Letters: Carbon pipeline plans don't justify eminent domain

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Carbon pipeline plans don't justify eminent domain

Everything I've read about the carbon pipeline leads me to believe the process will be as damaging to the environment as the carbon emissions would be if left alone. A push, so to speak. What bothers me the most about the plan is the use of eminent domain to build it. The only valid use of eminent domain is for the good of the public, and if that is the case the project should not be a for-profit enterprise. If you are intending to take my property the government should run it at no profit for the benefit of the people as a whole!

— Beryl Richards, Nashua

Hinson knows what helps Iowans most

Ashley Hinson is working for Iowans.

Iowa needs strong leaders who will give us a real seat at the table in Washington. Hinson is not afraid to speak up for Iowans on issues that matter: protecting our border from lethal drugs, pushing for fiscal reform versus voting for policies that increase inflation on Iowans, and promoting US energy independence.

Hinson has also visited our community numerous times, to listen to our concerns and work across party lines on legislation. On the other hand, her opponent has had some questionable votes in the Iowa Legislature — voting against tax cuts to improve our economy, voting to prevent in-person classroom instruction, and voting against common-sense election integrity provisions such as voter ID.

Please join my family in voting for Ashley Hinson this November.

— Bob Brunkhorst, Waverly

Beans outside the Field of Dreams?

Something is missing from every article written about a proposal to fund annual activity at the Field of Dreams. Is planting corn in the same spot year after year without rotating crops harming Iowa’s excellent reputation as a good steward of agriculture? As any Iowa farmer can tell you, rotation is the key to healthy corn, soil, and the prevention of insect infestation.

— Marty Ryan, Des Moines

Leadership, not labels

The U.S. Senate recently passed the CHIPS+ Act designed to encourage more U.S. companies to produce the semiconductors that power computers, appliances, automobiles, airplanes, and some of the military’s most advanced weapons. The $280 billion measure includes grants and tax breaks and directs Congress to increase spending on high-tech research programs. This legislation is intended to lower costs for working families, strengthen our supply chain, keep jobs in America, and ensure we can out-compete countries like China. Sen. Chuck Grassley called the bill "unnecessary corporate welfare" and voted against it.

Apparently, the definition of corporate welfare depends on the industry. According to the Journal of the American Medical Association, from 2000 to 2018, the 35 largest pharmaceutical companies reported a gross profit of $8.6 trillion, all coming from us through insurance premiums or out-of-pocket. Yet, over that period, Grassley repeatedly refused to support legislation requiring that Medicare negotiate drug prices, as the Veterans Affairs Department does.

Since the senator has accepted over $1 million from Big Pharma throughout his career, we can understand his reluctance to call these trillions in profits corporate welfare. However, he willingly applies this label to the semiconductor industry whose products are at the center of our modern society, including the smartphone he uses for his frequent tweets about government waste. Should we rely on our largest economic competitor, China, for one of America’s core technologies while many of our fellow citizens can’t afford overpriced drugs? We need real leadership, not more misleading and unnecessary labels.

— Thomas Cook, Iowa City

DeJear can win the election and succeed as governor

I spent enough time with Deidre DeJear to know she would be a good governor. She is hands down the most enthusiastic gubernatorial candidate I've seen in recent years. Some enthusiasm will help defeat the Republican.

In her acceptance speech at the Iowa Democratic Party convention, DeJear said, “My story being possible in Iowa ensures that all our stories are possible.” It resonated with me. It would resonate across the state.

When people ask, "Can she win?" they seem to be referring to a few things:

  • The governor has a 17-point advantage in the latest Iowa Poll. DeJear is behind in fundraising as well. This can be overcome with hard, smart work.

  • DeJear is Black. Some in Iowa won't vote for a Black governor regardless of their qualifications.

  • Democrats, including me, are worn out from elections beginning in 2010. We need new stories, ones to which all Iowans can relate. Deidre DeJear is that story.

