Letters: A reader endorses David Randall; an argument for paid leave

David Randall for 44th House District

I am writing on behalf of David Randall’s candidacy for the 44th House District in Connecticut’s General Assembly. He is running against an opponent who supports MAGA, the Tea Party, and the idea that the last presidential election was rigged.

Such right-wing fantasy is hard to overcome because it is based on lies that resist reason or rational thinking. David Randall, on the other hand, has worked in the real world serving real people for his entire life. He is a veteran law enforcement office, a former chief of police, and a community symbol for law and order. Dave is a veteran of the United States Armed Forces. Meanwhile his opponents have been circulating lies about him because they are scared of his competence. Fear motivates most of what the right-wing says these days. They say, for example, that David Randall doesn’t support the second amendment. The truth is Dave has always supported the second amendment and a civilian’s right to responsible gun ownership — he was responsible for providing gun permits as police chief! The fact is that Dave has helped countless citizens take advantage of their second amendment rights. Dave’s opponents do not care about the truth. Do you?

When Dave wins, he will represent Sterling, Plainfield, and Killingly and address himself to real issues that face our communities. Dave is about serving people rather than a fantastical ideology imported from Washington D.C. Sterling’s water supply problems are emerging, the mental health of our young people has never been so threatened, things cost too much, and taxes are often unfair. What has happened these past six years in the state house? Our current representative votes no on virtually everything that might benefit people, and votes yes on issues that benefit big money. Her voting record is a matter of public record. Please, let’s vote for a moderate who can work with moderates to serve the real needs of our region, including keeping costs and taxes down, supporting efforts to help businesses find a home here, and making sure we tend to the resources we depend on.

Dave has been endorsed by Independents, Democrats, firemen, policemen, and veterans. The 44th District is desperate for a public servant to lead us away from the MAGA cliff of polarization and violence. We need someone to represent the people of the 44th District. Vote for Dave Randall in November.

Joseph ZornadoKillingly, CT

Letters to the editor policyElection 2022: Letters to the editor policy

Proud to live in a state with paid leave

Polls show that most Americans support having paid leave for serious illness or birth of a child but few states have been able to implement such a program. I'm proud to live in a state that has.

Did you know that since January 2022 almost every worker in Connecticut, whether full-time or part-time, is now eligible for up to 12 weeks of paid leave? Like Social Security, this program is paid for by a small deduction from workers' weekly pay. The weekly deducted amount (half of 1%) for most employees works out to about the cost of a cup of coffee.

So far, over a million dollars has been awarded to approximately 25,000 workers. Women are the highest users - not surprising as they tend to be society's caregivers. Men are also applying, with about 44% of male applicants taking leave for child bonding. Workers aged 26 to 41 filed more than twice the applications as the next highest group of 42- to 57-year-olds, demonstrating that younger workers, critical to Connecticut's economy, value this important benefit. Connecticut workers can rest easy knowing they can pay the bills and put food on the table in their time of need.

Carol J. Williams, PhDWillimantic

This article originally appeared on The Bulletin: Letters: A reader endorses David Randall; an argument for paid leave