Letters: Retired Marine hopes for restoration of E pluribus unum

As a boy, I was taught by my parents that your character is what defines you and further, who you are when nobody is watching.

As a Marine Corps officer leading troops during combat in Vietnam, those early lessons were essential for establishing trust. Also, growing up in an all-white community caused me to view those around me with a different set of lenses. It was life-changing.

I am increasingly concerned about our democracy becoming an autocracy. While Donald Trump is no longer Commander in Chief, the residue of Trumpism remains. The polarization has alienated our allies and demeaned our country. We have gone through a period being led by fear rather than hope. Our institutions are under attack.

While we have undergone governance crises before, we always listened to reason while peacefully agreeing to disagree. Our democratic values were the glue that held us together. May E pluribus unum (out of many, one) be restored and civil discourse be the norm — rather the exception.

David G. Osbeck, Orange Park

This article originally appeared on Florida Times-Union: Letters: Retired Marine hopes for restoration of E pluribus unum