Can she win? Yes she can if you vote for her and convince your friends to do likewise.

— Paul Deaton, Solon

Don't forget that we live in a wider world

As the Register’s Iowa Poll data suggest, domestic issues are the most influential issues in the upcoming midterms. Understandably so, as domestic turmoil with Supreme Court decisions, increasing gun violence, and rapidly inflating prices draw the nation’s collective focus inward. That being said, we must not forget the global implications of our votes as well.

In truth, many of the issues we experience on a statewide and nationwide level also exist at the global level. I urge candidates, including Chuck Grassley and Mike Franken, to support various expansions of foreign aid, as to assist in addressing the issues both globally and domestically.

The Girls LEAD Act and the Keeping Girls in School Act are both means by which our members of Congress can explicitly support global women’s rights. Support for the Ethiopia Stabilization, Peace, and Democracy Act demonstrates a desire for global stability. And general expansions to and protections of the foreign aid budget show our members of Congress’ dedication to international issues, in addition to domestic issues.

— Eleanor Corbin, Grinnell

School boards shouldn't be political

While it has been two months since the end of the primary election, a statement I heard that night hangs with me.

While I deeply respect and admire the service that Adm. Mike Franken has given to all of us and to this country, his comment about being involved in all elections in Iowa disturbs me.

As someone who dedicated themselves to 18 years on a local school board, I strongly disagree with his statement that he wants to be involved in all elections from school board on up. School board elections in Iowa have been and should be devoid of any political involvement. It appears that some areas are now trying to change that in a way that does not help schools and kids.

It appears there is a large disconnect between candidates and how Iowans have been involved in the schools they love.

— Tom Shipley, Nodaway

Iowa welcomed this RAGBRAI newbie

Greetings to the residents of the state of Iowa:

My name is Mike Urbanik, and I am from Peach Bottom, Pennsylvania, and I was a participant in the 2022 Register's Annual Great Bicycle Ride Across Iowa. This was my first RAGBRAI.

I came into this scared to death and nervous as cat on a hot tin room.

Well, the ride is over, and my training for 2023 has started, and boy do I need more. This of course is not why I am writing to you. I am writing to say one thing; THANK YOU.

On day one, I was speechless to see thousands of bikes ahead and behind me. I was impressed with the organization of the whole ride, but one thing really stood out: you, the people of Iowa. I am from the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania, and yes, we have good people, but you just blew me away. From day one, I was showered with love.

You open your homes and your lives to us. Your roads were closed, and yet I did not hear a lot of anger over that. People waved and welcomed us into each town. When I would stop for a rest while riding, people just showered us with water, their front yards, whatever they had.

Once, we had just finished riding at the end of the day and set up our lawn chairs. A husband came out and sat with us, his wife said that if we needed a restroom to just come on in. I am sorry, but at home we are locking the doors.

I only got to Mason City on day four, and yes, I did get the 104 miles in (my first century), but after that I ran out of gas. I rode 290 of the 462 miles, so, yes, I do plan to return. I have a goal now, to ride all seven days.

Thank-you again, people of Iowa. In church we learn, "Verily I say unto you, inasmuch as ye have done it unto one of the least of these My brethren, ye have done it unto Me." Matthew 25:40. Well, you did this and then some. Thank you and I will not forget you. See you in July 2023. P.S. There are hills in Iowa!

— Michael L. Urbanik, Peach Bottom, Pennsylvania

Will Grassley defend Trump's honor?

Since Sen. Chuck Grassley covets Donald Trump's re-election endorsement so much, one awaits the Register report of his outrage at a headline in the paper's national news section, on Aug. 3, a headline that smears Grassley's big backer by reporting the truth: "Ariz. GOP primary tests power of Trump lies."

