one was listening.

As a mother, I can relate to her frustration and anger, but unfortunately Ms. Carney didn’t have any constructive solutions, either to her child’s specific situation or for any of the problems facing DCPS.

Her vaguely defined policies, such as they are, are terrifying to me. They range from putting military veterans in classrooms to arming anyone and everyone.

I believe she’s out of her depth and is being used by people with their own agenda.

She argues that she wasn’t “listened to,” but, it seems that she is confusing that with “got exactly what she demanded.” Ms. Carney was able to use the parent and student choices in the public school system — including the McKay Scholarship, charter schools and Florida Virtual School — to do what she felt was ultimately best for her children.

Being a strong advocate for your kids is a wonderful thing. Those children are lucky to have a committed passionate parent working hard for them. However, we don't need Ms. Carney’s vendetta-driven, ill-informed policies in the School Board.

The safe, compassionate, knowledgeable, education-focused hands of the incumbent, Elizabeth Andersen, is what our district needs.

Hanna Moore, Jacksonville Beach

Slogans only go so far

I agree with the campaign slogan, “Putting Families First.” I also agree with the candidate that said discipline is an issue with teacher retention. However, what are families doing to make sure their children are behaving in the classroom? We give them phones or tablets as a distraction at dinner, in the car and anywhere we can’t be bothered. They vie for our attention while we, as parents, remain glued to social media. We are becoming a community of narcissists and our children are learning what see at home.

April Carney doesn’t have an answer for this, nor can the school board fix it. It’s up to the families. Teaching your children to be resilient when faced with obstacles (like not getting what they want) or rationally discussing topics that run counter to their family’s beliefs is what makes healthy well-adjusted adults. Supporting teachers and administration when your child is being disrespectful — and not transferring your own insecurities to them — is also a good place to start.

Do I think Elizabeth Andersen can fix this? No. However, I do think she will be able to oversee a budget, the hiring of a superintendent and monitor the success of priorities implemented to help the children of Duval County. That's because she is the only candidate with any experience doing these things.

Remember when you vote what the actual job entails, not partisan culture war nonsense created to hype up a campaign slogan.

Jeffrey Shimp, Jacksonville Beach

Voter casting a ballot
Voter casting a ballot

Carney’s the one we need

I know April Carney, running for Duval County School Board District 2, as a person full of integrity and concern for the education that our children — our future leaders — are currently getting. Although my children are grown and out of school, I worry about the quality of the education system here in Jacksonville. I fully believe that Carney can provide consistent, honest and uncompromised leadership. Her focus will be on financial accountability and a curriculum centered on science, technology, engineering and math, so that our students will be fully prepared to be successful as adults.

Her opponent has made much about keeping partisan politics out of the schools. I find this ironic, since she and the majority of the current board members seem adamantly opposed to complying with the governor’s common-sense efforts to keep radical politics out of the schools. To the contrary, Carney cares deeply about making sure that students are not distracted by current political trends, ideologies and policies that do not help them become literate, independent and contributing adults long after their DCPS days are over.

Yes, let’s put kids first, not partisan politics — vote for April Carney on Aug. 23.

Brett Godard, Neptune Beach

No diversity in sheriff’s candidates

Why is there no diversity of candidates for Duval County sheriff in the upcoming election on Aug. 23? I see only one race represented. Where are the Asian, Hispanic or Native American candidates, among others? I thought everyone deserved to be heard.

What actions have been taken to enhance the pool of prospects for our lead law enforcement officer? On the surface, it appears there is exclusion — not inclusion — of the rich tapestry of people that comprise the fabulous mosaic of Jacksonville.

This is a travesty and I'd like to see something done about it immediately.

Steve Holder, Jacksonville

Raid showed poor judgment

The FBI used very poor judgment raiding Donald Trump’s house. They will not be able to prove they found anything relevant or that it wasn’t planted. This obsession with the former president makes me wonder what kind of worrying information he might have on his opponents.

With all the problems the current administration is faced with, Trump would seem to be the least demanding of their resources.

Alice Wood, St. Augustine

Rubio’s head-scratcher

Sen. Marco Rubio apparently proposed an amendment earlier this month to limit pregnancy services only to biological females. Since only biological females (those born with a uterus) can actually get pregnant, this is like offering an amendment to enforce the law of gravity.

Ralph Harding, Orange Park 

This article originally appeared on Florida Times-Union: Letters: Backyard dwellings bill has good intentions, but weak substance