— Herb Strentz, Urbandale

Iowans should demand humane treatment of farm animals

Right now, a law protecting farm animals, Proposition 12, is being challenged by the meat industry in the Supreme Court. Though this is a California state law, the outcome of the Supreme Court case could dramatically impact farming practices in agricultural states such as Iowa. Proposition 12 is a law that bans the cruel and extreme confinement of mother pigs, egg-laying hens, and baby calves. It also prohibits in-state sales of pork, eggs, and veal that come from facilities in any states that keep their animals in extreme confinement.

As someone with deep roots in Iowa farming heritage, I understand that laws like Prop 12 not only help protect farm animals from inhumane treatment, they also support local, family farms over factory farms. My grandmother grew up raising her own livestock in southern Iowa, and my parents buy meat and eggs from people in town who allow their animals to roam free. Buying locally empowers ethical, independent farmers over corporations like Hy-Vee and bolsters rural communities.

It’s time that Iowans pressure our representatives to pass laws like Prop 12 and celebrate our heritage of responsible stewardship and family farming by demanding a high standard of care for land and animals.

— Devin Buckley, Corydon

To save lives, follow the rules of the road

An insightful July 31 editorial promoted zero traffic deaths, with a painful reminder of how the recent hit-and-run death of an East High School student caused so much pain in a family and community. The piece spoke of a Maryland consulting company that is working to help with solutions.

I can offer a few solutions for free that would pretty much guarantee a reduction in injuries and death for both drivers and pedestrians, be they walking or using other modes of transportation:

Drivers, obey the laws that are already in place. Drive the speed limit, and be observant of school, construction and neighborhood posted limits. Stop at stop signs. Don’t drive through yellow/red lights. Avoid distractions, chemical, technology, passengers.

Pedestrians, obey the laws that are meant to keep you safe. Cross with the lights, cross in crosswalks. In the absence of sidewalks and crosswalks, be alert for drivers that may not be as observant to pedestrians as they could/should be. Wear reflective clothing after dusk. Avoid the distractions of technology, earbuds and cell phones probably the worst offenders.

Whether driving or not, be compassionate and observant of your fellow citizens. It costs nothing and will help ensure everyone makes it home safely.

— Steve Lame, Des Moines

Bridges can make crossings safe

One solution to protect "'vulnerable' road users, including people on foot and on bicycles" that wasn't mentioned in the Register's July 31 editorial: more pedestrian bridges.

We have pedestrian bridges over Interstate Highway 235 and a newer pedestrian tunnel under Fleur Drive. Gateway Bridge is being built on the Iowa State University campus to make football game days safer for pedestrians. Iowa City has had accessible spiral footbridges for decades.

Why should our students be mixing with vehicles on East University Avenue, a four-lane road, which is also designated as a highway? It is possible that Ema Cardenas would still be alive today if she had been able to walk over traffic rather than into it. Pedestrian bridges should be built near schools and their facilities when adjacent to three or more lanes of traffic. This may be the fastest route to the safest crossing.

— JoAnne Zallek, Des Moines

Positive story about a passionate Iowan was welcome

I was very happy to see the story in the Register on Monday regarding Iowa City 14-year-old Shanza Sami and the other nine American finalists in the 3M competition.

These young scientists have demonstrated a sincere interest and desire to improve the health of individuals and the environment. Shanza is especially interested in air pollution and developed a five-stage extension to a catalytic converter to purify emissions from fuel powered-vehicles. She and many others who participated in the 3M competition are such a force of new ideas.

Thanks to the Register for including this very positive story about so many young people who are working to change our future for the better.

— Anne Hoffmaster, Urbandale

Iowa's waters have changed for the worse

Horse drawn to the tractor. Tractor seat to air conditioning in a cab! Now there’s the GPS to practically let the tractor or combine drive itself.

Some change is good. Some isn’t. Our Iowa swimming beaches used to be a free, fun place to go on the hottest afternoons. Now the question is whether or not your favorite beach is on the algae or E. coli list. That’s shameful.

— Curtis Christiansen, Des Moines

This article originally appeared on Des Moines Register: Letters: Carbon pipeline plans don't justify eminent domain